
Reincarnation: Just Let Me Be Lazy For Once.

Storymamma · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs

Chapter ten.

"Third persons p.o.v

I've been year a whole day observing the people around the castle. Guards seemed nome the wiser of my presence.

A small girl walked around nervously for some reseaon, pacing back and forth.

The king of this castle seemed to be in some sort of daze. I was curious as to why though.

A small boy appeared to be heading to the gardens, he had a goofy smile on his face. Curious I followed the boy, after all I was sent to observe the residents of this kingdom.

Nothing stood out so far, but this boy cuaght my attention along with the king.

Following the boy, I observed form afar. He broke a rusted latch from a blue faded door. How though, weren't children in this age supposed to awaken at a different age form us elves.

More curious, I kept observing the strange boy. He walked into the over grown garden, I could only imaginen what it would look like if there were more flowers.

The boy soon found a spot  concentrating on something serious. I knew he wouldn't be able to cast any spells. The latch must hbe weathered for him to break it so easily.

He reached out his right palm, I was to far to hear what he had said. A small wind picked up, but soon faded. The boy looked to his hands confused and some what upset.

I knew he wouldn't be able to do it, it was way to soon. He then sat down, was he mediating, I knew this because I liked to do it to calm myself when I was angry and needed to think.

His eyes widened with relaziesation, he stood up once again, this time holding out the other hand. Thats strange, usually spells are cast with the right hand.

The wind began to pick up again, us elves being one with nature helped us sense things more better. So when I felt something pass me to the boy, something was happening.

The boy seemed to be holding a ball of air, it soon changed to a curved blade. I was shocked, the boy however seemed happy as the air blade hit something ten feet away.

Stunned beyond words, I thought it impossible. The boy seemed excited and acted like true age.

He began casting another spell, was that water? Does he have dual magic,  it was rare to have dual magic.

I took not of this, the fact that he cast spells of not only air, but water too, although the water spell seemed to be staying in front of his hand.

The bubble popped, sending water everywhere including him, I had to stifle a luagh at his surprise.

After that, I thought he might be done, instead he stayed. Watching mire closely now, I wonder what was  he doing next.

He only stood with his palm outwards, his eyes closed. His concentration seemed deep, some strange feeling ran through me as I observed the boy.

I saw something odd, and rubbed my eyes to make sure I was seeing ot correctly. I could see his mana circulating around his body, it was a deep red. The first core color, how?

How is he doing this after awakening.  I stood shocked as water began forming in his hand, bigger than the last on. His eyes still closed, he did not know what he was doing.

The water, stopped growing, soon it was sent flying, the boy was thrown back a few meters. As the water made contact with something beyond my view, water splashed everywhere.

The boy however seemed stunned, but what als cuaght my attention was that his mouth did not move at all. Slient spell casting, no impossible it has never been done due to the difficulty and the risk of mana depletion.

Yet he had done it, he looked a little drained, I would have to report this soon. Keeping an eye on the boy, he seemed fine, but I wasn't convinced at all.

He stood up on shaky legs, making his way out of the garden, although as he took hos first step, he fell towards the ground.

"Shit." Making my way to the boy with unparalleled speed. His white hair shimmerd in the sunlight. His eye closed, I held my hand over his body checking if he was still breathing.

"Phew." He was, talking out and communicating ruin, I called the elder of our kingdom.

"Yes, have you found the person we are looking for?"

"Yes Elder Lindir."

"Alright, then report your findings."

I gave him a full detailed report on the boy who laid before me unconscious."

"Is that so, then he must be the one we are searching for. Now heal him and make yourself know to the king. The onvouy should be there tomorrow morning at first light. O and keep the boy safe, we wouldn't want him hurt until h1e gets here."

"Yes Elder Lindir." After that I put the ruin back into its place. Turning the boy over, his face too cute for words.

Holding my hand over where the core is located. "Heal!" Healing magic was diffrent. It was harder to learn healing magic.

Picking up the boy, placing him over my shoulder, I made my way back to the castle, seeing the girl.who looked stressed.

Placing the boy behind he silently, I went to hide close by. Somehow she knew the boy was behind, turning to him. "Zero!" She rushed to him calling his name. She looked around to see if someone had brought him to her.

But it was interesting to watch her become relieved upon seeing the boy before her. Know to go visit the king of Altura.

I have to let him know about the onvouy that would be here tomorrow.

Moving silently, until I reached inside the castle, the guards still obvious to my presence. Finding my way to the king would be difficult.

Although I picked up on some maids gossiping about the king, one even spilled his location, also saying he wasn't right about the events tha t happened two days ago.

"Hmmm... I wonder why though." As I made my way to the kings quaters...