
Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God - Side Story

DISCLOSURE: FOR PROMOTIONAL AND PERSONAL USES ONLY. All information used to create this novel can be located on the Author's "Lucky Old Cat (天运老猫)" Public Wechat (https://mp.weixin.qq.com/mp/appmsgalbum?__biz=Mzg3ODU3MDI3OA==&action=getalbum&album_id=1736590865898209290&scene=173&from_msgid=2247483960&from_itemidx=1&count=3&nolastread=1#wechat_redirect) and no premium services are being provided except for translating the public RAWs using chatgpt to English. DESCRIPTION: Side Stories for Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God published by the author on his WeChat. You can find the Professional translation of this novel by @Hellscythe at https://hostednovel.com/novel/reincarnation-of-the-strongest-sword-god-side-stories

Earth_Kingzz · Game
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25 Chs

Chapter 20: Just a Junior Mentor

"Talented! Truly talented!"


"The top geniuses of those top-notch guilds probably aren't any better than her!"


"I never expected that Wu Lingling's talent would be even more astonishing than her sister Wu Xiaoxiao!"


As Wu Lingling walked out of the virtual reality warehouse, the silent venue erupted into exclamations. Especially the mentors of the academy and the high-ranking members of the major guilds, their eyes were shining as they looked at Wu Lingling. Luo Tiancheng's eyes were almost popping out, unable to believe such a result.


"This is impossible!"


"Why is Wu Lingling so strong?"


The three of them, the cousin of the guild president, Gu Tong, were defeated by Wu Lingling when they joined forces. This completely turned the plan of the Phantom Guild to make a name for themselves in the academy into a joke...


Among the crowd, Lin Yaoyue's gaze was also burning as she couldn't help but look at Shi Feng sitting in the front row.


"So, that's what he meant?"


Lin Yaoyue didn't quite understand what Shi Feng had said before, about how a competition wouldn't be interesting with too many people.


Now it seemed that this competition was indeed as Shi Feng had said.


With Wu Lingling's strength, if two helpers were added, the competition would probably be over before it even started. It wouldn't be like now, where they can fight for tens of seconds and both sides have their ups and downs.


However, Lin Yaoyue looked at Shi Feng and sighed quickly, with a hint of sympathy in her eyes.


Originally, Shi Feng could have become famous in the academy with Wu Lingling's help, and even established a certain position in Jinhai City.


Unfortunately, the innocent suffer for the guilty!


In the current world, the Divine Realm has become the second world for people, even more important than the real world. This is because in the Divine Realm, human lifespan can be doubled, and in order to have better development in the Divine Realm, talent is absolutely necessary. A powerful genius can even elevate an entire force, which is quite common in the Divine Realm.


Although Gu Tong is recognized as a genius in the academy, he is ultimately just a genius in the Jinhai Divine Realm Academy. There are many geniuses of this level in the top guilds, so the top guilds don't usually try to poach from the major divine realm academies.


Generally speaking, these academy geniuses become professional players before they have the qualifications to catch the attention of the top guilds.


Of course, there are a few geniuses who are highly regarded by the top guilds, such as those noticed by the high-level members of the top guilds, or those like Wu Lingling who have already shown outstanding achievements. The top guilds would secretly recruit them in advance.


But now it's different!


Wu Lingling's talent has already surpassed Gu Tong, and even the current academy star Wu Xiaoxiao. Such a genius is definitely someone that all major forces want to snatch.


Shi Feng is just a junior instructor in the academy, with no backing. The academy definitely wouldn't allow a junior instructor like Shi Feng to teach a top-level genius like Wu Lingling. After all, Wu Lingling is a great opportunity for the academy to make a name for itself nationwide, as well as an opportunity for success and fame. Many high-level instructors with backgrounds in the academy probably wouldn't let this opportunity slip away.


At this moment, not only Lin Yaoyue, but also many intermediate mentors present, looked at Shi Feng with sympathetic eyes. Because at this moment, several senior mentors had already run to the dean of the academy, clearly intending to recruit Wu Lingling. One of the senior mentors had a close relationship with the Phantom Guild and was also the mentor of Gu Tong, Qi Laoshi.


Although the rules of the academy allow students to choose their mentors, it is not impossible to change them. As long as the student and the teaching mentor agree, they can change mentors at any time. In addition, for some special students, such as top geniuses like Wu Lingling, the choice of mentor cannot be solely determined by the teaching mentor.


The academy's dean, Wu Zhenyang, who had half-white beard and was over sixty years old, was also at a loss.


There were only four senior mentors in the academy, each of whom was a prominent figure in Jinhai City and had trained many famous professional players. The major guilds in Jinhai City respected these four individuals greatly, and even the high-level members of some top guilds wanted to make connections with them. However, because of Wu Lingling's battle, they all ran over to snatch the student without considering the face of the major guilds and the academy...


"Dean, Wu Lingling's talent is amazing. It's difficult for our academy to produce a student like her in ten years. We must provide her with the greatest resources for cultivation."


"That's right. Shi Feng is just a junior mentor who recently joined the academy and doesn't have many resources in the Divine Realm. This important task is too heavy for him. Let me take care of it."


