
reincarnation:my sister is phycopathic

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22 Chs


The Eithrial Advanced Academy is a marvel of architectural ingenuity, nestled within a sprawling 10km expanse of lush, verdant landscape. Invisible barriers, created by ancient, powerful magic, encircle the academy, blending seamlessly with the surroundings to keep the academy hidden from the outside world. As students approach, the barriers part, revealing a grand entrance leading into the heart of the academy.

The main building is a breathtaking structure, a fusion of modern design and ancient mystique. Towers soar into the sky, their tops disappearing into the clouds, while intricate carvings and runes adorn the walls, glowing softly with an ethereal light.

Inside, the academy is a bustling hub of activity, with students from all corners of the realm milling about, their voices echoing off the high ceilings. The halls are lined with classrooms and lecture halls, each equipped with the latest in magical teaching tools and technology.

Beyond the main building lies a vast campus, complete with dormitories, training grounds, and research facilities. The grounds are meticulously maintained, with gardens bursting with exotic flora and fauna, and pathways that wind their way through the expansive grounds.

At the heart of the academy lies the Library of Eternity, a repository of knowledge that stretches back through the ages. It is said that within its walls, one can find tomes on any subject imaginable, from the most basic of spells to the most arcane of magical theories.

The Eithrial Advanced Academy is not just a place of learning; it is a sanctuary for those who seek to unlock the mysteries of the universe and harness the power of magic for the betterment of all.

So this is the academy I will be spending my time on from now on till I graduate from this academy.i was in awe of the size of this place and the equipment I could get from here to train for future battles.

I told Hannah to put my stuff at my room and I will be going to explore the academy.

Hannah agreed on my request as she took my stuff with Lia and left for there place.

I walked outside the academy as I went to the another gate of the academy which had the lower rank people in them,the people that don't have the red rank talent or higher but still can join the academy through the exams.

I walked there through the streets as I reached there the security guard told me to show me the academic card.

I secretly took it out from my inventory when the guards told me to show them the card,I slowly showed the card to the gaurds.

They immediately became respectful the moment they realise I was an invited person that got the invitation,not a person that took the exam, they bowed to me as they let me go in.

you shouldn't be here instead you should be going through the VIP section,he humbly bowed .

No I just want to roam this academy's different paths and places since it's my first day here,and I want to see the students that passed the exam since they could be my classmates.

Okay Audrey San I understand I will inform your family from your identity card about your visit later.

I decided to go inside to see the view.

As I was walking I saw something peculiar,a guy was grabbing another person by the colour,as that person just kept quiet the whole time.

What are you doing here you useless talentless bastard,how did you get in this acedamay.the Guy with blue hair and blue eyes with a above average apprence guy was holding a black hair with brown eyes with a average appearance.

Do you want me to kill you tell me how did you get on here?he looked pretty angry about the fact that he got in the academy with how useless his talent is,it should have been impossible to enter.

I could see that black haired guy obviously not resisting although with a little scared face he turned around to the ground but he knew that in the academy's premises if anyone hurt another classmate or other person,than they can get detention or even expelled if the damage is huge .

{The blue haired guy has 3 friends beside him as if he was bullying him but from his way of talking they must have known eachother before they came to this place.}

I looked at all of this with stoic face but suddenly my face looked a little surprised.

That black haired boy has a talent above 4th star but that guys talent is being suppressed by some kind of curse,the curse was blocking the talent of that boy .

{That boy 's talent seems different than it looks as if someone intentionally made this kid look talentless, this kid can be considered a white rank talent which is lower than average but if we take out the talent blocking curse he maybe as strong as a 5 star or 6 star in the future.}

{Maybe I should help this kid since he may prove valuable in the future ,I started to move forward with an intention to save that Boy but suddenly a gentle hand grabbed my wrist and stopped me in the track although i could have dodged it easily i still didn't dodge because i wanted to know why she stopped me}

She stands at a height of 5 feet 4 inches, her figure slender yet curvaceous, accentuated by the flowing lines of her dress. Her hair is a vibrant shade of pink, cascading down her back in soft waves, framing a face of delicate features and sparkling blue eyes that seem to hold the light of a thousand stars.

