
Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God - Side Story

DISCLOSURE: FOR PROMOTIONAL AND PERSONAL USES ONLY. All information used to create this novel can be located on the Author's "Lucky Old Cat (天运老猫)" Public Wechat (https://mp.weixin.qq.com/mp/appmsgalbum?__biz=Mzg3ODU3MDI3OA==&action=getalbum&album_id=1736590865898209290&scene=173&from_msgid=2247483960&from_itemidx=1&count=3&nolastread=1#wechat_redirect) and no premium services are being provided except for translating the public RAWs using chatgpt to English. DESCRIPTION: Side Stories for Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God published by the author on his WeChat. You can find the Professional translation of this novel by @Hellscythe at https://hostednovel.com/novel/reincarnation-of-the-strongest-sword-god-side-stories

Earth_Kingzz · Game
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25 Chs

Chapter 11 Reshaping the Body of Magic

In the grand hall of the Colosseum, as Shi Feng left, Wu Lingling took a while to regain her senses, still finding it hard to believe.


"Uncle Qian, do you think Teacher Shi really intends to let us students participate in the Darkmoon Watchtower battle?" Wu Lingling couldn't help but turn her head to look at Qian Yuan, who was silent beside her. She felt a mix of unease, anxiety, and excitement, her mind in complete turmoil.


The Magic Watchtower was a coveted place for all major guilds, and every guild that wanted to compete would go all out because of the limited number of spots.


Although there were still many experts from the Divine Realm's major guilds who had not entered the Ancient World for development, when it came to such a battle, it was no problem for the major guilds to send out some top experts. Even the worst among them would probably send out top experts who had reached the initial stage of the seventh floor of the Trial Tower.


For students like them who hadn't even reached the initial stage of the fifth floor of the Trial Tower, participating would be nothing short of a joke. With their strength, they wouldn't even be considered cannon fodder in the battle for the Watchtower...


Of course, it couldn't be ruled out that Teacher Shi wanted them, the students, to gain some experience. After all, such a battle with thousands of participants was rare in the Divine Realm. Every player who could participate was a genius in their guild, and it would be of great help for their future improvement and development.


However, the Darkmoon Watchtower was the first Magic Watchtower in the Hundred Streams City, and it held great significance for all major guilds. That was also why Zhuo Yalin spared no expense to invite Teacher Shi. If Zhuo Yalin found out that it was these students who were going to participate in the battle, she would definitely not agree to it.


If they failed to win the battle, the entire Mystical Moon Pavilion would probably not let Teacher Shi off the hook. After all, the thirty spots had a significant impact on the battle, and the Mystical Moon Pavilion also had top experts and top-tier experts. They didn't need some first-year students to make up the numbers.


"Your Teacher Shi is probably just joking with you," Qian Yuan shook his head slightly and smiled. "There are only five thousand spots in the battle. There are more than thirty second-rate guilds in the Hundred Streams City alone, and probably six or seven first-rate guilds. There are also many third-rate and non-mainstream guilds. They don't need some first-year students to fill the numbers."


A top guild can only grab two or three hundred spots. Thirty spots are roughly one-tenth of the overall strength. If you students were to participate, Xuan Yue Pavilion wouldn't need to compete anymore."


In Qian Yuan's opinion, a skilled expert like Shi Feng couldn't possibly be unaware of the key and importance of the Magic Power Outpost battle. Even if he wanted to train students, there was no need to do it at this time.


Allowing the students to participate in the battle would essentially make them enemies of the entire Xuan Yue Pavilion.


Shi Feng's skill level was indeed high, but facing the fury of a top guild, he probably wouldn't be able to handle it. After all, even a peak expert of the fifth-order profession wouldn't dare to confront a top guild head-on. If he wasn't careful, he would have to face the encirclement of several peak experts of the fifth-order.


Just as Qian Yuan finished speaking, Wu Lingling received a message from Shi Feng. In the instant Wu Lingling saw the message, she was stunned. Qian Yuan, who was beside her, was extremely puzzled. After a while, Wu Lingling finally showed Qian Yuan the message Shi Feng had sent.


"Has he gone crazy?"


Qian Yuan looked at the message Shi Feng sent and felt a bit disoriented.


The content of the message was simple. It asked Wu Lingling to become the class leader and then contact all the students in the class, gathering them all at the Blue Rose Bar in Bai Liu City within eight hours. Ten days later, all members would participate in the battle for the Dark Moon Outpost.


