
Reincarnation: Just Let Me Be Lazy For Once.

Storymamma · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs

Chapter one. Death and new life for a lazy person?

Marcus Grey's P.o.v

The darkness consumed me, no light nor sound, only my thoughts could be heard, wanting to remember how I ended up here.

Was what happened to me so bad, that the memory just vanished. Sharp pain runs through my mind if I try and recall those events.

Well whatever, no need for me to try and recall those anything this place is better than my old life, no pressure from anyone.

Hanging out here for a while won't seem so bad, no on to bug me, nor stop me from living out my lazy life. Ahh.... what true comfort that awaits me.


Please don't tell me its one of those places that have been popular in manga's I've heard about....

"Welcome soul #00335 also known as Marcus Grey, you have been chosen for reincarnation. For your heroic deed upon saving two young lives from certain death that awaited them.

Huh, was my lazyiness good for something for once, nah... impossible, truly unreal for someone like me.

"Proceeding with soul transfer... Soul #00335 will be transferred to a five year old boys body, who has recently been poisioned. Due to this his soul is fading you Soul #00335 will replacr him gaining his mermories. He lives in the Altura kingdom your knew home.

Soul #00335 will obtain, poision resistance, along with magic and magic abilities.

Soul #00335 will obtain the following:

Mana core: The world you are about to got to has a mana core system. You need to manafeist your mana core through meditation and physical exercise.

The core colors are as follows, black, dark red, red, light red, dark orange, orange, light orange, dark yellow, yellow, light yellow, dark silver, silver, light silver and white.

Magic that you will obtain: are as follows: fire, air, water, earth.

Ice, lightning, creation, space, light and darkness.

Magic abilities: Speed boost, strength boost, healing boost, shadow realm, spacial storage, mana manipulation and appraisal.

Special abilities: Poision resistance.

(All magic, magic abilities are at level 1 out of 1000. Magic and magic abilities can go higher when mana core is white.


Intelligence: 250/250

Agility: 500/10000

Health: 250/10000

Mana: 10000/10000

Age: 5

Your goal: Find and defeat the hero, due to an event that made him betray the system. He will destroy the world when you reach of age.

All memories will remain in Soul #00335 before souls death accured.

Woah, hold up. Me a lazy loser do something so big and why are you making op. I don't need that. Find someone else.

"Soul #00335, is ready to be transferred to new body in 5..."

Dumb system, ignoring me. Wait maby it can't hear my thoughts.


Planning out what to do now, would be pointless at this point in time.


Argh... Using the IQ I've been given would come in handy later on, so that I can live a lazy and peaceful life.


So when I wake up, I should probably plan out my reasons for doing things so early, but being op would be a total waste or maby this dumb system planned out ahead.

The stupid hero is going to make me regret reincarnating.

"1.... transfer complete, good luck Soul #00335."

A fizzy feeling went trough my souls as time seemed to slow for some strange reason.

Zero's memories flooded into me. How his brother dislike him, his father that was distant, a maid plotting something. Him throwing up due to the posion. Something warm flowed down my cheek. It was heart breaking to see him so alone.

After all those images, went through my mind, my head ached. Too much information at once man. Ow talk about a hang over headache.

".... he must... wa... up... yo... ma...sty." the voice was distant and unknow.

"Uugghhh my head..." Placing a hand on head to see if I can ease the pain.

"Son....! O thank goodness you are finally awake. I thought the poision killed you." His voice was a heavy baritone. Leaving a slight ringing in my ear at his close proximity.


Notice: Poision has been nullified.

The poision you injested is unknown. Time of posioning two days ago. There is a possibility that rhe person who posioned is still in the area. Would you like to search for the person?"

'Ow ow.... a bit loud there System. Yes please so I can destroy them."

"Understood, searching now. There are many suspicious people roaming the castle along with the one who posioned you. I will search all of them and notify you if they are in close proximity."

'Thanks that will reduce my time by half.' My eyes fluttered open, the room I was in was dark, only the fire place lit the room. 

The man who called me son, his face was covered in shadows, not helping me identify him. Although why was he here, his usually so distant.

"Son, do not worry. Just you rest, your father will find the person who dared posion you." His voice shook.

"Father, wh... why are y... you here? My voice hoarse, my throat felt like a desert.

I couldn't tell if he looked shocked. "Water, bring some water for my son." He ordered. "Son when news reached me of your posioning, I immediately rushed here."

'He only came because of the posioning of his son, I truly feel sorry for the old Zero. A maid came in carrying a pitcher of water and a chalice? Woah now I know I'm in a fantasy world.

"Notice: The person who is carrying the tray is not the one who poisioned you. But she is trying to insure your death. There is posion laced on the chalice. An unediteable substance, found from another kingdom.

Not good, just how many are there? Is my new life doomed to only have death? Will I even survie this unknown world I was sent to, damit. Let me just be lazy and not deal with all this work.