
After Graduation and Police Academy

After receiving my diploma and the graduation ceremony had ended; me Seline and mom all decided to head back home where a special dinner, which Seline and mom made, was waiting for us.

As we got home I decided to go outside while mom and Seline set the table but as I was laying on the grass thinking about my life till this point I felt lucien sit beside me, but this is the first time I've seen him in his human form, 'am I the only who thinks he looks like will smith... weird' but he just looks at me and says " you will have many triumphs and many losses but always remember to keep the people have helped you on your journey close to you young one for they will be the ones to always protect you as you do the same for them" after he says this he gives me one more smile before running into the woods before mom spots him and creates a ruckus. After laying out here for a little longer than I thought I decided to go inside and have that special dinner hoping this wouldn't be my last dinner on this world ' I just got here for gods sake.'

After the dinner I decided to do some detective practices before I enroll in the pandora police academy which I really hope I get in fingers crossed lol.

After I did my practices I went to the police academy to which there was a series of questions asked but the one that caught me staring the most was what position do you wish to be in after graduating from this police academy because there are so many different types of detectives; you have narcotics, mobs or trafficking, you also have homicide the list just keeps going but after thinking for a little over fifteen minutes I decided that I would go with homicide which really felt like the best choice with all the shit I would most likely be in the middle of in the future.

After finishing the enrollment process I decided to just walk home, I didn't really live that far away just a couple blocks really, so as I'm walking home I'm casually glancing at all the different businesses and homes on my way to which I never really noticed before probably due to only leaving the house for school and a girl most of the time while other times was just going to practice for sports so you can i was kind of awe struck and the different flower stores and restaurants that looked so nice and boozy, but I finally made it home and told the women of my life about everything and about me going in as a hopeful homicide detective to which was a whole nother round of arguments till I eventually got what I wanted as always being an only child is so great sometimes I just love it.


6 months later


Hey guys so it's been six whole months since I enrolled in pandora police academy and I love it here I'm top of my class in everything from combat to interrogation to my aim and I can honestly say all those exercises my mom has me do to teach me about a detectives skills really helped me out like really helped me out I have a lot of offers from big city police forces trying to hire me after I graduate from pandora to nyc even LA but I'll probably end up going to NYC and knowing my family there going to follow me there and I know we could afford it due to my mom working her ass off so I say New York is the way to go what do you guys think? But anyways my mom and Seline really miss me back home even though I only stay a couple blocks away I just think they are too lazy to just come see me but that's a problem for another time now here's the thing there this guy who gots this real hard in to see me fail at something while we are here so obviously he is really pissed off because I'm good at everything and all of our teachers praise my every move which I love of course I'm not a narcissist or anything I swear...okay maybe a little but that look on his face every time I pass is priceless it's like seeing shreck after he sees all the fairytale creatures in his swamp kills me every time I swear, but that's been my life so far no girlfriends but I have been noticing Seline staring while I work out a lot recently and I don't feel creeped out or anything like that I actually like her staring at me but is that weird because I have known her my whole life you know and to add to that lucien just sits there smiling at me like something is unfolding before his eyes or something truly weird that guy I'm telling you never before dark a lycan only embarrassment and clueless moments come from it major headache I swear but this is my family what can you do right?!

Now that we are talking about lucien something is weird with him today as if he is posed or something he just keeps staring at me like I'm some prophet or something at it's starting to freak me out but before I could walk away or anything the fucking bastard actually but me like he actually bit me and yeah I know he did the same to Michael but cmon I didn't expect him to just run at me and do it god dammit it fucking stings and now Seline is staring at me worriedly like something is coming but before I could ask what's wrong she just comes out of no where and bites me too like what the fuck is wrong with you guys like fuck this shit hurts and she can't even get me a towel or anything she just ran back inside like she didn't just bite the fuck out of me.. savages I tell you just savages, 'ONE DAY ILL GET THEM BACK ONE DAY' right after that thought though I passed out with a massive headache from these visions like images I'm seeing in front of me as if I m there in that moment in time.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Sam_Naborscreators' thoughts