
reincarnation:my sister is phycopathic

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22 Chs


as I opened my eyes light started to get in my eyes as I saw a bright light coming.

My eyes were slowly adapting to the lights as I saw a blurry place that looked like a hospital wall.

It seems it worked I said with a little relief that it was real.

My eyes cannot see well right now since my eyes are not fully developed yet to see the world without blurry ness and it will take about 9 to 12 months for me to see more clearly.

{By the way the walls look and my body not being able to even move I must have just been born to this world.}

As I was slowly falling asleep due to no strength in my body I saw a black human figure grabbing me with care and that figure started to swing me like a baby which I was ,I slowly started to close my eyes.

{So ,she is my mother} I said in my mind before falling asleep.

he is so cute and handsome,isn't he my dear, said the dark figure, one day he will be just like you and become the next guild leader of our guild and be a strong boy that will protect our people.

Yes he will he agreed ,he will be the kindest and the strongest boy because he is my son and will make humanity a more safer place said another dark figure.

I will make sure he will never suffer from the same fate as the unfortunate ones and make him the happiest person, afterall he is my son he giggled a little.

Well have you prepared a name for him my dear,the girl asked holding me.

Yes I have prepared a name for him, a name suitable for his furture adventures ,his name will be MAX AUDREY.

The looked at him with a smile as she understood what it means ,Ya I like it ,the meaning must be full of noble strength isn't it the girl asked curiously.

Yes our boy will be the most noble person and will be full of strength so a name like that is the most suitable for him,as he will be known by all as a noble person,the person said proudly.

The girl giggled with understanding as she spoke,I like it , let's tell Samantha and others aswell,I heard she made a baby girl I wanna see herz afterall that girl and our audry will be friends from now on till adulthood and be the duo for our future generations.

The man looked like he remembered something as he told the girl .Oh yes,and I almost forgot it seems my grandpa is also coming here to meet our and their daughter in a hurry,he said something like he wants to show our childrens the world he built and the stories of how he became this strong to our children.

The girl looked at him with an eye raised since she was surprised and asked, didn't your grandpa never showed interest in raising kids and only faught demons and monsters are you lying,I know that he doesn't even come to your birthday and he didn't come to our wedding aswell why would he show interest in seeing our kids.

I don't know why but he said something like the kids are special to him and he will raise them himself,it seems he is finally starting to give time to family after a century of fighting monsters and wants to retire.

The girl looked confused by it but also wary, Well I won't mind as long as he doesn't hurt my baby cause if he does than he will regret it till the end of his life,she threatened.

Now you don't have to worry and you should be resting instead since you gave birth to this baby just a few hours ago,I will meet with Samantha and my brother to check how the baby girl is he said trying to calm her down and make her relaxed with a little sweat on his forehead.

Well come back fast and tell the nurse to move me to the same place as Samantha I want to show eachother our baby, she said grumpyly wilth a pout .

Okay ,he said as he went away.

After some time the nurse had taken her close to Samantha's bed ,they were together and talking to eachother about the pain of giving birth and the happiness of surviving while also talking to eachother about the future of this baby's.


After some time a white haired middle aged man came there while burst opening the door, which made everyone be In defensive stance.

Eeek the two girls screamed in suprise

all of them were surprised as the man's tried to make sense of why there granddad was acting that way.

What are you doing ,a man with calm deminor asked ,who had blue sparkling eyes with innocence and naiveness ,his jet black hair lustrous in a side swept bangs with a well toned skin that was ,he had a strong jawline and a soft lip,his face with a little worry looked at the middle aged man(the person I just described is the boys father)

The middle aged man didn't say a word completely ignoring him as he went straight to the kids who were sleeping like they were more important than his grandchildren,

he was stopped by another man to stop his way and the person looked like.

At the age of 25, he was a striking figure, his white hair flowing like silk around his face, framing features that were both strong and refined. His eyes, a dominant shade of blue that seemed to pierce through any mask, held a gaze that was both intense and captivating. Despite his youth, there was a maturity in his expression, a sense of wisdom beyond his years. Tall and lean, he moved with a confident grace, every gesture speaking of his innate charisma and authority .(The girls father)

What are you trying to here, they are asleep and I won't tolerate if you so much as touch our baby if you do than the consiquinses will be very bad he warned with a intense eye.

The middle aged man looked at him with an angry face but he stopped since he didn't actually want to hurt others and he was still barging in their family matters when he had never joined a family meeting with them for their whole life so him suddenly running at their children was scary and unexpected so he stopped.