The battle for the Dark Moon Outpost was the most important battle for all the major guilds in Bai Liu City to establish their reputation. Yet, Shi Feng actually treated this crucial battle as a teaching ground for the new students. If this news were to spread, the entire Xuan Yue Pavilion would probably go crazy.


"Uncle Qian, what should we do now?" Wu Lingling also became a bit scared for a moment. "Should I ask my sister to find some experts to help?"


She wasn't sure before, but now that it was confirmed, she was truly scared. Because what Shi Feng was doing was basically leading them to their deaths. If something went wrong, they would fall into an abyss...


As Wu Lingling finished speaking, Qian Yuan shook his head and said, "Even if we contact your sister, it won't be useful. Entering the ancient small world is equivalent to starting over, and not everyone is willing to do that. After all, no one can guarantee that entering the ancient small world and starting over will definitely lead to better development. All that can be done in the ancient small world is to allow players to reshape their magical bodies."


Reshaping the magical body is indeed very tempting for players, but advancing to a higher level is not solely dependent on the magical body, but also on various other factors.


Generally, the high-level experts who are willing to come to the ancient small world have poor physical foundations, have not encountered any opportunities in the divine realm, or have very unsatisfactory magical bodies. Just like him, when he reached the third stage of forging the magical body, his level was only at the silver junior level, with a completion rate of only 76%. It can only be said to barely meet the standard. In addition, he can train Wu Lingling, so he actively agreed to the request of Wu Xiaoxiao, the new generation genius of the guild, and came to the ancient small world on his own initiative.


The other fourth-level experts in the guild are rarely like him. Even if there are, they have long been assigned important tasks by the guild. How can they have the leisure to deal with other matters?


As Qian Yuan said this, Wu Lingling also suddenly realized that this place is not the Divine Realm Continent. Even her sister, Wu Xiaoxiao, a genius like her, would find it difficult to bring a group of top-notch experts to the ancient small world.


"But you don't have to worry too much. I know some skilled experts, and many of them have come to the ancient small world. I will contact them when the time comes. I believe there won't be any problems dealing with the battle for the Dark Moon Outpost," Qian Yuan looked at Wu Lingling, who looked a little disappointed, and smiled, "But you should talk to your teacher Shi about it."


Normally, he wouldn't bother with such matters, but it's always good to make friends with experts like Shi Feng. After all, it's rare to come across such a high-level expert, and even if they do, they won't have any intersection with experts like them.


Because the two sides are simply not on the same level...


And for them, who have been stuck at the fourth level, if they want to advance further, the resources they need are no longer easily obtainable for their level of expertise. Only those high-level experts have a chance to obtain them, so it's absolutely necessary to get to know these high-level experts well, because they might be able to help them advance further.


Wu Lingling also nodded.


Meanwhile, in the City Hall of Bai Liu City, Shi Feng also arrived on the second floor of the City Hall.


A beautiful elf woman wearing a black suit and a work skirt, with short golden hair and long ears, looked at Shifeng and pointed to the list on the table. She smiled and said, "Sir, here are all the vacant land and shops in Bailiu City. If you are interested in buying land and shops, feel free to let me know, and I will offer the most favorable price."


The thick list listed all the land and shops in Bailiu City, with a quantity much larger than many royal cities in the Divine Continent. Even Shifeng was dazzled and didn't know which one to choose.


After looking for a while, Shifeng had to surrender and directly asked, "Do you have any recommendations for the central area?"


"There are two good options in the central area. One is a high-end shop near the main street, with seven floors in total, and it is priced at only 45,000 gold coins. The other is a hotel near the teleportation hall, with three floors, and it is priced at 22,000 gold coins." The elf woman took out two crystal images and introduced them, "Both of these places were just listed this month, and it's hard to find anything comparable in the entire Bailiu City in terms of location and price."


Shifeng was also tempted when he looked at the images.


The land and shops in Bailiu City were expensive, especially in the city center. The price of an ordinary shop was over 30,000 gold coins, and even a small plot of land was over 20,000 gold coins. The two places mentioned by the elf woman were both medium-sized plots, which could be considered hidden benefits for the first-time buyers of Bailiu City's shops and land.


Moreover, one of them was a high-end shop, which could bring in a good profit just by allowing players to consign some items, not to mention the special products that the high-end shop itself had, which could bring in stable income.