She is dressed in a pristine white academy dress, its fabric light and ethereal, billowing gently around her as if caught in a breeze. Over the dress, she wears a blue striped pinafore, adding a touch of whimsy to her ensemble.

Her presence is captivating, drawing the eye with an effortless grace and charm. As she moves, the fabric of her dress swirls around her, the colors blending and shifting like the hues of a sunset. She is a vision of beauty and elegance.

I looked behind as I saw the pink haired girl holding my wrists, what are you doing? I questioned her.

Sorry but it will only cause you trouble if you get involved,it is happening because of me so let me handle it she said as she went towards them, with a little hurry.

I looked at all of this with an stoic face as I looked forward to what was about to happen.

{are they the MC and fl or something like in the novels I read in my first life}

As soon as the pink haired beauty came in the guy's stopped hitting the boy and immediately became a lot more gentlemanly.

He turned around as he bowed and spoke with gentleness.

Hello miss kiera the blue haired guy tried to talk with her but he was ignored as she went right past him to the black haired boy with an indifferent look.

Are you okay ?here take my hands she gave her hands to the black haired boy.

The blue haired boy immediately got angry he got ignored by the person he was about to talk to,as he exclaimed.

Why are you helping this piece of trash,he should be in the dustbin not in this acedamay , he said Angrely.

He must have cheated in the exams and passed it he can't even do any practical work as a warrior,he doesn't even have any Kind of background and is a orphan,he has no talent or money so why are you helping him instead of greeting me your finance.he tried to downgrade the boy,but it didn't work as Kiera struck back

She became angry at his words as she argued back.

Who said I am your fiance you just act like I am your toy or something that will be yours after you asked your father, you think I would agree to that arrangement I would rather die than marry you.she spoke Angrely.

What did you say you would rather die than marry me I am the 13th son of the lord of city Y, and your family is below ours so be grateful that I am marrying you,and your family will go bankrupt with debt if you don't marry me do you understand.if you don't want your family to go on the road begging for food than you must marry me .

She became silent because of that remark

{So this is a family matter huh,well I should probably intervene and save them and that way they would be more comfortable and friendly towards me , they look like a Novels ml and fl,so I should probably help them, since they might achieve some great feats in the future}

Hello what is happening here I said calmly as I walked there with a friendly smile .

Huh get away from here you prick or do you want me to beat you he threatened me with an angry face.

I will kill you if you get in our business,now run away you piece of shit,he was acting like everyone was below him.

Huh? you are the guy earlier there she spoke in a confused whisper as to why I was helping them even though I didn't look that strong myself.

My face immediately turned from a friendly to emotionless as he made a mistake of threatening me even though I was being nice to him.

I fixed my gaze at that guy before my eyes slowly started to turn cold and my eyes sent shivers down his spine.

That guy got scared as he slipped backwards to his bum as he felt like he was looking at something that will kill him if he made a wrong decision.he was sweating profusely from his head and looked terrified from me.

As that blue haired guy immediately came to the realisation that he was sitting there in the ground looking like a scared cat.

He immediately became inraged that he the 13th son of the lord of the city Y was acting scared to a random boy that looked so weak,and in his eyes everyone would judge him because of this behaviour of being scared to a random person.

He screamed at his friend's with Anger and a death glare.


the bullies that were there not understanding what was happening since there boss just suddenly dropped down and sweating profusely and now is ordering them to beat this guy like a scardy cat.

In there confusion they tried attacking me with no clue.

HUHHH!! YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS ,one of the chubby guy screamed and tried hitting me with his super strength and he hit me in the back of my shoulders.

I secretly smiled that they are the one's that hit me first I turned around and grabbed that guy's hand before I Lifted that guy with one hand and used him as a bat to hit the other skinny guy.

Those guys got knocked down on the first hit and went flying towards the crowds.

Dugfug dug

They rolled down to the far away students that were watching the show with interest.and the students were thinking who would win,but they immediately knew who would win the moment they saw me attack in self defense.

Holy shit! Did that guy just showed strength of a 1 star intermediate warrior? All of them started to whisper behind our back although I could hear them quite easily.

get up! I threatened the blue haired guy that was looking at this with great fear In His mind and shaking uncontrollably

The blue haired guy was scared to his life since he messed with a strong guy that he thought was weak.

