
Reincarnation One Way And Back

A nigh-omnipotent god gets bored so he erases his memories, gives up his power and reincarnates as a normal human in a modern world, and then dies again. First time writing anything, it's just a story I had in my head and decided to write it down. Irregular updates due to school. English isn't my first language so point out any mistakes. Never wrote anything so formatting is not how it should be. Current websites that this story is being uploaded to: Wattpad.com, Webnovel.com, RoyalRoad.com, Quotev.com

Idktheusernameel · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

Chapter 2: The Nigh-Omnipotent Being's Restart And Nivia's Plan.

20000 years later, in a universe far away from his friends Avalog was reborn. A simple hospital on the outskirts of a city in a modern country introduced this once-godlike now human being into the world. A normal human woman gave birth to a baby. What nobody realized was that this baby was the previously nigh-omnipotent Avalog, now named Alexander, or Alex for short, by his parents. Avalog is completely unaware of what is happening. While his Soul was present in this human body his conscious mind was not, just like an infant human's.

Alex's cries filled the room the moment he entered the outside world but he calmed down the moment he saw his new mother. A woman named Elisa Donovan held Alex in her arms, looking down at him. She had black, curly, shoulder-length hair and blue eyes full of love and kindness. A man named Maximilian Donovan, Elisa's husband of 5 years, was standing next to the hospital bed, looking at his newborn son. He had dark brown hair reaching down to just below his shoulder blades, brown eyes that were full of happiness, and he was 1.89 meters tall.

The hospital staff checked both Alex and Elisa for any complications or other problems, and after finding none they discharged the family home after about 30 hours.

When Elisa, Maximilian, Max for short, and their son Alex arrived to their countryside home the couple showed Alex around the house as if he understood a single thing they were saying.

"And here is your room! Do you like it?" Elisa asked while looking at Alex in her arms. Max stood right next to his wife. Alex, obviously, didn't react and just stared at his mother with a grin on his adorable face.

"Well, I think that you're more excited than him about the room." Said Max with a chuckle at the end, seeing Alex not react at all to Elisa's question. Elisa looked at Max with what was supposed to be an angry expression but instead it made her look even cuter than she normally was and said,

"I'm not! It's just that... I mean... Alright! I am a little bit excited, is that a bad thing?" Max simply smiled warmly and hugged Elisa tightly, making sure to include Alex in their hug.

"Never said it was a bad thing. And just so you know, you don't look angry or scary, you look really cute actually." Replied Max, his breath tickling Elisa's ear as he informed her about her expression. Elisa blushed a little and looked away from Max's gaze, a small pout on her face.

"You're so unfair because every time I tease you you would flip it around and tease me instead!" Elisa replied but didn't move away at all, instead she leaned her head more into Max's chest while still holding Alex in her arms. Max kissed his wife's forehead and looked down at her, looking right into her eyes, his hands holding her by her waist.

"So? That just means that I'm better at teasing than you, don't you think? And it's not like you want me to stop either, so what's the issue?" Max teased Elisa further, knowing that he's right. Elisa smiled and closed her eyes, still in Max's embrace. Alex, oblivious to what was happening, was simply looking between his parents with a smile on his face, and a bit of drool dripping down his chin and onto Elisa's chest and the floor below.

"Just because you're correct doesn't mean you're right." Said Elisa and opened her eyes after a moment and she saw was the drooling Alex in her arms. She pulled away from the hug and walked over to a shelf in their living room, picked up a tissue, wiped Alex's chin and threw the tissue away. The couple then sat down on the couch in their living room. There was a single couch in the room along with two armchairs that faced the coffee table in the middle of the room. Under the wall-mounted TV there was a shelf with various things, the tissue box, small figurines and more. On the right side of the wall there were multiple photos of Max and Elisa when they were kids, showing them playing around or hugging one another. One of the photos was taken on the last day of 5th grade, Max and Elisa standing side by side in front of a middle school just after Elisa kissed Max on his lips in front of his friends, Elisa with a grin on her face and Max's face turned red, the friends in the background of the photo cheering as back then Elisa and Max were best friends and weren't dating. A photo of Max's and Elisa's wedding hanged on the wall along many others. The walls of the room were beige in color and there was a dark grey carpet beneath the coffee table on the wooden floor.


The life in the Donovan household was peaceful for the next 7 years. A lot happened in that time, one of those things was Alex taking his first steps at 3 years old. Another one was Alex saying 'Dad' as his first word while Elisa was watching him play with his toys on the floor. 2 months after he turned 5 years old he started attending the countryside's small kindergarten. He made friends almost immediately, his bright smile and energetic personality made him very popular among his classmates.

One day, a week after Alex's 7th birthday, his parents and other adults from the countryside decided to build a small playground so the children from the countryside can play with each other while the adults can watch them from their homes. And in a week, there it was, a playground which became popular in an instant. Everyday, when children came back from kindergarten, they ate dinner and went to the playground to play and have fun with their friends.

After eating dinner, Alex pleaded with his mom to go with him to the playground as he wanted to introduce her to a new classmate that he just met after the classmate moved to the countryside.