"Dean, look, over the years I have trained many outstanding professional players for the academy, but I still haven't encountered a truly talented student. Let me take care of Wu Lingling. I guarantee that her future achievements will surpass Wu Xiaoxiao and she will directly enter the A-level league!"


The three senior mentors spoke one after another in front of Wu Zhenyang, as if they would fight to the death if Wu Lingling was not handed over to them for teaching. They completely disregarded the etiquette they used to have, leaving the high-level members and leaders of the major guilds around them dumbfounded.


Just as the other three senior mentors finished speaking, Qi Laoshi, who had been silent all along and was also the youngest senior mentor, looked at Wu Zhenyang seriously and said, "Dean, Wu Lingling's talent is extraordinary. If you are willing to entrust her to me for teaching, I can give her a training spot in the Super Guild Dominating the World branch as a reward!"


As Qi Laoshi spoke, the three senior mentors and the high-level members of the major guilds couldn't help but gasp. None of them had expected that Qi Laoshi would be willing to offer such a price.


The Super Guild is a true giant in the Divine Realm, even surpassing the top guilds that are beyond reach.


Although I don't know how Teacher Qi managed to establish a connection with such a super guild like the Overlord Guild, the training quota of such a super guild is definitely something that countless geniuses dream of. Even if it's just a training quota for a branch, it is something that the top guilds dare not imagine.


If combined with Wu Lingling's talent, her future achievements will be limitless!


"Well..." Wu Zhenyang hesitated for a moment, then slowly turned to the four senior mentors and said, "I can't directly agree to this matter. It requires Wu Lingling and Teacher Shi's consent. If they both agree, then I won't have any problems."


"Is that so?"


Wu Zhenyang's words made the four senior mentors ponder for a moment. Then, without saying anything, they turned and left. Because they understood that Wu Zhenyang didn't want to offend anyone and would let them figure it out on their own. It was up to each of them to prove themselves as Wu Lingling's mentor.


However, among the present, only Teacher Qi had the most relaxed expression on his face. The other three senior mentors were not surprised, because although it was said that both parties had to agree, it was actually a competition among the four of them.


For the four of them, dealing with a junior mentor like Shi Feng was an easy task. It mainly depended on Wu Lingling's thoughts. After all, a junior mentor from a college was not worth much. It was said that he was even expelled by the Shadow Guild. Even with Wu Lingling as a trump card, it wouldn't be easy to survive in Jinhai City.


After the four senior mentors left the VIP area, Wu Zhenyang and the high-level members of the major guilds returned their attention to the arena. However, watching the matches of other freshmen at this time felt dull and uninteresting.


After two consecutive hours, the freshman team competition ended without any suspense. The champion unsurprisingly went to Wu Lingling alone. At the same time, she also obtained the privilege to visit the Tianji Pavilion branch in a few days, which made Gu Tong and the others envy her.


After the announcement of the end of the new team competition, Gu Tong specifically came to Wu Lingling and said with full fighting spirit, "Wu Lingling, just you wait! Although you have excelled in your agility this time, I will never let you have the training quota for the Dominating the World branch under Teacher Qi!"


After Gu Tong finished speaking, he turned and left. His outstanding confidence left no room for doubt among the many freshmen present, because everyone present knew that Gu Tong's cousin was the president of the Shadow Guild and also a genius cultivated internally by the super guild Dominating the World. The resources he possessed were beyond the imagination of ordinary people.


Upon hearing this, Wu Lingling was also puzzled. Since when did she have a training quota for the Dominating the World branch?


"Class monitor, don't mind that lunatic. Teacher Shi told us to go online as soon as the competition is over," Qin Wuchen reminded Wu Lingling, who still seemed confused. "Next, we will explore the interior area of the Desolate Ruins. If we're late, we won't have a chance to enter!"


Upon realizing this, Wu Lingling quickly followed Qin Wuchen and the others to the rest area of the academy.


Divine Realm Academy, mentor rest area.


Just as Shi Feng was about to enter a mentor rest room to go online to the Divine Realm, a familiar figure walked over. This person was none other than Luo Tiancheng, the confidant of Blue Ocean Dragon, the chairman of the Shadow Guild. However, at this moment, Luo Tiancheng's face was full of smiles, without a trace of hostility or mockery as when they first met.


"Teacher Luo, why are you looking at me like that?" Shi Feng looked at Luo Tiancheng, who was blocking his way, and said calmly, "Could it be that you have something good to tell me?"


"You really live up to your reputation as the former guild leader. You guessed right. There is indeed something good, and it is a huge opportunity," Luo Tiancheng smiled and nodded. "Senior mentor Qi has taken a liking to Wu Lingling, so Chairman Blue intends to give you a chance. As long as you give up Wu Lingling's mentor position, Chairman Blue will let you return to the Shadow Guild. Although you won't be able to hold the position of guild leader, being the captain of a secondary guild team should still be no problem. This way, you won't have to worry for the rest of your life."


"So that's what this is about," Shi Feng said calmly without any surprise. "Then please relay a message to Chairman Blue for me, Teacher Luo."


Luo Tiancheng looked at Shi Feng strangely and asked, "What word?"


"Get lost!"