
Reincarnation of the Cursed Apostle

For countless millennia, humanity and all the creatures of earth knew nothing but peace and prosperity. That was until of course...the universe decided to choose violence. The sky darkened and a strange energy descended upon the world. Like a budding seedling, earth had finally awakened! Mana flooded the world and sparked natural disasters to pop up, tearing down whole cities. Plants, insects, domestic animals and wild creatures mutated and preyed on anything in sight. And the Humans whose bodies couldn't adjust to the surrounding mana lost their lives to mana poisoning. The Apocalypse. That was what everyone thought of the coming of mana. In the span of a few days, a little over half the entire population of the human race was wiped out and things looked bleak for humanity. The humans that remained looked up to the heavens and prayed for some sort of miracle from the gods. Hearing their pleas, the skies parted and the beautiful goddess of the Earth, Gaia, descended upon the world. “I shall end your suffering, my children” Those were the only words uttered by the Earth Goddess as she took pity on the Humans and extended an olive branch to them, becoming the world's patron Goddess. A century passes by and true to her word, under Gaia's care humanity once again thrived and integrated themselves with the rest of the Universe, learning about magic, other races, other worlds and much more. Now our young MC, Ethan Corvus, lives the life of a pitiful cripple in this vast modern fantasy world due to an unfortunate accident that happened during his childhood. After being diagnosed with a fatal affliction, Ethan spends the rest of his life bedridden and shunned by his family for being useless. In a world where the strong rule and the weak simply follow, Ethan had long since lost his value the moment he became a cripple. Feeling bitter and frustrated at his own helplessness, Ethan yearns for nothing more than a chance to live his life normally and prove his family wrong for abandoning him. On his fifteenth birthday as he lay on his bed in his empty hospital room, Ethan decides to make a single wish: ‘If there is any mercy among the gods in the heavens...please grant me your favor in my next life...’, Ethan silently prayed as tears streamed down the side of his face. Ethan then closed his eyes for the last time, feeling the few embers of his pitiful existence finally burn out...or so he thought. Out of the darkness, Ethan heard a single mysterious voice that spoke the words that changed his life, and his fate, forever: “Do you wish to live?” ___________________________________ Welcome to a modern fantasy world with gods, magic, mythical beasts and all sorts of other fun bits! Do enjoy the show, cause I can guarantee you are in for quite the ride.

Blqck_Jqck · Fantasi
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15 Chs

I Shall Help You Defy Your Fate [Final Part]

"Where am I…?"

Ethan's thoughts echoed through the vast, dark expanse that surrounded him, his

voice barely audible.

No matter which way he turned, all he saw was an empty dark space that stretched on endlessly. He looked down at his body, his transparent, glowing hands a silent confirmation to his soul's departure from his physical body.

Yet, his enigmatic surroundings puzzled him, making him wonder where his soul had

wandered. Suddenly out of the corner of his eye, Ethan caught a faint, golden light flickering in the distance. The light seemed to beckon Ethan, making him walk slowly towards it. As Ethan approached,

snippets of a low, mysterious voice whispered:


No matter how hard he tried, Ethan couldn't seem to hear everything that the

voice was trying to convey. A soft gasp escaped Ethan's lips as he stared at the majestic golden flames hovering before

him. It's fires flicked slowly, dispelling the darkness that threatened to engulf it. As the fire's light bathed his figure, Ethan couldn't help but sigh contently as he felt an indescribable sense of warmth that wrapped around him like a warm hug.

Suddenly, a tall, handsome figure emerged from the shadows. Silver hair cascaded down his back and his piercing purple eyes gleamed with curiosity. A simple black and purple robe draped his frame, cinched by the gray scarf around his neck.

"Lovely little thing, isn't it?" the stranger asked, his gaze fixed on the golden


Ethan's eyes widened as he took in the sight. "O-Oh, yes, sir. It's beautiful."

The man's smile broadened. "Hey, do you want to know what this little fire is?"

Ethan nodded, and the stranger extended his hand. As their palms touched, a few words materialized beside the flames:

[Embers of Elpis

-Rank: Semi-divine

-Durability: Indestructible



Ethan's eyes widened in shock as he stared at the information in front of him. The little

ball of flames in front of him was a semi-divine artefact.


An artifact of that rank had the power to move the armies of the Empires on earth to wage war and fight for just even a chance of obtaining it. Ethan swallowed hard, feeling

grateful for the fact that he even had the chance to have an encounter with such a powerful item.

"Impressive, isn't it?" the man asked, his eyes sparkling with amusement.

