
Meeting Chino ( Ketsuryugan User )

We can see Obito sitting on a rooftop of a house as an eagle come to him.

Just as Obito use Mangekyo sharingan to let En Oyashiro fall for him , Obito uses kamui again and leave the home.

He jump to one of the rooftop of a house and waiting their for the show to began.

But suddenly then an eagle start to fly above his head and Obito understand that it's a message from Sakumo.

Obito let the Eagle sit on his shoulder and as he thought their a message bind to its left leg.

Obito take out the message and let the Eagle fly but to his surprise eagle make a circle and comes to him again.

Looks like it's because of Nature energy that animals like small birds got attracted to me.

Obito open the message and see what's Sakumo says ,

Danzo has send Many root Anbus towards Hidden Rain Village the reason is unknown and highly confidential.

Minato Namikaze achievements and Position for Hokage getting a lot attention lately as Damino himself call upon a meeting for this.

"Oh looks like Danzo and Hanzo already form an alliance to go up against Akatsuki" I need go back to hidden Rain village soon then.

Let work things up here soon then.

I still able to use kamui to teleport there instantly if anything goes wrong good that I let one of my clone stay there.

Hmm I have many clones staying hidden 1 in konoha , 1 in hidden rain village , 1 in hidden waterfall village and 1 in otogakure.

Obito then look towards En Oyashiro house with his Rinnegan.

"Time to start having some fun".

Chino already wake up from her sleep as she look at En Oyashiro sitting counting on the money.

Chino is 6-7 year old now as En Oyashiro has already lost his clan in internal conflict and let chino knows that she is the only survivor and all.

Chino come towards En Oyashiro but this time En Oyashiro throw all the money away in the air , as he comes towards chino and pick her up.

En Oyashiro tell chino all the truth how his clan died because of civil conflict, how he use her and how he making money and all.

Then En Oyashiro burn all the money infront of chino who is shocked knowing the truth.

En Oyashiro later also revealed that he is his father as he also let her see his ketsuryugan to him.

Telling her how no one wants her and he only use her all the time and brag about which offcourse Chino not want to listen to just after waking up hoping this is all a dream.

She didn't know that their is only one thing that En Oyashiro lie to him that is a mask man saved her from dying and it also because of him that see is alive today.

En Oyashiro later discribe mask man Obito appearance and let her know that it's all because of that guy that she survived until now.

As for him he only want to leave a luxury life and do illegal business just want to use her and the one she probably stay with us that mask man.

As he starts to beat chino.

Obito is looking at everything that going on and controlling it , as En Oyashiro finally use his eyes to fight against chino.

Chino eyes also turn to ketsuryugan as she try to defend herself but to no avail.

En Oyashiro attack makes her feel a lot of pain.

As En Oyashiro body burst out with all the blood splitting all over the room.

Chino who is already horrified , stunned, and panicked pass out.

"I will wait until she also reached her breaking point although she is a child now, I have seen her grown up how he behave and kill enemies". Obito says to himself.

After few hours chino wakes up still horrified with the current situation , time start to pass by as chino clean her body and start to leave the room.

On the streets as En Oyashiro who reveals that he is her father burn all the money and chino don't know what to do as she is hungry and got no money to buy anything.

Chino is walking on the streets of this little village hoping to get something to eat.

At the mean time Obito enter En Oyashiro house look at the his mess like body and take away his eyes.

"It will be a good thing for experiment" Obito says as he is also little surprise to look that En Oyashiro eyes survive as he try to use chakra to save them and make the burst of his body not harm it.

Later obito has already use Genjutsu on the local's here , Chino trying to ask for help but to her bad luck or rather say people in war era period she is not getting any help at all.

Obito continue to monitor chino.

As day's Starts to pass by chino somehow managed to get a meal but she is now constantly getting bullying by little kids of his age around.

The think he don't know that they are under Genjutsu of Obito as she is not skilled like that for now.

A whole week she try to struggle like this Obito is quite surprised by her performance , even at a time like this she remain calm and maintain the way which she speaks off even in this instance situation.

But after a week without anyone and this cruel world not even showing a bit of emotion towards her she started to break.

Little by little tears started to come from her eyes as she has not eaten properly for days and even at this time people not showing any sympathy for her.

Not even a single one.

Soon the time obito is waiting for come as chino complete get overwhelmed by hungry , emotions , depression.

As she start to walk towards a hill slowly, she reached the hill and look below that it's a cliff and if she falls she will surely die.

With the intant to take her life as loneliness takes over her , no motive to stay alive and no one to see her

As she started to fall from the cliff the image of that Orange mask man that En Oyashiro his bad father talk about come to her mind and imaginary image form.

As she try to hug that mask man and let herself embrace on him , chino eyes got closed as the feeling of falling down from the cliff consciously act on his body.

But suddenly she got carried by someone away as a warm feeling start to invade his body.

The imaginary orange coloured mask man letting himself embrace her.

As warm water poured in her mouth she start to feel energized all her pain and wounds she feeling starts to melt away.

Like God has given her another chance to be with the person she long for.

After few minutes chino finally opened her eyes as she see the mask man that he imagine infront of him.

She try to speak "umm Hello are you the one who save me previous as well" she ask politely and in a respectful way.

Obito already has all the plans prepared for it.

As he starts to talk to her , give her some food to eat ( onigiri , fishs , packet items etc ).

Chino is already too hungry can't wait to eat as she started to dig in quickly.

Obito spend some time with her just like Guren , not spending time all day leaving time to time saying he has some important work.

Chino is way polite towards Obito as he saved her as now she has already saw the cruelty of this world she completely out his trust to Obito.

She still has some cautiousness and worries but as she started to interact with Obito all of it's starts to goes away.

Just like that Obito teach chino basic ninjutsu and Taijustsu , using kunai and shuriken.

In the end Obito also let chino see his half face before saying his real name.

By Which Chino also got surprised seeing someone just like the same age as her probably older , offcourse he is handsome.

Obito let chino knows how things work and he needed to go offcourse Chino says that she wants to go with him but Obito let her know that she is weak and of no help and he don't want her to die.

Chino reclutantaly grab obito not letting him go without her as she also started to cry.

Obito simple use a wood substitution jutsu as he make a shadow clone of himself and says "My clone will stay and teach you about advance ninjutsu for few days before desipited away"

As later says that he will try to come soon to meet her.

Obito use kamui and teleported away to Hidden Rain Village.

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look my bad grammar is my speciality to make novel creative XD, i know there a lot of mistakes and I'm trying to improve thanks for giving it your precious time.

Suryaputra_Karancreators' thoughts