

Hoping for a better after much suffering in his past life. our lead with the help of his new friends/family seeks revenge for the injustice brought to him and the ones around him. In his whole new world

Divaxin · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Sadder Times

"You useless piece of shit" …..!Wam!

The little boy fell backward upon making contact with the heavy fist of the grown ragged man that towered over him..... " Is this how you repay your father for taking you in, this .. this worthless dirty loaf of bread" he dashed towards the boy rising him with much veracity, flinging the little boy about and holding the loaf of bread to his face. The boy looked badly beaten up, having multiple cuts and bruises all over his body. He shook with a visible fear for this man he called his father. Streams of blood and tears leaked out of his face, mixing periodically as they streamed down his face. But his father was non too concerned about the boy's state of being, he was in a drunk depressed state, and beating up the boy was the only way he felt better about his sad excuse for a life. Blaming the boy for his own mistakes was the only way he could deal with the absolute trash life he was living. He stared into the boy's blackened eyes with tears pouring out of them and it made him feel better, more at peace with himself, happy even...He tossed the boy to the dusty floor like a rug doll. The boy stayed down shaking furious in fright but oddly enough he made no attempt to cry out loud, he was used to this, crying would just make things worst. He did, however, manage to lift himself slowly and pick up the now dirty piece of bread cleaning it slightly with his hand and attempting to offer it back to his dad, he looked up and offered the loaf to his father with fear written all over his face. "Daddy…here" but his sentence was cut short by his father's fist beating the life out of his furiously blinded by pure rage..!Wam!,!Bam!...!bam….bam…..bam! "Dad..."

!bam…wam…bam…bam..! ,"pls…."


"Jack"….."Jack"….." stop playing around"....."!Jack!"." Oh my god, what have I done"…...." I…I killed her…..my son". "He is dead".He stared at his blood-shocked hand as the lifeless body of his son bleed out slowly. "I have to get rid of the body"

The man picks up the bloody and broken body of the little boy, wrapped up with a blanket, and runs out of an old slowly deteriorating house with the covered body of the boy on his shoulders. He runs into the swamp at the outer reaches of the slum, they called home. He reaches the lake at the swamp, grabs a couple of rocks, stuffed it into the blanket and climbs onto a boat by the shore and rows to the middle of the lake, and tossed the blanket into the lake, which some sank slowly into the lake.

"No one would ever know" he rows back. That day the world lost a truly innocent and the saddest part is that no one will ever realize it.

"Hello!!" "...." "A. Anyone out there" . "please!!"…. "anyone!!?". I have been shouting into the darkness for hours now, in fact, I don't know how long it has been since I came here. " Someone please respond" My memory is a bit hazy and covered in darkness, I haven't been able to recollect much...… " who am I ", " where am I ". I can't feel my body, all I can see is a dark silhouette of what I assume is my body.

I move through the darkness or at least I think I'm moving, am not sure. I'm not sure how I am doing it, but I'm just doing it.

After a while, I started zipping around in the darkness enjoying the feeling, I have never felt like this before in my life. In the darkness, I feel warm and at peace, something I never felt with daddy…" wait, Daddy? Whose that"…. "I can't remember" but its thought puts a deep fear into me. With this fear, I slowly lost consciousness and become one with the void around me, filled with sadness and fear I continued to drift