
reincarnation:my sister is phycopathic

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22 Chs


lvl 2 is it connected to the book of speed or something? I was confused by it but immediately understood after the system told me about it.

[yes master ,every book of ability you gain is interconnect to eachothers so if you increase the lvl (level) of one book others will also increase at the same time.]

I was a little relieved ,Well it seems I don't have to worry about increasing all of the book's level one by one I can just increase one book and others will automatically be increased,it will be quite quicker and easier as well .

I looked at my hand which had red lightning sparks coming from it.

Well this ability's are strong as hell , anyone would be jealous of such a ability.

I looked as Lia who was sleeping on my chest whilst sitting on me, I was dumbstruck by her actions,.

What are you doing, shouldn't we be trying to kill this monsters?I was confused by her actions since she is always ready to fight but was acting different today.

She sighed as she spoke with sadness,

I wished time would just stop right now.

I looked at her with my eyes halfway closed before I spoke with no care.

Time is stopped right now ,now Stand up the demon is going to attack us if we stayed like this and we wouldn't be able to protect eachother, since you are staying on my lap while sleeping.

I looked at my status which I was fairly surprised about.


Max audry

Rank:4 star intermediate


STR:50,000( 500,000 kg punch)

SPD:50,000(50,000 meter per second)

Stm:50,000(50,000 second sprint)

Def:50,000(can handle 500,000 kg)


Mana: infinite

{Why did it only make my stats double instead of taking me to the 5 star rank}

[Master the opponent only punched you once the body hasn't faced the stamina ,magic defence power of the enemy and your body divides all Stats equally so it only doubled your stats]

Well I won't have to worry about body imbalance.i sighed.



There is still about 9 minutes left before the time stop releases.

But we would use the time stop ability later when needed so I am releasing the time stop right now okay?

Lia stood up and did some stretching before getting in a defensive stance as she spoke

okay .

I also stood up and did the same stretches as her, before getting up to my position.

{Time release}

The time got released as the demon looked at us with confusion.

How were they able to stand up and be so close when he just slammed them their and how did they teleport like that, before he even knew.

The demon only looked a little confused But the demon didn't care as the demon came straight for us .

But too bad for him.

My eyes had some sparkling of red lightning and my whole body started to form it from my legs to my head with intensity..

The demon knew what they were doing but didn't really care because he easily defeated them earlier.

My leg made a pair red lightning sparkling shoe and a pair of red sparkling half gloves.

The moment the demon came closer .


He got slammed towards a wall.

-750,000 hp.

{So his defence must be 250,000 my attack just now was a force of 1 million str since with 50,000 my strength is multiplyed by 20 with this new abilities} I calculated his stats .

I looked at that guy who got slammed into the wall with a smirk on my face.

The demon slowly stood up looked at me with a confused and surprised look but more importantly he looked scared by my punch.

He checked his face Which had blood coming streaming from it.

{Maybe I should hold back a little since I would kill him on 3 to 5 moves if I didn't hold back}

I lowered my power output to 10 times instead of 20 Time strength.

Lia you should also lower the output of strength to 10 times instead of 20 times.

Okay Lia said with understandment she suddenly charged forward with great speed.

Before the demon could see the attack Lia punched the demon with her fist with great strength and made him pierce the wall with great inertia and as he broke through the wall we saw the outside of the academy in which the teachers and demons were fighting.

Ghhhaaaa,the demon felt his head being almost cracked.

-250,000 hp

The teachers were having a hard time as they were severely outnumbered but the teachers also weren't losing ,it was more like a stalemate.

All of the demons and humans that were fighting at such a high level can be considered a godly figures to average humans.

All of the demons and humans attention immediately went to us.

All of them had the same expressions.

Shock and in disbelief.

All of them could feel the power level of that demon we just sent through flying.

It was a 5 star demon or a demon king level threat.

I looked at all of the teachers with no emotions or concerns for them but I suddenly got an Idea I smirked before,I looked at lia who also had a smirk on her face.

She looked at me with a smile as she challenged me ,Wanna challenge on who can kill more Demon commander in 5 minutes ?

I looked a little forward to it before I spoke,You bet I want to, but you cannot use 20 times strength only 10 times strength I don't care about the speed.i am sure most of the demons commanders would just die in one hit if we use 20 times strength and it wouldn't be fun.

Okay now I will count to 3 and start Lia started to count up.

The demon commander's were dumbstruck by our game in Which who could kill more demon commanders.they looked a little fearful of our actions from now.




We immediately speed up with insane speed as we reached the demons before they could react.