I said get up!!,I kicked that guy to his face as he went rolling to the girl and the boy.

He started to bleed from his mouth and nose as he threatened me with his family background.

Don't you dare come closer to me I am the 13th son of the kuzuko family.

Oh really,I slammed my heel of my right leg in his knee which made a cracking sound.





Although I was holding back this guy was weaker to pain than I thought I made sure to just get him injured to make sure he regrets treating me badly and never bully someone.

He started to crawl away with his hands to try and run away.

I went towards the blue haired guy that was trying to crawl away and I squeezed his legs with my leg.

Where do you think you are going I said with a calm voice that was threatening to that guy.

Kiera the girl immediately became scared of what just happened,

She grabbed my hands to get me away from that guy ,oh my god what have you done to him if the school finds out about this then you will be expelled from the school and his father will come to kill you for injuring his son.

She became scared that because of her this unknown guy's life will be ruined.

I looked at her with my eyes half way closed , do you think I don't know his background?I looked at her with one of my eyebrow raised.

And also the academy will do nothing to me since they are the one that started to attack me first and the students are the witnesses for it right?.

I looked at all of the students as they shook their heads violently in agreement.

{If only he didn't speak to me that way than I would have just let him go but the fact that he insulted me when I am being nice ,that is unacceptable and I must teach him a lesson for it,.}

{The main reason I broke his knee is because that guy was bullying the boy with hidden talent which I want and the girl that was nice to me so I had to make sure he never will have confidence to bully others in his whole life}

She looked destriss as although that guy needed to be taught a lesson but not that much that you break his leg and make him cripple for life.

I looked at her with a stoic face as it turned into a smile.

If you need any help from me than you can just remember, since you did tried to help me by making me stop from going into trouble, you are a kind girl I complimented her.

And also what is your name champ.

I asked the guy that was laying there with suprise and scared.

{Just who is this guy he defeated all of these guy's in seconds and even humiliated that guy with so little effort, I wish I could have those kinds of strength if I had it than maybe I would not have to suffer from bullying from others,}

{Wait did he ask for my name?}

You mean me?

Yes you,who else is there besides you I want to know your name.

Oh umm he was sweating profusely as he spoke.

Umm m y nnnaaame iiiisss kusuna izarki.he straighten up as he spoke with fear and respect.

Well kusuna I will remember your name.

Someone patted my shoulder.

Hey are you the one that did all of this,a knights voice came from behind me.

{Looks like the knights have came fast it hasn't even been some seconds but they are already here this school has some fast defensive systems,}

Oh yes are you the guards of this place?

Yes I am, now come with us to the teachers office we would judge what punishment you will gain for breaking the school's rules.

{I can't believe the kids these days are stupid and cocky enough to start a fight and break someone's legs.}

He grabbed me by my couler as he started to drag me .

And you two aswell come with us to the teachers office to serve as witnesses for the battle.

They got scared by it as they started to follow us to the teachers office.

{My mother will definitely scold me if I went to the teachers office on the first day of moving in this academy}

Hey knight sir can you let us go , they are the one's that attacked me first and I only attacked them in self defense, you can ask them to testify if you want.

Yha yha tell that to the teacher he said as he started to drag me harder.

{Well I am fu*ked} I was loosing hope since I can't use my identity as the principles relatives since my mother didn't allow it.and if my mother found out what happened here than I know for sure she is going to scold me and she will punish me in some ways.

But life struck me back way harder than it should have,my problems were only increasing.


as I was looking like I have given up,I heard a girls voice that came from above but instead of a girl it was more like a woman that was in her 30s or something.

I looked above to see a red-haired woman in a crimson suit soars, her face a mix of refined fury and battle-ready intensity. Despite her sophisticated appearance, her posture exudes a sense of readiness for conflict. Her figure is striking, accentuated by the sleek lines of her suit. As she gazes down from above, her expression is one of confusion, adding a layer of complexity to her otherwise angry demeanor.

She looks scary from her looks alone and it feels like she is contemplating if I should be killed or tortured.

I immediately got chills when I sensed her .

What is up with her power level and what is that blood lust it feels horrendous.

My whole body was telling me to run away but I knew she could easily catch me if I tried to run away,so I only waited to see what was going to happen.

{Next chapter at 29 ,4:15am New York time zone}