

'' Is for thoughts / -- Is for spoken speech


Aiden Ashworth had never been what you would call a weeb. He was more of a nerd, according to himself. At least that is what he told his little brother as he played Final Fantasy XV.

Video-games were his only vice, and they were the only thing he kept coming back to. Not even his ex, who had tried to get back with him for an entire month, could succeed were games did. His favorites were the Persona, Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest Sagas. As a guilty pleasure, he read all about League of Legends' lore, without ever playing the game. Still, he knew every character to date, their ins and outs, how their skills worked and even their backstories.


'Hmm... gunshots again, huh?' he thought to himself as he kept playing 'Not like it's something weird.'

He quickly repented from thinking so little of the usual. His neighbourhood was on the bad side of Detroit, Michigan, so fights among gangs weren't that weird. To his misfortune, he ended up being one of the victims of stray bullets.


God was checking up on his worlds when he sighed heavily, as if something tiring and borderline annoying had happened. His voice reverberated through the infinite space he was in.

-Why does this thing keep happening... so now it is Runeterra, huh?- God groaned in annoyance, as he realized he now had to search for another soul to send over. He hated the idea of looking through millions of souls.

Luckily, he didn't have too. Just as he was complaining, a young soul appeared in the path to Heaven. God inspected the soul that he had just discovered, and found it perfect for his current predicament.


As Aiden's consciousness was roused from death, he was met with an endless white. Before he could react to the weird scene, a short pang of pain went through his head. It would seem the last memories of his death had reached his soul.

-Ah... so I have died...- he said without any care whatsoever for the fact. He then began thinking of his family, his job and his little brother, who lived with him, as his apartment was closer to his school. He wondered how his family would do without him, but he quickly realized that they would get over his death sooner or later.

'As if someone who grew up in that hellhole would linger on the memories of the dead for long...' Aiden thought, trying to reassure himself of his family's wellbeing 'Mom will really be sad...'

-Your mom will be fine, young man. She is a strong woman who has gone through many things.- a voice said all of a sudden. Aiden didn't know whose voice it was, but to him, it sounded... godly. It was a voice that felt powerful and untouchable, but at the same time loving and familiar.

-That would be because I am your "father" in a sense, my child.- Aiden finally caught sight of the owner of the voice. He couldn't clearly see how he looked, as he seemed to be different people overlapped. In the end, he settled for the image of an old man with a white beard. Aiden almost laughed at how he resembled Albus Dumbledore, Magician Extraordinaire from Harry Potter.

-If I'm dead and you are my "father"... that makes you God, right?- the raven quickly asked the old man. Though thinking of him would be disrespectful if he was in front of the Creator.

-Don't worry child, referring to me as "old man" isn't disrespectful. Christ preferred to do so, at least.- said God, answering an unasked question. This confirmed it for Aiden, he really was in front of the one true God. He had never been a very religious person, but he still knew how to respect The Almighty. Hence, he took a more respectful stance, which only earned him a laugh from God.

After an awkward moment of silence, in which Aiden just stared at The Allknowing, he cleared his throat. -Umm... shouldn't I be going to Heaven or Hell, old man?- Was the first question he could think of.

-Technically, you should, youngling- God's voice spoke soothingly -But I am in need of your help-

Aiden didn't like what he heard one bit. If any novel he had read was to be trusted, God, or any God asking for help, was never something good. Before he had any chance to deny the offer, God spoke again.

-Now, now. What I am offering you is the chance to be reincarnated in another world, wishes included- he said with more power in his voice. Some children had to be convinced with more forceful methods, after all.

Aiden, not knowing how to answer without angering God, just nodded, as a sort of sign for The Allpresent to continue.

-You see, some beings have been interfering with my worlds lately. I've been having to send people over to solve the issue in those worlds.- God explained. His long, white beard swung from side to side with his every step -You don't have to worry about the beings themselves, they are my problem-

Now more calm, knowing that he wouldn't be dealing with any universe level threat, Aiden asked God where he would be sent and if he could choose anything for his wishes. God smiled and suddenly a teasing and mysterious air surrounded him.

