
reincarnation:my sister is phycopathic

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22 Chs


the moment she saw the book she was happy as a baby who got his first toy.

I first opened this book to gain this knowledge and skill and after that I gave her the book to use .

I checked it's abilities .

[Special ability, invincibility lvl 3]


1. increases defence by 30 times.

2.you are immune to any kind of elemental attacks.

3.you can be invincible for 1 hour (takes 1 percent of your mana every second, cool down 1 day]

{Huh?, another godly ability I can't believe I can just be invincible for 1 hour and the draw back is mana which I already have infinite of so there is nothing to be worried about and the only real drawbacks would be the 1 day cool down which is acceptable since I am invincible for 1 hour straight]

Although I was quite impressed I was worried about Lia since she didn't have infinite mana so she was only able to use this ability for 1 minute and 40 seconds at best.

[Ding you have gained a new skill because of your achievements and a new option for reaching 6 star rank.]

{Huh what is this am i being given some good stuff because the fight I am going to have is a life threatening or something? well I am quite happy if you give me stuff like this} I happily hummed.

[Special skill,soul link]


1.allows the user to link his soul to someone other's soul,and with this ability you can gain eachother's stats (temporarily )with no drawback .

2.you can see or sense eachothers places or body's

3.you can use eachother's skill, abilities and title.]

{Damn just when I started to feel bad for Lia I got a skill just for her ,but let me check the other option I got as well since I still have time}

[New system option, missions]

[Description:an option that lets you do specific tasks or missions to get rewards .

This option allows you to gain hidden items or skills with no limitations except the task which you have to complete to gain it]

I go confused by this thing {Shouldn't this be on the first day of my life or something why do I have to be a 6 star to gain this option]

[Because master you will not be able to complete specific tasks given on the first day of your life and some tasks are too risky for you to do so I had to wait for you to reach a certain level for you to be able to do this]

[And also you have completed several other missions that the rewards have been piling up since birth so the rewards since you didn't get this function for so long, yes thatrewards will be multiplyed by 10 times]

[Ding ,you have gained 2 million coins for killing monsters]

[Ding, You have gained a 6 star ,death hand]

[Ding, you have gained the title demon slayer]

[Ding, you have gained special skill ,infinite spells lvl 1 ]

Ding the items are being multiplayed.

[Ding,you have gained 20 million coins]

{Ding, you have gained a 7 star skill,death hand]

[Ding you have gained a title, demon predator]

[Ding you have gained a special skill, infinite spells lvl 2]

{What the hell is happening is this my lucky day or something why am I getting so many overpowered things!?}

[Master this items are overpowered Because you have been stacking this rewards value and increasing their rank unknowingly and it was being done for 18 years so that is why this is overpowered]

{Well explain the skills and titles to me,fast I am way too curious for it}

[7 star skill,death hand]

[Ability:if you touch your enemy they would lose 3 percent hp per second for 3 percent of your mana per second aswell.

Must be under your rank by at least 1 star to work]

[Title demon predator]


1.every single demon with less mana than you will fear you and run away from you or follow your command with out must fear of death.

2.You are immune to any demon attacks by 90 percent.and other species attacks by 50 percent.

3.you able to make anyone below your level fear you be it a god or an any, if you are stronger than them you can make them fear you anytime.]






I quickly tried to remember all of the description of this skills with my photographic memory,as this could be very useful in the battle.

After which I wanted to try the skill soul link first.

Lia grab my hand for a second I asked for her hand in excitement.

I am trying this new skill which could be useful to you in the battle and in our normal missions.

Lia was already happy about the gift I gave her now shw is getting something else as well so she was extremely happy about it.

She jumped at me with a huge hug as she exclaimed.


Hey I get it but you should not kiss me right now,I am full of sweat and blood.

I don't care this is your sweat and blood so who cares.she teased me while smiling.

Okay okay I get it now can I get your hand we were sitting on the ground with our backs on the wall.

She slowly touches my hands and suddenly after that something strange started to happen.

That instance I felt weird?.

I now felt like I had 4 eyes and different body's I felt like I was hearing more faster than normal and I felt a floating body behind me.

I could feel every part of her body as if it was my own.

