
Reincarnation : The World of Pandoria

CHAPTER ????? : ????? (Pov ???????) |Time - Unknown| |Date - Unknown| |Location - °•°○●□¤▪︎☆♡| Step..* Step...* "Huff...ha...Huff..." (???????) Ever since I had opened my eyes, my journey for power up to this present moment, has been filled with nothing but cold soundless darkness Step...* Step...* "Huff...ha...Huff..." (???????) And for all my untold power and might, I couldn't do the one thing I had promised myself to fulfill, even if it cost my very life Step...* Step...* I was helpless Step...* I couldn't do it Step....* Step....* "Huff...ha..Huff..." (???????) Right now I carry a burden of unimaginable regret that I know in the deepest depths of my heart could never be undone...not now Step....* Step...* Step..* Step.* I may have failed, I may have regrets that I so wish to correct, but in the end all I can do is, keep moving forward "Heh, it's the only thing I can do at this point." (???????) Step.* CLANK....!!!* ============ (Pov FurineG15) |Time - Unknown| |Date - March 2024| |Location - Earth| "I tried coming up with a more attention grabbing synopsis, and that's because the last one wasn't really...well attention grabbing." (FurineG15) "So I just took a page out of the the most diabolical and the most delectable form of bait from one particular anime called 'dotuto cough*' and click baited my novel, did it work, did my synopsis catch your attention!?" (FurineG15) ..... .... ... .. . "Well you wouldn't be reading this if it hadn't." (FurineG15) 'I'll maybe change the synopsis again later down the line but as of right now, Mmm...not really.' (FurineG15) "Anyways hope you stick around and enjoy the the read and well yeah." (FurineG15) FurineG15 out \[ ^ o ^]7 PS. Chapters will be released randomly PPS. Cover not mine

Furine_G15 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Chapter 3 : A Promise

(Pov Unnamed)

|Time - unknown| |Date - unknown|

|Location - Main Vampire Castles Lower Dungeon|

"Ha...Huff...Ha...Huff..." (Unnamed)




After an unknown amount of time later my burning rage slowly subsided as if the fuel that had been used to ignite the flames were gone, however the sadness in my heart still remained strong like a hole in my heart that my never close until I see all those who had done young Gallant wrong be brought to death

"But...that's only...if I get...strong...enough to do it...with my own hands." (Unnamed)

I stated with a small trace of rage in my voice while clenching my fist hard enough to draw blood


'First lets see what I'm dealing with.' (Unnamed)

I thought with my mind now somewhat cleared up I turned my attention back to the glowing white status window which now that I had a closer look seemed awfully similar to what a status panel from some of the games I played back in my old world looked like

'Weird...but acceptable I mean this is another world with magic after all.' (Unnamed)

[Name : Gallant Nova Lock

Age : 4 years

Race : Vampire/Iris

Rank : Unranked

Class : -

Level : -

Bloodline : VampIris (Cursed Vampire variant)

Status Condition : Damaged soul, Lesser Damaged rids, Tired, Hungry

Curses : Eternal blindness (directed towards the soul), °•●○□♤ ☆¤°□¤• •○□● (°•●□•¤ ¤▪︎°□¤)

HP : {10 / 8}

MP : {120 / 80}

Strength : {1}

Defense : {6}

Intelligence : {20}

Magic : {20}

Toughness/Resistance : {20}

Agility : {6}

Luck : {-20}

Spirit : {10}

Charm : {10}

Elemental Affinity : Blood, Fate and ¤○•°●□¤

Skills : {Lesser regen lvl 6} {Pain resistance lvl 5} {Lesser soul pain resistance lvl 1 New!} {Lesser sunlight resistance lvl 4} {Lesser poison resistance lvl 4} {Mental disorder}

Unique skills : {Enhanced senses New!}

Ultimate skills : -

Soul skill : {True Synthesis New!}

Titles : {Cursed child} {Forsaken child} {Cursed bloodline} {Incomplete Slave} {Half-breed} {Lonley} ]

As soon as I read the information on the status window my 'eyes' darted toward the titles section and when I saw the types of titles young Gallant had my blood boiled in anger but I quickly took control and placed my attention elsewhere

'So this is the Curse Gallant was born with huh?' (Unnamed)

I thought as I focused my intention on the curse section when suddenly...