We each punched a demon in the head and cracked there skull while sending him flying in the air .

-450,000 hp

{He must still alive but I would kill him later.}I went for another demon king.

I changed my tregectary as I grabbed another demon commander by the head and I pierced my hands from his neck to reach his brain and burst it open.

-500,000 hp (critical hit)


{Huh is so an intermediate 4 star gives 6000 coins while a begganer one gives 3000 coins, well good to know}

I throwed the demon commander towards another demon commander as I speed up even more.

All they could see where 2 humanoid monster with red lightning all over their body killing the demon commanders with ease.

I grabbed the demon commander which tried to hit me from behind and I grabbed his arm and ripped it apart like a Lego peice after that I kicked him away from here.

-750,000(critical hit)

+6000 coins

That one was stronger than others.

I used my skill to fly towards the demon commanders and went for the next target before I used my hand like a dagger to pierce the demon commander in his chest before he could fight back.

-900,000(critical hit)

+9000 coins

{So an advanced 4 star gives 9000 coins huh.}

I suddenly felt something behind me so I ducked in a panic to dodge and attack from behind.

I grabbed the hand of the demon as used it to support me and I kicked the demon behind.

But to my horror and shock.

-0 hp

I immediately understood my situationand immediately my ability.

{Time stop}

All of the place got stopped as I slowly floated away from that demon towards Lia.

What are you doing why are you using time stop,Lia screamed at me,but she immediately understood It the moment she saw the demon king behind him.

I looked at his stats .

Demon king

Rank:5 star advanced


STR:900,000(9,000,000 kg punch)

SPD:900,000(9,000,000 meter per second sprint)

Stm:900,000(900,000 second sprint)

Def:900,000(can take on 9,000,000 kg punch)



Huh I sighed if not for my speed being 1 million I would have died by his hands in one shot.

I looked at lia who was looking at me with a confused look .

So should we kill this guy first?I asked her genuinely.

Yha he may come in our way when we are only fake 5 star warriors our real strength and defence is only intermediate 4 star so we would be killed if we were hit one time by this guy.

I looked wondering what to do with this guy.

I gestured her to come with me.

We both got there is some time.

I punched the guy in the face with my full strength using 20 times strength.

-0 hp

I am sure it would have at least hit him 100,000 hp if we hit him while Time was released.

Well I at least tried.

We both walked away from that place .

Well the only thing we can do is fight him with full force with the two of us.

We both got in positions.

The demon king tried hitting me in the air but was surprised to see disappear from that place.

But suddenly he felt something push him and he pushed away to another place at an unknown speed.

{Huh wait so the damage is not transferred but the inertia is?}

{TIME stop}

I again stoped time as I saw the flying demon king .

I kicked him from above in the head towards the ground.

-0 hp

I again went back,

Lia was looking at me with a confused look on why I was playing around.

{Time release}

The demon king which was going sideways suddenly went down and slammed on the school ground.

-1 hp

Lia immediately understood what I was doing.

But she didn't care as she kicked with full strength to the demon behind her .the demon commander behind her that tried attacking her but immediately got hit instead.

-500,000 hp

It died in an instant.

And slowly falled down .

I was looking at the demon king with interest.{it didn't do that much damage as I expected it to do so I just decided to fight that thing instead of using this tactic.}

The demon king immediately became inraged that it was getting tossed around like a toy.

He looked up to see me staring at it.

He looked angry staring at me and had lots of blood lust for us.

I had red lightning all over my fists and legs and the lightning's looked menacing to him.

I looked the other way to see the demon commander we first encountered was still there slowly coming out from the bushes like nothing has happened to him yet .

But for some reasons he looked way more stronger than before.

Wait has he became a intermediate demon king level? I was confused on what he was doing to gain such power levels.

But still I went towards that guy with full speed and slammed him towards the ground with full force.

-500,000 hp

I should kill this guy before he becomes a bigger threat.

I made a sharp hand before I Peirced this guys chest.

-1,500,000 hp(critical hit)

I felt a strong energy coming from behind and I knew who was attacking me.

I used time stop as I floated away from the attack from the advanced demon king.

I watched as Lia came above the demon king.

Lia gave me a thumbs up.

I released time again.

The demon king hit nothing again but this time he was hit in the head as someone kicked him.

-100,000 hp

{This guy's defence is tough}Lia thought

The demon was taken a few metres to the side but his foot stabilized him and he stood up again.

I looked at the new demon king who was gone from his place.

