
Reincarnation: Just Let Me Be Lazy For Once.

Storymamma · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs

Chapter seventeen.

Zero's p.o.v

Its been over six months, I still haven't regained my memory, so me and Luxio have been hunting small bird like mana beasts.

We still haven't found Luxio's mom a week later after saving him. Turns out his an ancient mana beast, it surprised me when he turned into his lager form.

We know roam the forest, mostly lazing about. We train somtimes to, although I feel like something is missing from my life. I'm not sure what, there is this whole inside me.

Luxio and I sleep together, he keeps me warm at night, since the night a cooler. He also keeps me from harm, picking me up by the scruff of my shirt, like a pround brother.

Sometimes I luagh at his antics, when he carries me around. I've made a bigger shelter, Luxio has smaller forms. his cub form and his adult size.

We spend most of our days hunting and gathering stuff for the shelter, my hair has now reached passed my neck.

"Luxio, lets go swim in the river today."

He shook his head. "What are you scared of a little water?" He glared at me, he came and picked me up and carried me to the river. Dropping straight onto the water, he just lay there smirking.

"Luxio!" I swam to the edge, splashing with water. Luxio shook it off, he looked at me daring me to do it again.

"Thats what you get Luxio for dropping me in the water without warning." I stuck out my tonge playfully.

"Snap!" Luxio an I looked into the direction of the sound. Luxio began to growl, slowly making his way to the sound.

I froze stiff waiting for my friend to come get me. "Luxio?" He stayed away for a few minutes, what was happening.

He came back, a small gash over his left fore leg. "Luxio!" I came out of the river, examining his small wound.

"Are you alright Luxio?" He nodded his head, then licking the wound to clean out any dirt. He did the same to mine a few months back, it works surprisingly.

"Phew, Luxio please don't scare me like that, we are friend now okay." Luxio licked my face. "Ewww.... Luxio, your breath skinks."

We stayed a few more minutes, going hunting to catch some food for dinner. Luxio let me ride his back as we traveled through the forset.

Seemingly unaware of new dangers that faced us in the future.

Maxwells p.o.v

Its been six months, and still no word from the elven kingdom of Tara. I slamed my fist down. "Has any news come from the elven kingdom yet Lillia?"

"No your majesty, non has." she curtseyd.

I sat back down in my chair, worried over my son. What are they hiding from me? Fed up with there excuses.

A knock came from the study doors. "Yes?"

"Father its me, Leon." Leon, was he back already. "Come in son." the door opened revealing a younger version of me. Ocean blue eyes, that seem red and puffy. Chocolate brown hair and fine skin.

"Son how was your trip?" He walked passed Lillia, looking strangly at her. "It was good father, although I wish it was a little longer, as I made a lot of fine friendships over my stay."

"Thats good to hear son, soon you will be ready to take over the kingdom son."

"Yes indeed father. Although where is my younger brother, I have missed him so."

"Ah that, well he is in the elven kingdom of Tara, training. You see six months ago he awakened to his first core."

"Thats interesting to here father, although I wonder why so soon. Don't we usually awaken at the age of ten."

"It surprised me too Leon, but now I'm used to that now. Then shortly after an onvoy came with elven representatives for an alliance and your brother. Saying he is too powerful and will hurt those around him when he awakens his other core, they will become more powerful blasts if he does not learn to control it."

Leon nodded in understanding. "I see, now I shall take my leave then father. Shall we have tea later in the court yard?"

"Yes son we shall." He gave me a warm smile and left my study. Although why is he so suddenly interested im Zero. The other times he out right glared at him, strange.

I need to keep an eye on him. "Lillia please.

go prepare two cups of afternoon tea."

"Yes your majasty." She curtseyd and left me alone. Walking to the window, that was replaced a few months back. Starting at the empty training yard. "Zero please, please be alright son papa misses you a lot. Haa... only six more months to go."