I am sorry for introding in when you just gave birth to this childrens but I want to say my apologies for my behaviour, but as compensation I would be giving these two this katanas to your childrens he said as he took out two katana ,one was red while the other was blue .the red one for the girl and the blue one for the boy ,

All four of them were shocked with the gift since they had seen this thing before it was in their family's secrets, the weapons that this old man was showing was proteced for a century by this old man , and noone was allowed to touch it , even he himself only looked at it, all of the family members knew that this katanas were supposed to remind him of certain two people so he never let anyone touch or see it, but now he was giving it to this kids it was way to suspicious to be true.

But I would only give it to them after they are old enough for it,


They sighed with relief and had guessed there must be a condition since there was no way he would let his precious katans go in the hands of children,and were still waiting for the next condition for it.

After they are old enough I would give it to them.he said with determination and seriousness.

And what is the other condition asked in curiosity

Amidst the sterile white walls of the hospital, she stood out like a dark angel, her black hair cascading around her shoulders like a cloak of shadows. Her eyes, a piercing shade of red, burned with a fierce determination that seemed to defy the somber atmosphere of the ward.

Despite the sterile surroundings, there was an undeniable strength in her posture, a sense of purpose that radiated from her very being. Every step she took echoed with determination, her gaze unwavering as she moved with a singular focus.

Her presence was commanding yet enigmatic, drawing the attention of those around her. In a place filled with uncertainty and fear, she stood as a beacon of reslove.

She asked him with curiosity to know the other condition but was shocked that there was none,and the others were also surprised by it .(The MC's mother)

What do you mean by there is no other condition are you implying that you want to give this katanas to this kids for no reason.she exclemed with confusion and no understanding as to why this old man was acting that way.

Well there is a reason but I cannot tell you right now and the kids will be told later on why I am giving it to them the old man looked at them with seriousness as he said that.

Although I want to meet them I would not want to disturb your life so I will go but I want to meet them and hug them and tell them about our storys but it seems it isn't possible right now so I will be meeting your children in 12 years ,that Is my max amount of time I will wait after that I want to meet my great grandson and Great granddaughter ,

I am going now he said as he left looking like he was a little sad but hiding it ,as he went outside his eyes showing a hint of tear in his eyes that were stopped by his hands quickly.

He went outside and told all of the guards to be more cautious of the enemy and to protect his family from them by being more vigilant,he said as he went down the hospital and looked at the huge hospital with a little sadness as he began to leave before that he flicked his finger towards something that created a huge gust of wind and it hit something and his bodyguards began to run at the place that was hit as they immediately captured the enemy's .

At the hospital, We didn't even consent to it and this guy is already making decisions on his own said by a

Sitting upright in the hospital bed, her white hair cascading around their shoulders, the person exuded an otherworldly beauty. Their red eyes, a stark contrast against their pale skin, seemed to hold a quiet strength and wisdom but seems like a kind young lady . Despite the sterile hospital surroundings, her presence was striking, almost ethereal, as if they were a character from a fantastical tale brought to life.

Huh if we hadn't been a family my sister Emily would have knocked down his teeth with her punch, wouldn't you emily she said smillingly while looking at the black haired girl right beside her .

You shouldn't talk to your husbands grandad like that,he is still a respectable person and has accomplished many feats worthy of praises even though he is ignorant of his family he is still not unworthy of our respect. she said looking at the closed door.

The two brothers looked at their wives bickering with a giggle although they were interupted by that old man but they are still going on with their talks and small fights.

The white haired girl suddenly reminded them, ah yes where were we when we before we got interupted,yes we were talking about max and Lia right.

Yes we were I almost forgot about our conversation, so what should we do.

What school should we send them to , here on our school or abroad , Samantha asked.

Probably here (my father spoke), since we can see eachother anytime we want and while the abroad school has a better teacher our school teachers are still able to be on par with them so we don't need to worry about study he advised q.

Than what about which path they will choose become a warrior or a schooler, Emily asked(my mother)

They will choose it for themselves, the white haired man replied (uncle)

Well then let's ask the most important question then, Samantha said with seriousness.

All of them were a bit surprised when she suddenly got serious so they listened carefully.

Samantha asked in a serious manner with a dead look as she questioned.

When will max and Lia marry?

. .....




Everything in that room was silent for some time, because of the unexpected question from her.