{Huh Does this guy have teleportation or something how does he keep on disappearing out of thin air,all I had to do was one punch and he was dead but he again ran away}

{Well we only have one enemy now }

I looked at lia with a smile.

She understood my gesture as she smiled back.

We both ran at full speed as the demon commander was grabbed in both from both sides.

Both of his hands were used to slamming him on the ground as both of us did teamwork.

-200,000 hp

I kicked the guy to the sky as Lia stopped time and reached towards the demon king.



She released time and kicked him towards another direction .

As if we were teleporting,we reached the place where the other person was throwing the demon king at.

-100,000 hp

-300,000 hp(critical hit)

-300,000 hp( critical hit)




After some kicks the demon king got a Chance to use his skill.


this one was way stronger than the one the demon general used.

This flame could easily kill someone below 3 star in a second.

And some extra seconds for a 4 star warrior.

And to our bad luck our defence is still a 4 star warrior so now we can't touch him.

He was fully wrapped in it like a cocoon to save himself from the upcoming attacks.

The demon king was still coming towards me because of lia kicking it towards me.

{System will it work!?}

[Yes master it would work]

I punched the demon with full force.

{Nullify} I screamed in my mind

The flames of hell's immediately got turned into air .the moment it touched my hand.

And the demon king was again sent flying towards another location after being punched.

-100,000 hp

{Huh ,I sighed with relief, well it seems the special skill I got from the book of strength is great I will be able to attack any skill and it would destroy that skill or ability}

Lia took the chance and kicked it back towards me


I looked at his hp.

Demon king:99,999/9,000,000.

Well this will be my last punch.

I said as I went ahead with full speed and punched it hard to the ground.

Hhhhhha hhhhaaaaaaaaaaaa.

The demon slammed so hard on the ground it created a creator on the ground that was 100 meter wide and long.

-99,999 hp

+90,000 coins

Huh I sighed.

I looked at my nose which was bleeding for some.

I slowly cleaned it with my hand.

{I killed the demon king huh but why did I do it? For coins? for survival?}

I looked at my hands which was filled with blood of the living beings I killed

{the only one thing I can remember is my primal instinct to live and to survive,but I have already died 2 times why not another time but this time for good,all i need to do is kill myself and then i won't have anything to worry about,it would also bring balance in the whole world if i just kill myself,

I just keep on living without any purpose and in the way I may kill millions or billions just because I want to survive in this world, I don't have any aspirations in life only know I have to kill and survive,and I don't even know why i need to survive.

I always thought about this but killing this demon king just made me realise there was nothing that I did that made me actually content in life,I just strived for survival for no reason killing monsters for nothing in my life}

I looked at the sky the red clouds started to rumble and creating huge shockwaves with intensity, I looked at this with no fear as I realised me being killed will not change anything in negative, but it will have a positive impact on others,I will stop worrying and being anxious about things in my fu"ked up life ,the universe will get perfectly balanced and the multiverse won't have a war,Lia and all of my family members will be sad for some days or weeks but after that they will just live there life like normal and forget me for good .

Lots of the monsters which I will be killing will be saved and the losses in the great war will be minimised so why keep fighting when I can just find piece in death.}

before I thought more to it I heard a sound from behind me.




Clap Clap

Clap Clap Clap

Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap.

I looked behind to see Hundreds of students and all of the teachers clapping for us.

The sky which was rumbling started to disappear and From there a bright light came forward hitting us in it's majesty.

I looked at all of this with shock on my face as I realised what kind of dumb question I was thinking.

How can I forget I didn't just save myself I saved thousands of people killing that monster, I don't just want to survive and kill, I want to live and protect, I looked at lia who was looking at ne with a smile on her face, because she knew what i was thinking.

I may have caused millions to die till now but I also have saved millions by mysacrifices, the death In the first two life of mine were not meaningless I was trying to save someone i was willing to die for someone,and on this life as well I will fight for someone and protect them with my life , not just die for no reason, i want to have a meaningful life and death,that is why I want to survive how can I forget it, i looked at the sky as I saw a picture of my mother there,}

My eyes started to drop some tears with brighter light on my eyes.

How can I forget my mother's word I am such a loser,I cleaned my tears as I remembered our promise .

Don't worry mother I won't forget it again I will always remember your promise.i promise you.

Although it was more than half a century ago I still somehow was able to gain the memories back .

If I have to die than so be it but for me to die you must first be worthy enough to kill me,so be ready creators I will be coming towards with my full force but be ready because i Will not just die in the hands of a weakling or a scardy cat.

