
Reincarnation: Just Let Me Be Lazy For Once.

Storymamma · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs

Chapter twenty one.

Third persons p.o.v

There was a bustle in the elven kingdom, Zero had finally been found. Brought by an ancient mana beast, Regalia was shocked and relieved at the same time.

Now he paced the infirmary of the elven kingdom's main city. Lindir watched as Regalia paced. "Sit down Regalia, you pacing like this isn't going to make the check-up go any faster." Lindir's child Regalia immediately halted his footsteps.

"I apologize Elder, it's just that the child seems healthy on the outside. What is can not comprehend is why he won't wake up."

Just then two older-looking elves came from behind a closed door behind Regalia. He spun on his heel facing the new arrivals.

"And?" Regalia's eyebrows raised into his forehead.

The elder of the two cleared his throat. "Sir Regalia, there is not much we can do for the boy. Whatever damage the boy sustained a year ago we can not undo." They both looked solemn when he spoke.

Regalia, eyebrows began to furrow. "What do you mean Dr?"

"What we are trying to say is, the damage had been done, sir Regalia. He has to recover on his own time, forcing him to recall anything would make it worse. Now if you'll excuse us we have other patients to see."

Both men walked away without another word, while Regalia was left stunned by their words. Lindir placed his hand on Regalia's shoulder. "Come let's go see the boy." Lindir guided the stunned Regalia into Zero's room.

Zero's p.o.v

'Sy- system r-r-reboot.

R-r-recovering lost data.

Name Zero Altura. Formally known as Marcus Gery.

Age: Six and a half years.

Core stage: Light orange.

Can not recover memories, re-attempt process. Failed! Attempting again... Failed!

Trying to find another way.....

Success! Memories recovered, time until restored, five days.

Magic abilities: Air, water, earth, and fire.

Magic skills: Appraisal, poison nullification, speed boost, and strength boost. No new skills were obtained.

New: Summon beast: Ancient tiger guardian; Luxio.

Zero's long hair fanned across the pillow, his face in a cold sweat as memory after memory flooded his mind. Not only the one's from his past life, this life's memories too.

Right up to where he got thrown off the boat, that was headed to the elven kingdom. Zero's eyes shot open as he jolted upright, his breaths coming out in shallow pants. Luxio who was lying beside him looked at him with great concern.

He noted Zero's arm, Zero looked at him blankly unsure of where he was. Luxio nudged him again, this time placing a small paw on his hand. Zero came to, pulling in the cub like a small teddy bear. "Thank goodness you are here with me. I could never forget our friendship Luxio."

Someone cleared their throat. "Glad to see you finally awake lad." Zero looked up to see who it was. Garrett stood before him, except his hair was now a bit more grey than before.

"Garrett?" Zero tilted his head unsure.

"In the flesh lad, I am so relieved to see you safe. After you had fallen into the ocean, I felt terrible lad." Garrett looked down to the floor, tears streaming down his face.

"I-I just came back, after receiving news of you being found."

Zero was silent, while he listened to Garrett.

"Thank you lad, for saving my life back on the ship, I and the others truly appreciate it."

Zero blushed, hearing Garrett's heartfelt words. "Garrett, I like you and the other, you welcomed me, when I first boarded the ship. So thank you too."

Garrett was speechless hearing Zero thank him. Zero's features turned hard. "Garrett, did you find the person responsible for cutting the ropes that held the cargo?"

"No, what do you mean by the man?" Garrett looked confusingly at Zero. Zero's eyes widened hearing his response, so then they don't know. Zero placed a fist on his chin while Luxio stared at him.

"That day I felt troubled, Garrett. I knew you could handle the heavy cargo on your own, but something felt off. I left my room making my way to the darkened deck, a flash of lightning and a glint caught my eye. There a man stood not too far from you, cutting the ropes of the cargo."

Garrett listened to Zero's story of how he used his skills to push him out of the way, thus saving his life. "You're telling me lad that, it was planned?"

Zero nodded. "Although I think he was after me and not you."

Garret fell back into a chair. "You were the target, no wonder we could not find any trace of the man. We have to tell sir Regalia and Elder Lindir. They will be surprised you are awake."

Garrett got up from the chair, making his way out of the room. "One of my men came with me, I'll ask him to go call them. Since you are the target, there must be others waiting for news of you."

Zero watched as Garrett disappeared, Luxio nudged his chest. "Thank you Luxio, for looking out for me all this time."

Zero stroked his soft fur, Luxio letting out a gentle purr. The door opened again, and Garrett came back. "He hasn't left your side once, even when the doctors examined you five days ago."

Zero was surprised to hear this, he looked at Luxio unsure of how to react. "Lad, have you and the beast formed a contract?"

Zero shook his head. "Strange, then how did you get that contract symbol?" Zero was unsure of what Garrett meant until he pointed to Zero's right arm. He inspected the strange symbol, that twirled around his right wrist.

"I'm not sure Garrett, me and Luxio just bonded over the year. He lost his mother, so we stayed together."

The door opened then revealing Regalia and Elder Lindir. Zero recognized Regalia, but not the light blond man that stood behind him with a big smile plastered to his face.

"Your finally awake young Zero, now let us have a long chat, shall we." The air turned cold as the man behind Regalia, eyes turned dark.

Zero gulped, he had hoped he could just be a little bit lazy before anyone arrived.