
Reincarnation Pill: The Retired Assassin

Before the nuclear war of the 21st century, a vampire named Voltaire took a pill for him to escape the troubles of the dystopian reality of our apparent world. Then, the pill made him dream about his life-long reincarnation to a post-apocalyptic world, where time became medieval again, in a fantasy-like world. Then, he meets his past-self from the current era, as they converse and travel together as one soul but different people, bounded by fate.

KleiNightwriter · Fantasi
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13 Chs

Dawn Of Eternity Pt. 1

Amid dawn, I awake from the dread of night. Feeling eager to turn my new life around, make anew, and most of all, forget the past from such vile sins that had desecrated the souls of the people I've murdered. I used to be an adventurer like you. Until I've been stabbed, slashed, sparked, set on fire, spiked by ice sharper than a sword, poisoned, taken an arrow all over my body, and so on. It all started during the Great Civil War of 5022. For I had no partaking into the socioeconomic politics that is none but madness and nonsense, all because either side is terrible people regardless.

In the far south. Where the rebellion against their government decided to set up a base in their home city. Their dark-toned skin in the desert with scimitars and daggers, poisoned arrows and curved one-edged daggers were a weak army. Yet, they were smart to hide in the shadows of the blazing, scorching heat of the sunshine that befalls onto the terrain of the vast desert. They work together with the best morale as stealth archers with venomous arrows, hashashins covering all of their bodies with cotton clothing.

Yet, their uniform covers their entire faces except for their eyes. All in white because they discovered that the colour black was cursed once in the desert. After all, it absorbs the sun's heat to the point that it will boil your blood inside out.

That said, the snow was all cold and freezing in the North of this region. They are the ones who talk all about honour and bravery. They claim that doing tricks and killing by stealth is a crime against them because it is cowardly, as they never begin to think it is a brilliant idea.

Such as throwing sand on the face to blind your enemies or lurking through the darkness in the veil of shadows mean you are not worthy as an opponent and must face them like a man.

Though, in the northern region, they treat women as inferior, as they think they only work as housewives for food, shelter, and house chores for the children.

While the men there would be risking their lives just to earn gold to support the family, their love there is equal to everyone.

However, in the vast deserts' south region, it is a disadvantage for the North because it's too hot. Claiming their dark deities protect them, while it is also the opposite for the south region in the treacherous blizzards of the North. Claiming they have some sort of dark arts covering them by a shield of storms.

When in truth, by their claims. Both think they are protected by their heavenly personal deities as a shield against each other. Some in the central region believe the two opposing deities are twin brothers and sisters who use these shields to prevent each other from raiding during the war. Or some say that one singular dark deity is doing this to keep the fight going for all eternity.

Though, in the northern region. They have skin that is pale as snow and enjoy the treacherous weather there to the point they don't need extra clothing unless they come up to the mountains they call "Mount Elysian". The highest peak in the entire world. And as for the men in the south. They treat men and women as equals and even let them join the cause of the war.

The central government is located in the north region, taking control of the entire continent. The rest of the continent stands their ground and partakes neither side of such madness.

The cause of the war was because an assassin of The Darkened Path, which everyone fears the most. While some say it is instead just a cult, insiders call it a family better than the ones that abandoned them.

The anonymous assassin killed the Emperor of the entire continent. Ever since, the north region blamed the hashashins of the south, even though the hashashins only use their arts of acrobatic trickery just to defend themselves from intruders. The North is dumb, while the south is innovative, the North is more robust, and the south is weaker.

And do you know who killed the Emperor? It was me. Yes, I know, such a shocker, isn't it?

Well, you see. Back in the day, I was just a young lad, full of inspiration and set my foot at the light of day for an adventure! I only had my trusty iron sword, a steel dagger, a brown leather backpack and a bedroll attached under it. Then, some potions, some ingredients for the power of alchemy to make potions, some food, and some gold.

But somehow, I mastered the art of crafting potions so quickly, gifted as a prodigy to the point where I can slay any evildoers that stand in my path.

I may not be the best at combat, but the potions help me regenerate my wounds too fast, numbing the pain. But I had to bandage myself as soon as the fight was over after stitching it up, take another numbing potion, and then take another healing elixir. That is when it starts to heal fast within seconds!

I even have the potion of strength, archery, and everything else I need. And I don't even have to buy ingredients from the local traders. Unless a wandering merchant bargains me to purchase expensive yet rare ingredients that seem too sketchy for my own good. But you see, adventuring takes a lot of risks, and I have to take anything I should for adrenaline!

I used all these potions for me to help me with my adventures. That is until I met the leader of the Thieves Guild. They wanted me to join as their new recruit, but I only did it because of the corruption of the government here, which they call "The Grand Empire". I steal from the rich and give it to the poor. Until all that goodness has taken a toll on my brain.

I was addicted to gold and used all that money on gambling and wine. I even crafted my own potions to help me, pickpocket, better, and even an invisibility potion!

But the money here was not enough, so I ventured out to the wilds of the forest in search of The Darkened Path. They accept anyone, especially rejects. It could be lost werewolves, abandoned freaks, good vampires who used to be evil but were never given a second chance, and so on.

I felt greedy, so I took my way up to the top of the world to finally assassinate the Emperor, and I felt no guilt for it. And after everything I've done, it was all for nothing but gold. I was finally wealthy from kill after kill. But I thought I may be too foolish to do this, even after becoming the leader of The Darkened Path. I gave away my title as The Grand Leader and bestowed upon my favourite companion that helped me throughout my days and nights, for they were restless.

So, I retired and spent all my gold in a humble abode, which wasn't too fancy, just a tiny house, and gave the rest of the gold to charity.