"Impressive doesn't do it nearly enough justice, sir", Ethan answered honestly. "Such a beautiful treasure must be priceless"

"Indeed", the stranger agreed.

"Acquiring this baby cost me quite a lot," he added, his voice laced with a hint of


Ethan's mind raced as he asked the question that had been on his mind. "Sir, what is this place?"

The stranger's grin widened. "A space between life and death, my boy! Neither a place for the living nor dead, but both can accommodate. Isn't it funny?"

Ethan's confusion deepened. "Does that mean I'm not dead?"

The man's enthusiasm was palpable as he answered, "Oh no, you're definitely dead. However, your body has entered a unique state of suspended animation since your

soul resides here and not in the underworld."

Relief, as well as anticipation, washed over Ethan as he continued to question the silver

haired man.

"How did my soul wander to this place?" asked Ethan. "And who exactly are you, sir? Are you perhaps one of the gods I prayed to?"

The silver-haired man's eyes suddenly flashed with an intense glint as he gave Ethan a sidelong glance. "Now, why would you go and do something as silly as that?" His voice took on a cold, detached tone. "The gods have never, and will never, care

about the affairs of mortals. To them, we're mere entertainment for their selfish whims. Make no mistake, their cruelty is no less than that of your brethren."

Ethan shivered at the man's words, yet they resonated deeply within him. He couldn't help but feel that this wasn't his first time hearing those words.

"Do you wish to live?" the stranger asked abruptly.

Ethan's heart beat wildly in his chest when he heard that. "W-What?"

"The Embers of Elpis called out to you earlier, right?" asked the stranger before he explained, "The flames only call to those it deems have been wronged or forsaken but still burn with the passion to live. That's how I know you're just like me."

The man's eyes gleamed with an unspoken understanding. "I can see that look in your eyes, boy. That hunger to strive, to fight and to live. The look of regret for promises unkept and debts unpaid. You still have so much to do, but fate chose to defy you. The same as me…"

He paused, his gaze intense. "I have spent a long time trying to defy fate, boy. A

very, very long time. And I won't bore you with the details, but I believe I finally

have a way to do just that."

The man revealed a small, intricately carved cube. "This, together with my little flame, is how we shall defy our fate."

Ethan's curiosity was piqued. "We?"

The man's smile returned. "Yes, Ethan. With my help, I can return both our souls to your body. In return, all I ask—"

"I'm in," Ethan interrupted, his determination evident.

 "Eh?", the stranger blinked in surprise, "J-Just like that?"

Ethan's resolve was unwavering. "Yes."

"Oho?" The man's eyes sparkled with amusement. "What if my future plans were to wage war with the gods themselves?Would you stand with me then?"

Ethan remained silent for a few minutes before giving his answer:

"I had spent a lot time wishing for a lot of things before my death.", Ethan mused with a wistful smile, "And I'm sure that during the time that you've spent preparing for this moment, you too have wished the same. A way to for us to defy fate, as

you so put it"

"I am not so naive to believe that my life shall be anything simple after this.", said Ethan,

his face a calm mask in the face of the grand decision he was about to make, "I

get the feeling that you have plans that stretch past anything I could possibly

imagine. But even then, what of it? So long as I can achieve my goals, I'm willing to stand besides you and help you achieve yours. No matter what stands in your way"

The man's grin broadened and he even chuckled. "I like your spirit, boy. I couldn't have asked for a better partner. Let's go have some fun, then."

"Place your hand over the cube in my hand and do as I do.", the man instructed.

Ethan did as he was told and placed his right hand on top of the cube, feeling it's smooth

surface beneath his palm.

"I, Riven Zephyr, swear upon my soul that I shall support and protect my partner for as

long as I live, else my soul be shattered to oblivion.", the man, Riven,

declared in a resolute tone.

The cube in their hands brightened, acknowledging Riven's pledge. Ethan took that as his cue to do the same:

"I, Ethan Corvus, swear upon my soul that I shall support and protect my partner for as

long as I live, else my soul be shattered to oblivion.", Ethan said in a firm tone.

The cube brightened once again, this time producing a transparent silver chain. The ethereal chain wrapped itself tightly around Ethan's and Riven's arms, before it faded

away, sealing their soul pact.

"It is done.", said Riven, a wide grin still plastered on his face, "I look forward to working with you, partner."

Ethan smirked. "Same here, partner."

Riven then looked at the cube in his hand and ordered, "You know what to do, Pandora."

Acknowledging it's master's command, the cube activated, emitting a blinding white light that enveloped both Ethan and Riven. Spelling the beginning of their adventures


Hope you enjoyed and comment what you think will happen once they wake up

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