
Reincarnation of the Blood Emperor

“The gods took everything from me.Now I’ll take everything from them and screw all of them up, this I swear” Asdek is now on a life long mission to annihilate all the gods from existence as a form of revenge for his people who were slaughtered by the gods. He had committed suicide as a result of intense guilt and pain. “This isn’t how death should feel like”Asdek said to himself as he realized he wasn’t dead completely. He had been transported to a region between life and death he met s primordial (the first god).It just so happens that their ideology coincided. The being gave Asdek power,power that gives him a chance to fuck up the gods as he so desperately wants to.

Asdek08 · Derivasi dari karya
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19 Chs

The system and Asdek’s first rewards

Asdek was now lying on the laps of the woman who was staring at him with a man as both the man and the woman had puppy eyes.


" It would seem as if I have been reborn just like what that being said" Asdek said inwardly in reminiscence. Then he spotted a blue transparent text screen that read

[Host has successfully attained the blood emperor system]

[Host has gained a new title: champion of fate]

"What is this?" Asdek said also inwardly.

[I am a system interface created by Trojen's god essence and bestowed with the cosmic awareness divine ability making me know or have at least an idea about everything in the universe.] The system interface brought out these sets of words

[My mission is to guide you through your mission and I do not hold any allegiance to the primordial but only to you] these next set of words followed immediately Asdek finished the first one.Almost as if it knew he was done.

"Interesting" Asdek said as he began to ponder on how to close this interface.And then suddenly it began to slowly fade out of existence. Asdek looked at his new parents who had a bothered look on their faces.

" this thing didn't come with a manual?" He asked, inwardly of course how will he explain being able to talk on his first day into this world. He didn't know if babies nowadays could talk but he didn't want to risk it.

"Maybe it's the system interface?" He thought. Just then,the jet black haired woman who had Asdek held in her hand looked up at a blonde haired lady in a nurse's outfit and asked in a worried voice

" why isn't my baby crying?".

"Oh so that's why" Asdek said and immediately started crying. At first he was faking it but as time went on he realized it was getting easier and easier until….

"Waaaaa waaaaaa" it became a genuine cry.

" why does crying feel so good all of a sudden?"Asdek couldn't help but wonder.


Later that day , Asdek and his mom was discharged but contrary to Asdek's wishes he didn't get to have a of the view of the city when he was being driven home since he was sound asleep by then.

Asdek slowly woke up and he realized he was lying in a small bed made especially for babies. But there was a problem, the bed was not on the ground but it…..was floating…more correctly it was hovering above the ground.

" Oh so this is how far technology has gone huh? Asdek said inwardly in an astonished tone. Soon he begun to feel sleepy since his bed was soothing him as the bed was gently swaying left to right and going up and down.

Asdek's tired body couldn't take it anymore as he drifted into the warm embrace of sleep.

Around the dawn of a new day, Asdek's little baby tummy wouldn't let him sleep in peace as it was rumbling the whole night.He was a bit reluctant to cry out for breast milk since he himself knew he was over 300 years old and it just felt wrong to be sucking on the breasts of another man's wife.

But now his baby tummy couldn't take it anymore.

"Mooooooooommmm!!!" Asdek shouted not inwardly this time. Realizing his mistake he decided to cover his mouth with his little chubby baby hands. Before he could cover his mouth he realized something.

"Wait , the sound that came is not right" betting that he heard right he shouted again.

"Mooooooommmm!!!!" but alas he was right the sound that reverberated through the house was not of someone scream mom but the intense wail of a baby.

" oh so I didn't have to worry about talking today huh?"Asdek said in an amused tone.

"Mooooooommmm!!!!" He shouted as a wail of a baby was heard instead.

"My baby!!"a cute voice was heard as his mother barged into the room. Suddenly Asdek heard a ding in his ear.


" huh what's this?" Asdek asked as he looked at the system screen that had the words

[congratulations! You have completed a daily quest.

Quest: Wake up mom!

Description: Wake up your mom in the dark of night.]

Asdek was now baffled after reading this piece of message from the system. Immediately after he finished reading the words changed again

[Daily quest 1/3 complete

Wake up mom!: complete

I'm hungry:drink breast milk

You have a beautiful smile : Make any of your parents smile 5 times 2/5]

As Asdek was reading the message he felt someone lifted him up. He looked to see that is was his mom. He grinned showing his toothless gums.This made Asdek's mom smile in adoration.

[You have a beautiful smile:3/5]

Asdek proceded to shove his thumb into his mouth and sucked on it.

" oh you are hungry huh. I was worried myself since you haven't eaten the whole day" Asdek's mom went to sit down and loosened her dress as she also loosened her bra and brought out a fair, beautiful, smooth and pearky melons and brought it towards the head of Asdek


"This feels so wrong"Asdek said as he slowly reached towards the dream of every straight guy and touched it , his heart beating loudly

"So…very wrong but I'm too hungry to think of manners right now"Asdek said as with a slight hesitation placed the nipples in his mouth and begun sucking hard

"Oh so sweet". Asdek said inwardly as he disregarded everything and made sucking his food be the main priority for now.

[Congratulaions daily quest complete:drink breast milk.]

After almost thirty minutes of intense sucking he finally stopped and gave a satisfied sigh.

"That was amazing!!"

He gave another grin as his mom smiled again,

[You have a beautiful smile:4/5].

Asdek then begun to make an effort to put his moms boobs back in her bra. This action shocked his mom greatly as she looked at Asdek with a stupified expression. She became amused and bursted into gleeful laughter.

[Daily quest complete:3/3

Wake up mom:complete

I'm hungry:complete

You have a nice smile:5/5 complete]

[Rewards:+10 exp,+1 free stat points ]

[Exp: 10/10

Level up

Level 1>>>level 2

Reward: +1 stat points to all stats]

[Hidden quest complete: You have an even prettier laugh: make one of your parents laugh]

[Reward:+ 2 stat free points ]

[Host name: Unnamed

Host's stats







Mental fortitude:4


+3 free stat points: can be allocated to any stat of the user's preference]

Asdek stared at the screen with a blank look on his face before it beamed with a radiant smile

"Nice" he said happily, inwardly obviously.

Later his mother place him back in his bed after he had already drifted into sleep….

If any mistakes are spotted please don’t hesitate to inform me. Help encourage an inexperienced writer with gifts and votes.Thanks for reading love y’all ❤️❤️❤️

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