"Honey, watch the house, Alex is really excited." Said Elisa with a smile to Max. Max, who was in the middle of washing the dishes after dinner, didn't look away from the sink and replied,

"Of course, have fun you two." Alex, beaming with excitement and with Elisa's two fingers in his small hands, dragged his mom to the hallway where they put on their shoes. Then, Alex continued dragging his mom out of the house and towards the playground. After walking for a little over a minute they arrived at the playground and Alex immediately let go of Elisa's fingers and ran towards a boy who was playing in the sandbox. Elisa stood there and watched as Alex and the boy greeted each other. Then, the boys ran back to Elisa, Alex in clean clothes and the other boy with sand on his pants and his hands. Alex had a bright smile on his face while the boy had only a small smile.

"Mom! This is Jake! He's from a big city!" Enthusiastically said Alex, clearly excited about Jake's previous place of residence as he put an emphasis on the words 'big city'. Jake got slightly embarrassed and said,

"H-hi, I'm Jake, nice to meet you, b-but it's actually not a big city, it's small." Elisa chuckled at what Jake said. She knelt down to Jake's eye level and replied,

"Hi Jake, nice to meet you too, I'm Elisa, Alex's mom. I hope everyone accepts you into the class as quickly as Alex did." Alex, with a wide grin on his face, nodded eagerly at Jake, confirming what Elisa said.

"Thank you, ma'am. And don't worry, everyone accepted me already and they are asking so many questions about how living in a city is like, so I think that we'll get along!" Responded Jake as he looked behind himself over his shoulder and saw the rest of his classmates watching him, Elisa and Alex talk near the bench. Elisa looked behind Jake as well and once she saw the amazed kids near the center of the playground she decided to let Jake go back to his classmates. She stood up, sat down on the bench behind her and watched Jake and Alex go to their classmates.

On the playground were 16 children, their ages ranging from 6 to 12 years old. Some were in the sandbox, others were on the slides or just running around the playground playing tag.

As Elisa sat down, a young-looking man came up to her and sat down next to her on the bench.

"Nice to meet you, I'm new here, name's Chris, hope my little one didn't cause any problems." Said the man, a tired look on his face.

"Nice to meet you too, my name's Elisa. Don't worry, Jake didn't cause any problems." Replied Elisa. "And it looks like he already likes it here." She added as she pointed to the sandbox where Jake played with Alex.


Let's go back in time a bit, to an hour after Avalog left the private universe. Time flows different in different universes which makes short time in Alex's universe a long time in another universe, meaning that all of Avalog's friends were watching Alex's life in extreme slow motion.

Flying through the endless expanse of space of some random universe was a palace. The palace was huge, small rooms the size of hundreds of superclusters, while the bigger rooms could measure up to almost a thousand superclusters in size.

In one of the countless rooms there were three women in the middle of a tea party. The furniture was giant but the women were also huge, so the furniture looked normal-sized for them.

These women were the Primordial Spirit Nivia, the Demoness Vyria and the Angel Aelia. Nivia has calmed down since Avalog left but now, she looked like she was thinking intensively about something, and to Aelia and Vyria it meant problems most of the time. Suddenly, Nivia slammed her palms on the table as she stood up.

"Guys, I have an idea, please hear me out!" Yelled out Nivia as she looked between Aelia and Vyria. Aelia looked tired while Vyria looked in anticipation to hear Nivia's idea. Nivia started speaking again,

"You know, Avalog is way too carefree, so I'll mess up his plan a little..." Nivia paused for a second to take in her friends' reactions before she spoke up again. "I'll erase my memory and reincarnate with him!" Nivia shouted out in excitement. Aelia's eyes were wide open while Vyria was trying to hide her excitement, but she failed and Aelia noticed, so Vyria got a stern stare from Aelia.

"Nivia, what if he doesn't want you to join him? He said he wanted to go on an adventure alone. Besides, you're the embodiment of the concept of beauty, you can't just give it up like it's nothing." Aelia said, trying to derail Nivia's thoughts from this plan. Vyria had her eyes closed, thinking about what Aelia said. On one hand, she was excited to see Nivia mess around with Avalog's plan, on the other, she realized that Nivia can't just give up has status as a Primordial Spirit because if she did then the concept of beauty wouldn't exist. Nivia looked proud of herself.

"Well, if you really need to know, I won't be giving up the concept of beauty, it'll still be assigned to my being. I'll simply erase my memory and then reincarnate alongside Avalog." Nivia said proudly, satisfied at herself for coming up with this solution. Vyria stayed silent, excitement clearly seen on her face, Aelia sighed and while holding her head in her hands she said,

"Alright, you can go, not like we can stop you anyway. Just promise not to cause too many problems." Nivia simply nodded.

"I promise..." Nivia replied. "Not like I'll remember the promise anyway." She added in a whisper.

"Good luck Nivia! And you're right, Avalog is way too careless!" Said Vyria to encourage Nivia.

"Well, see ya!" Said Nivia and then disappeared. Vyria was excited while Aelia had a tired look on her face. Aelia sighed and said,

"Well, there's bound to be some problems when an excited Nivia is involved." Vyria shrugged at Aelia's words and continued on sipping her tea.