
Reincarnation of an Assassin in another world

SherryMir · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Chapter 2: A New Beginning

I spent the next few days exploring my new surroundings, trying to come to grips with my reincarnation. It was a strange feeling, knowing that I had been given a second chance at life in a different world.

As I wandered through the countryside, I noticed that there were many differences between this world and the one I had come from. For one, the technology level seemed much lower. There were no cars, no electricity, and no modern conveniences like smartphones or computers. Instead, people seemed to rely on manual labor and simple tools to survive.

It was a refreshing change of pace, to be honest. In my previous life, I had grown tired of the constant noise and chaos of the city. Here, I could enjoy the beauty of nature and the peacefulness of a simpler way of life.

But as much as I appreciated the tranquility of my new surroundings, I couldn't forget the reason why I had been reincarnated. I was an assassin, and I had been given a new life for a reason. I needed to figure out what that reason was.

I spent most of my time training, honing my skills as an assassin. I practiced with my crossbow and my blades, getting a feel for the new body that I had been given. It felt strange, at first, to be in a body that was younger and stronger than my old one, but I soon got used to it.

As I trained, I also began to learn more about the world I had been reincarnated in. I discovered that there were many different kingdoms and factions vying for power, each with their own agendas and motivations. Some were benevolent, seeking to protect their citizens and promote peace. Others were more ruthless, using violence and fear to control their subjects.

It was clear to me that I needed to find my place in this world, and that meant finding someone to work for. As an assassin, I needed to have a target, someone who could pay me for my services.

That's when I heard about Lord Gideon.

Lord Gideon was a powerful nobleman, rumored to have great wealth and influence. He was also known to have many enemies, which made him a prime target for assassination. It seemed like the perfect opportunity for me to make a name for myself in this new world.

I set out to find Lord Gideon's castle, determined to make contact with him and offer him my services. It wasn't an easy journey, but my training as an assassin had prepared me for such challenges. I crossed rivers, climbed mountains, and battled dangerous creatures along the way.

Finally, after several weeks of travel, I arrived at Lord Gideon's castle.

As I stood before the massive gates, I felt a sense of anticipation and excitement. This was it. This was the moment that would determine my fate in this new world.