
Reincarnation: Just Let Me Be Lazy For Once.

Storymamma · Fantasi
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22 Chs

Chapter eight.

Zero's p.o.v

"Notice: Congratulations you have gained the following.

Magic: Air and water.

Magical abilities: Aprasel, strengh boost, speed boost.

Int: 250/250

Agil: 10000/10000

Health: 1500/10000

Mana: 10000/10000

Age: 5

After speaking with father, Lillia and I made our way to my room. I needed a bath after all the dust that landed on me.

Waited happen earlier, didn't really phase me. Although seeing father and all those guards did surprise me.

Well, maby I should check up on father later, just to be sure. He seemed a little to shocked for me.

Gees, I hate feeling so guilty, instead I played it off like I always do, when I'm lazy.

Finally back at my room, breaking through can put some toll on the body, firstly I was hungry and secondly my body was sore.

Gaining magic and new abilities would aid me in the future, although I have now idea how magic works in this place. Mmmm.... maby a trip to the library would do some good. There are plenty of books on magic and magic abilities.

With thatbin mind, I took my bath and ate a big lunch. After gaining back some of my stamina, I made my way to the libary.

Going straight for the magic section, scanning over the books with my finger I stopped seeing particular book that would help find an answer to my question.

Taking out the red and gold book, it weighed a bit more than I'd expected. Taking the book over to the nearest chair. 'Magic guide for beginners.'

Opening the book and looking at the contents. I really did not know anything about the magic used in this world. I was going to be a while, aahhh... turning to the first page, I began reading.

'There are various types of magic, but not much is know how many variations there are.

We start with the basic elements of magic.

Fire, water, air and earth. This is know as attack magic. This is our first class of magic.

Next we have healing magic, used only by elves. They have secret techniques to healing magic and not much is know about it. This is second class magic.

There is also summoning magic and it is rarely used due to the decrease in this type of third class magic. Only few who manage to contract with a mana beast is able to use summoning magic.


Other variations of attack magic include, ice, lightning, magma, metal, light (very weak), dark magic.

Most magic can be combined to make new magic, but is a dangerous magic, unless you have the very rare

creation magic to combind the other elements.

The only exception is you must be at a dark yellow stage mana core to activate the creation magic.'

Almost got excited of reading I could use my creation magic.

'Ice and lightning magic can be learned with out the use of creation magic, although you have to give a portion of your mana to use as these to are very high level magic.


How to activate your magic.

There are three different ways of activating your magic.

Truncated spell casting, silent spell casting and magic circles.

For Truncated spell casting, you speak an incantation.

For example. "Come forth sprit of fire, air, water earth and lend me your power. Than say the spell

Air blade, fire arrow, earth shield and water bubble.

Theses are spells for beginners to learn depending on what element they may have.

Silent spell casting is more rare than the other two methods.

It is more difficult and takes years to learn. There are four steps slient spell casting.

1: Spell genesis. See examples from Truncated spell casting.

2: Determination of size.

3: Determination of speed.

4: Activation.

There are some exceptions to the Silent spell casting. More mana will be taken, but not by much.

To activate the spell casting, you need to circulat your mana from your mana core.

The size of your spell is linked to how much mana you have. Once your mana is circulated, hold out one of your hands, which either is comfortable.

Send the mana into your hand, and say the incantation and spell. No abrivations there will be consequences to that, severe magic backlash will happen. Causing mana depletion or loss of an arm.

You can train your magic to be stronger and may take months to develop stronger.

Magic circles are more complex and is a more uncommon practice.

They are written on special parchments and takes years to develop.

The risks are more the same for magic circles, but your mana will take years to regenerate, leaving you powerless. That is why magic circles are uncommon to use these days.'

I rubbed my eyes and looked to see it was dark outside. Closing the book I stood up and stretched out my sore limbs.

I could not believe I spent the whole afternoon here. I did tell Lillia I was going to be here, but not this long.

Placing the book back onto the shelf, I made my way to my room. Feeling a bit guilty for staying at the library so long.

As I neared my room, the doors opened revealing Lillia coming out with a tray of food.  "O Prince Zero, I was on my way to the libary, after not seeing you in your room."

"Um thank you Lillia, I appreciate the thought, and I apologize for making you stay this late." Scratching the back of my head, turning away shyly.

"I..its no trouble at all prince Zero."

I moved forward and taking the tray from her hands. Shocking her a hit. "Umm... Prince, what are yo...you doing?"

"Lillia, please I insist. Please take the night off and also please just call me Zero, are we not friends yet?"

She stayed slient. "Lillia please, just call me Zero. I insist."

She blushed now, and nodded her head. The she bowed her head leaving me alone before my door, my heart began to race again.

What is wrong with me today, first me awakening and now these strange feelings for Lillia. Placing the tray on the table I went to lay on my bed.

What was I doing, could I possibly allow myself to feel this way. This strange feeling kept growing as my thoughts driffted.