-You know a lot of this world, I would think... something about a guilty pleasure of yours...- God said with a smirk on his face. Aiden suddenly felt a chill run down his spine. If God knew about his guilty pleasure... wouldn't he also know about the secret porn stash he kept in a folder on his computer? God answered him readily.

-Oh, I do know. But that doesn't matter. If I am not wrong, you really like the world of Runeterra, right? Not like I can be wrong-

In spite of him not liking the smug smile in God's face when he said the last line, Aiden nodded his head. He began thinking of the beautiful, yet dangerous, world where many of his favourite characters lived.

-So... that is the world that needs me to be sent... but why can't you solve the issue yourself?- the raven-haired asked. He was curious as to why a being such as God, who went by the monikers of All Mighty, All Seeing and All Present, wouldn't be able to solve the issue himself.

-You see, that is how it works. I can create or destroy a world, but I can't interfere with it in any other way. Sending someone over is as much as I can do.- the answer came with an almost sorrowful voice. Then again, Aiden could understand, more or less, how God felt. Anyone would be saddened at the thought of being unable to protect that which one created.

-I thank you for your understanding, my child. Let's move on to merrier topics- God once again adopted his "caring grandfather" smile, as Aiden had decided to call it -What would your wishes be? Only three though, I've been giving too many lately.-

'What can I wish that is useful and cool...' the young man asked himself. He had many ideas, but he had to limit those to three. Using his vast knowledge of powers and abilities from games and a few animes he had seen, Aiden narrowed down his options.

'First of all, I want to look good and have cool powers...' thinking along those lines, he remembered what he had been doing before he died. With that in mind, he stated his firs wish -First of all, I want to have Noctis Lucis Caelum's body and powers-

God just nodded, giving his approval for the wish. Having tested the waters, Aiden kept thinking further down the line. He needed something that gave him a presence of sorts, together with a higher survivability. He quickly found what he needed -I want Haki, from One Piece, as my second wish.-

Once again, God simply nodded. He already had two powers that would be more than enough to simply survive in that world, and even make a name for himself if he really wanted to. He wanted to spend his last wish in something more... mundane. Something that boosted his ego. He asked God, if something like clothes and age would be considered wishes.

-No, those things are so trivial that I can't be bothered to deduct a wish for them. Never have, never will- after getting his answer from The Father of All Creation, Aiden began racking his brains on how to spend his last wish. In the end, he picked something he didn't think would be a huge cheat but would certainly boost his ego.

-For the last wish, I want to have all of the Royal Arms- God nodded in response, but this time raised a question of his own.

-Did you do it unkowingly?- was the question. This made Aiden's face show an expression of confusion. What had he done unkowingly? God answered him before he even began opening his mouth -You chose skill that could be divided in four abilities.-

Aiden's face upon realizing what he had done was a sight to behold. His expression looked like that of someone who had just eaten a raw chili and was feeling so much heat, that their eyes were about to leave their sockets. He could only smile and chuckle wryly, as if he was embarrassed by how his nerdy nature showed itself in the weirdest of ways.

-Well, my child, it is time for you to go to your new home- God told his latest chosen -Do you have any last request?-

Aiden thought hard for a short moment, before he stated his last "wish" -I want to have FF XIV's Monk Paciffist's Attire and I want to look at least twenty-five- was what he said, while he was thinking 'No way am I going to go around looking like a teenager'

God chuckled when he heard Aiden's thoughts, who seemed to have forgotten that the being he had in front could listen to even those thoughts he wasn't exposing. With one wave of The Allmighty's hand, Aiden's body changed into that of Noctis, but looking a few years maturer than his young Game counterpart. Vergil's suit, donned on him, gave him an even more serious air. Then, he began to fade. He could vaguely hear God's farewell before he fully disappeared.

-Goodbye, my child. I hope you enjoy this new life, and make the most of it. Fare thee well-

Everything turned black, and his consciousness vanished in the abyss of dreams.