I will only be killed if you can kill me and I will try my best to not be killed you just have to try harder than me only than are you worthy of killing me.

I looked determined and hopeful about my statement and thoughts.

All of people had a look of brightness in them filled with admiration and hope for the heroes that defeated the demon king.

I looked behind to see that all of the demons were killed automatically the moment I killed the demon king.

+3 coins

+3 coins

+3 coins


I got a total of the left behind 50,000 1 star rank demons killed just by defeating the demon king.

And all of the 1 star demons combined I got 150,000 coins.

And plus the 1000 demon leader (30 coins per demon leader)and the 100 demon general (300 coins per demon general).

I got 60,000 from them aswell.

So in total 250,000 coin's just from killing the demon king.

And also the extra 21 thousand for killing the 3 demon commander.

I had gained so much coins just in 1 day and saved this people's lives.

{Time stop}

The two red lightning humanoid figures disappeared from there but before that they gave a simple wave to all of them.

The principle who had killed all of the other demon commanders because he didn't want to interfere in the fight between them and the demon king.

The principle knew who would win the moment it realised he saw how easily they were handling the demon king.

He knew who the two figures were but didn't speak about it.

He just clapped his hands on admiration.

In another dark place.

A Massinger demon came and informed someone.

My lord one of the demon king has been killed by 2 unknown figures.

And power dinamics are happening within the 9 demon king,all of the 9 demon kings want the treasure and powers of the 10th demon king who has died just now.

I know that ,I just want to know who those humans are or who those monsters are, the demon lord spoke with no emotions

The Massinger spoke again.

The humans were particularly unknown as they had some kind of red lightning coming out of them that was blocking their identity's and power level being leaked.

I could only find this thing that they have the strength and speed of a begganer demon lord judging from the fight against the advanced demon king but there defence, stamina and mana are unknown.

And the strange skill they used is also confusing it feels like teleportation but they don't leave a trail or use any kind of magic to teleport it's like they are going from here to their,by walking at fast speeds.

Hum maybe they have an artifact that is being used?

The Massinger immediately looked at the demon lord with a surprised gaze.

What do you mean my lord how could a human have an artifact on them.

Than what do you think anything else happened, some years ago one of the 10 leaders of the council suddenly disappeared and found traces on the human realm.

Maybe that guy is helping other humans to gain more athurity in our council.

And that is why he is using the humans as a tool while also using something as valuable as an artifact to hide their strength.

Well continue on the search ,the council meeting is being performed for some reasons and the high being wants to talk to us for some reason.

The Massinger immediately got scared the moment he heard the word high being.

He immediately started walk faster.

{Who does he work for me or that high being?,he is more active when he hears the word high being} HE SIGHED BUT HE TURNED HIS HEAD TOWARDS THE BLACK BALL.

the demon lord is here high being what brings you here.he spoke with respect .

Send all of the demon kings,and go and attack the academy no matter what that thing should be killed,that isn't a work of the previous council member.

That red lightning is more dangerous than you think it is I have warned all of the members of the council.

This is a full scale attack,I repeat this is a full scale attack,we must not let those humans live.

What do you mean by a full scale attack,? Are we allowed to do it high being.

Yes the Barriers that has been formed to stop all of the council members from going to earth will be lifted in some days so prepare every single demons and help you get.

If you kill those humans that have that strange lighting I don't care what you do or who you order them to kill if you kill them than, you are going to be rewarded a place in the high beings.

The demon lord was shocked to hear the offer.

Yes I understand I will order every single demon army to attack the human academy but what about the safety of the demon world if evey demon soldier went there

Don't worry I will be warning all of the other council members to not attack eachother whoever doesn't follow the warning will be punished death and will have his world destroyed.

He was quite shocked by the offer but he had been waiting for such an offer for years to come.

Well I am accepting the offer high being I will make sure that they die by us demons.

I like the enthusiasm now get ready we are going on a war.

I will inform the remaining council members.

After the talk the demon lord immediately announced.

Everyone of the demon world I the demon lord have announced that in 10 days the human barriers are going to be deactivated and we all will wage war against humans.

And all of the other worlds have agreed on an alince to kill the Human with red lightning all over his body, anyone of you kill those two thank promise on the mother world that ,you will be turned into the next demon lord.

And this offer applies to anyone that can fight.

So get ready for the war.

All of the demon kings on different castles that heared this were shocked but had a smirk as they all immediately understood what it meant.

All of you get ready take out all of the hidden weapons bring out all of the thousands of commanders .

(Next chapter at may 9 ,4:15 am new York time zone)