As for the hotel, it was also good. Currently, in Bailiu City without a guild headquarters, if players wanted to quickly gain double experience or speed up the removal of external energy, resting in the hotel was the best choice, which could also bring in decent income for players.


However, when Shifeng looked at the prices, he realized that he was still short of gold coins.


Previously, he spent two million credit points to buy 20,000 gold coins from a player merchant, and then spent 500 gold coins in the Beast Arena. Now, he only had a total of 19,500 gold coins, which was not enough to buy either of the two shops...


"If I want to purchase, I wonder if I can get a discount?" Shi Feng looked at the beautiful elf and asked.


The elf steward thought for a moment and said, "You are the first person in the city to obtain the emblem of the Hundred Streams City Beastmaster in decades. If you want to purchase, the first set can enjoy an 80% discount."


"80% off?" Shi Feng was slightly surprised.


Originally, he thought getting a 95% discount would be good enough, but he didn't expect the emblem of the Hundred Streams City Beastmaster to be so powerful that it could directly give an 80% discount. If he were to purchase a high-level shop, it would definitely be a big profit.


"Alright, then I'll take the hotel you mentioned." Shi Feng pointed to the three-story hotel in the crystal image.


Although high-level shops were tempting, for him, who currently lacked money and resources, the hotel was the best choice. Moreover, he had to bring a group of students with him, so he could save on accommodation expenses. It could be said to kill two birds with one stone.


"Alright, it will be a total of 17,600 gold coins." The beautiful elf steward directly spoke, "Afterwards, you only need to pay a monthly management fee of 1,000 gold coins for this hotel. If you fail to pay for three consecutive months, we will reclaim the hotel."


Afterwards, Shi Feng simply paid the 17,600 gold coins and took the hotel deed given to him by the beautiful elf steward, directly going to take over the hotel.


The entire hotel was located on the street next to the teleportation hall of the Hundred Streams City, which could be said to be the golden area of the city. Because any player coming and going from the Hundred Streams City would use a teleportation scroll to return to the teleportation hall, this street had become a must-pass place for players.


Its value definitely couldn't be bought with just 17,600 gold coins. If it were to be sold, even if it was 40 to 50 thousand gold coins, I'm afraid there would be guilds fighting over it.


However, currently, the entire hotel was closed with no staff members. The entire hotel was sealed by a magic array, and only Shi Feng, who held the deed, could enter directly.


"The concentration of magic power here is quite good, actually 30% higher than the outside world," Shi Feng felt the magic power in the inn and was very satisfied.


Although a 30% increase in magic power may not seem like much, the magic power in the entire ancient world is much higher than that in the Divine Domain Continent. Not to mention the cities, even a 30% increase in overall magic power concentration is quite impressive, providing great assistance to players in sensing and manipulating magic power.


Afterwards, Shi Feng looked around the inn and found that there were a total of 600 resting rooms on three floors, with 560 being standard rooms and 40 being deluxe rooms. For a regular inn, this was already considered large. Even if each room only charged 20 silver coins per day, the inn could earn 120 gold coins per day.


Currently, an ordinary Tier 3 expert could only earn two to three gold coins per day. After deducting various expenses and equipment repair costs, it would be considered good if they could save one gold coin per day. For an ordinary Tier 3 expert, earning 120 gold coins per day was unimaginable.


Shi Feng entered a deluxe room and found that the concentration of magic power here was 20% higher than in the standard rooms, which made him very satisfied.


"The environment here is suitable for reconstructing the Magic Body."


Originally, Shi Feng had planned to go to a high-class inn in Bai Liu City because the construction of the Magic Body had certain requirements for the concentration of magic power. The denser the magic power, the easier it would be to construct the Magic Body. Of course, once it reached a certain level, the effect would not be significant.


However, the concentration of magic power in this deluxe room of the inn was already quite high. Even if it was slightly higher, the improvement in effect would not be much.


Immediately, Shi Feng sat cross-legged in the center of the magic formation in the deluxe room, which gathered magic power, and took out the Blood of the Magic God he had obtained as a reward from the Colosseum.


The moment the Blood of the Magic God was opened, a terrifying divine might spread throughout the room. Even Shi Feng felt a sense of suffocation, and the flow of magic power in the room seemed to stagnate. The entire space revolved around this drop of Blood of the Magic God, making everything submit to it.


System: Does the player want to use the Blood of the Magic God to restart the construction of the Magic Body?