Although it did feel weird they my body felt light and heavy at the same time so it was quite a nuisance,but it didn't do much since my skill would calm my mind down if needed.

We slowly stood up in this form as our body's automatically followed.

We were quite familiar with eachother's body since we always fight in since expecting eachother's movement without seeing them so it was easier than it would have been.

Our eyes glowed with a tint of red magic flowing from them like wind.

Our whole body felt way more adapted than before.

As if our body's were eachothers perfect partners.

I moved towards right while Lia moved towards left.

As we slowly walked to a distance and then stopped.

I used my skill to attack her from behind but as I expected.

My attack was destroyed by her attack that had the same amount of energy and powers.

I could feel her mind and we were reading eachother's mind with ease.

My whole body felt more alive than before.

I gained lots of knowledge about her skills.

But the most important thing was my stats.

Max Audrey

Rank:6 star begganer??







Mana: infinite(?)

{System why are there so many question mark sign ?}max

[It is because you are connected to Lia she is giving you her strength while Lia's stats must also be multiplayed by 2 times right now since you have also given her your stats,and yes she also has infinite mana right now]

Suddenly I heard a voice in my head{So that is the system you always talk to ,I always wanted to see how a system looked,}lia

{Stop talking in my mind Lia it's bad habit my mind feels kinda weird because of your voice}max

{Well get used to it and I can't believe you have so many skills like that you never shared this skills with me ? Oh so you just got them just now now I get it}lia

{She is just reading my mind to get the answers I am not even moving my my lip}max

{Well how do you like this skill isn't it amazing?}max

{Yes it is I never expected that I could just be with your soul anywhere any anytime I want}lia

{Well we should stay in this state for another week since I want us to get completely in since with eachother}max

{Well I am not against it since we need to fight monsters in this state}Lia.

Now let's talk with our lips instead of our mind ,If we over use it then we won't be talking at all .

Okay Lia said enthusiasticly.

We slowly walked towards the office.

And our body's were in since with eachother as I placed my right leg she also placed it at the same time.

Whenever she pulled an attack towards me when walking I was perfectly able to dodge it with no trouble.

And I also gave her some attacks that she easily blocked or dodged.

This was like a suprise training of our body to get used to surprise movement or entrance of eachothers body when in battle.

We reached the principles office as I showed my identity card to the assistant out side who was sitting there the whole time.

She spoke to us in a sorry manner.

Sorry but the principle has gone to visit some people's as he was in a urgent hurry after you 2 were gone.

Looks like he is doing his work well then we shouldn't disturb him then, since I gave him a special manual it should help him and others.

We were about to go away than I thought for a second before I gave her something special .

{5 star item, talent increasing item}

{4 star item, emergency teleport}

{It should be worth it since I gained so much coins,I will need to help the ones that are on our side,and it only costed 110,000 c in total}

Tell the principle that we have to Train in secluded place for a week for some special training .

{Since I didn't expect a skill like soul link to appear so I didn't plan for this but I will need about at least 5 Days to get used to it and I also need to do some missions if needed to gain some things that may help.}

The main reason for 1 week is because of this.

[Mission S RANK(7 STAR)]

[DESCRIPTION: survive in the forest of darkness for 7 days.]

[Reward: 1 seven star skill,and 10 million coins]

{You can bring another person with you}

[Additional rewards will be given if you achieve some things in that place like killing a 7 star beast or gaining relics and for them you would be given separate rewards]

{This mission although seems easy is definitely going to be hard}

{With my time stop skill and infinite spell I can continually use time stop to win it but I don't think if I use time stop skill than the time I spend there will increase so I may have to survive there without using that skill since I know the system isn't dumb.]

[And also there are 7 star beasts in there that can be as strong as those huge giants that will be coming here to kill us,so the system may be trying to help me get stronger and more experienced with 7 star power house, so I won't use time stop for no reasons, only in extreme time would I use it]

{This mission is definitely made for me specifically}

{Well first before I go accept the mission.}

Lia looked at me with a smile as she understood it.

{Time stop}

We used our abilities to reach a specific place faster than the speed of light.

In the midst of a jungle we stood at the top of a huge egg shaped rock and there were lots of those rocks here.