{Eternal blindness : A vile curse that was created by ??? ??? ???, it infects both the eyes of the soul and the eyes of the flesh, once this curse enters your soul and body it will become a part of your very being leaving you staring at the void for all eternity}

'Wait appraisal! did young Gallant have a skill like this and now that I take a closer look there are somethings that changed in my status screen...how?' (Unnamed)

I asked but I quickly shoved that question into the back of my mind as I read the curses description

'So...this...curse, wait...the soul? is that the reason why I have the damaged soul status condition, it must have been the aftereffects of the curse forcefully latching onto my soul the moment I entered young Gallants body...huh?...so this curse Is with me for eternity huh...dam-...wait.' (Unnamed)

However my eyes quickly shot wide open in shock as my blood ran cold once I re-read the curses description

'Created...the curse..was created!?' (Unnamed)

I thought in utter shock and disbelief, if...t-thats the...c-case...then...


'Lets...think about this later.' (Unnamed)

I thought as I continued to look through my status skills and appraising each one

{Lesser regen lvl 6

Grade : Rare

Description : Regenerate 1 HP every 20 mins, Cost - 5 MP each 1 HP}

{Pain resistance lvl 5

Grade : Common

Description : Physical pain can be resisted to an extent}

{Lesser soul pain resistance lvl 1

Grade : Rare

Description : Pain inflicted to the soul can be resisted to a lesser extent}

{Lesser sunlight resistance lvl 4

Grade : Rare

Description : Races with a weakness to the sun can resist it to a lesser extent}

{Lesser poison resistance lvl 4

Grade : Common

Description : poison can be resisted to a lesser extent}

{Mental disorder

Grade : Rare

Description : Mental clarity can be achieved at faster rates in correlation to your intelligence stat}

{Enhanced senses

Grade : Epic

Description : The wealder of this skill will have their Five senses enhanced and also allows the user to 'see' things other people tend to miss with their eyes, its growth is in correlation to your spirit stat}

{True Synthesis

Grade : Unranked

Description : Synthesis but better}

'Huh!? Synthesis...but better ? What the hell kind of description is that! and besides when did young Gallant even have a skill like this?' (Unnamed)

I thought as I turned my attention towards the rest of my status window

'My Elemental Affinity is Blood, Fate and uh...what?' (Unnamed)

Just looking at my status window I would have thought it was bugged or something with all the weird nonsense written all over it

But it clearly wasn't so what was wrong...?

The only answer I could come up with was that with my soul entering young Gallants body it somehow messed with the system or something?

'Sounds possible...but I can't jump to conclusions yet.' (Unnamed)

Anyways reading the description of each of my skills, affinities and some other stuff really helped me come up with a really good understanding of myself





'I'm undeniably weak as of right now.' (Unnamed)

I thought bluntly, releasing a weak and helpless sigh as I continued to look through my status while trying to come up with ways to get stronger moving forward and finding a way out of my dire situation

'How can I get stronger hmm...damn were do I even start?' (Unnamed)

but before I could think any further I was suddenly hit by a massive wave of exhaustion


'I'll think about it later, not like I can do anything stuck in this stupid dungeon...sigh* I'll go to sleep, today has been a long day with all this sudden reincarnation stuff and I'm mentally exhausted right now.' (Unnamed)

I thought as I was too tired to think about a proper way forward and decided to get some rest

But before that I had one last thing to say...

"I will make a promise to you with my very life on the line, your revenge will be served on a silver platter prepared just warm enough for you to taste the despair in the souls of the enemies who wronged you." (Unnamed)

I stated with undying conviction coming from the very depths of my soul...

"That I promise you, Gallant." (Gallant)

I ended off before finally falling asleep and resting my fatigued mind as I needed all the rest I could get so I can carefully prepare as much as I can for the unknown future that now lay before me








'(Whoever stated that revenge is a dish best served cold is either a fool or someone who enjoys eating cold food) (True revenge is best served just warm enough for you to enjoy the flavor of despair from your enemies).' (Gallant)

famous qoute from Gallant

Hope you enjoyed the chapter

FurineG15 out!!! \[ ^ o ^]7

Furine_G15creators' thoughts