I can't believe this used to be our secret hide out this place was filled with flames and monsters and we only snucked in here using teleportation.

I watched the whole place which was filled with green forest and grass, knowing in 10 Days this would be turned into a horror of a place and than in a month then whole world will be turned into hell.

I lifted a 100 ton rock like it was nothing and we entered inside of that rock.

After which I started to chant a spell and with contraption to open a gate inside.


We both reached inside a small cave looking place in there we saw only some old beast bones that were turning bad and some mana crystals, after which I Found the place where we used to hide our foods.

But all I could find was some bones of the meats we used to hide.

This place although old and small was our secret hideout or should I say our home .

I still remember the day when staying inside the stone we survived the apocalypse and had to hide in this place for months and years in that time period we even digged up a house underneath the stone to create a home for us.

Every day we would try to kill a monster and get it's meat to survive and a lake was conveniently closed so this was our first hideout and our most nostalgic one at that.

This was the safe heaven for us that was like a god's gift in an apocalypse where every place was filled with horrific monsters.

We soon headed out of this place since this place wasn't that good to survive after we got a little more stronger.

We found another place and started to live there. And now after so many years we Finally are back to this place.

Well what do you say we should do our mission than, I asked her with a calm but loving Voice.

Yes she said remembering our time spent in this place.

I clicked on the mission tab.

[Would you like to accept the mission]

{Yes I want to bring her with me aswell}

[Ding mission accepted]

[Ding your body is being transported]

I felt my body slowly be covered in blue light as we slowly disappeared from that place.

Someone was watching this with a surprised eyes but with a devilish smile came on his face as he started to dig the place we were supposed to teleport to.

I slowly opened my eyes, finding myself at the peak of a towering mountain, the world stretching out before me in a breathtaking panorama. Below, a strange, dark green forest beckoned, its depths shrouded in mystery. Beside me stood Lia that was looking around the surroundings in curiosity and a little hungry to fight.

As we gazed upon the forest, a chill ran down my spine. I could sense the presence of countless beasts, their primal instincts honed in on us from thousands of meters away. It was as if the very air around us thrummed with their presence, a silent but palpable warning of the dangers that lay ahead.

The forest itself seemed to pulse with life, the trees towering high above, their branches interlocking like a canopy sealing off the sky. Strange, otherworldly sounds echoed through the air, the calls and cries of creatures unseen.

Every inch of the forest floor seemed to teem with life, the ground alive with movement as countless monsters prowled beneath the dense undergrowth. They were creatures of nightmares, their forms twisted and grotesque, their eyes gleaming with hunger.

Despite their terrifying appearance, I knew they were no match for me. But their sheer numbers, stretching out as far as the eye could see, gave me pause.

I wonder how many monsters are even there.

I could feel the weakest monsters on those packs were 3 star monsters.

While the strongest on each pack was 5 star and in some other there were 6 star power houses.

I could feel them looking at my direction with some kind of devilish smile on their face.

I was surprised they could sense me with no use of magic,it seems I now know why this was a 7 star (s ranked) mission , although I have to only survive,the constant barrage of this monsters will definitely wear us out if not for the infinte mana of mine.

But my expression immediately changed the moment I felt the gazes of 7 STAR MONSTERS.

I FELT THERE Gazes that looked piercing to my heart.

I felt someone truly strong as if they are god's of this world.

And one thing was different about them and all of the monsters here.

All of them were using skills.

I was confused on what was happening since I have never seen so many monsters that are high ranking be able to use such skills.

[MASTER your world has a protective barrier that causes other strong monsters to be not able to use skills,but in this world there are no such barrier so be careful since what you will be fighting here is way different than what you faught in your world.]

[And also the barriers in your world will soon be turned off since someone will be interfering it ,so expect that every single demon king will be at least 5 times stronger than the one you faught.]

{Well now I know why the giants were using such destructive spells with no issues}

Lia I spoke in a calm voice.

Let's do a challenge shall we?.I said with a look of fear and a smile.

The last time we couldn't win the challenge of killing the most demon commander since the demon king got in our way.

But now we again have a huge chance Infront of us.

Should we challenge on who can kill the most 7 star monster?

(Next chapter at 13,4:15am New York time zone)