

In her room, an rui was smiling happily. She looked into the large mirror in front of her, she really didn't expect herself to be this beautiful. She also didn't expect that she would be engaged soon.

"You are really beautiful young lady" her bodyguard smiled sweetly, she had recovered from the wound she got from the bandit.

"You are too much, I am ordinary" An Rui smiled embarrassedly, she was actually happy with the compliment.

"I'm sure, your father will be surprised to see you" His father had not seen him yet, he was still busy taking care of many other things. His father was really worried, so he took care of everything himself.

"We'll see" An Rui herself was curious as to what reaction her father would show. She really couldn't wait to see it, she rarely saw his father's reaction.

"I hope nothing happens" muttered an rui, she also had her own fears, after going through yesterday's events.

She was worried that something would disrupt the event, her bodyguard understood an rui's concern. "Miss can rest easy, I will protect you, no matter what happens. The master has also ensured very tight security, plus there are great cultivators here" she calmed an rui who looked worried.

After waiting for a while, there was a knock on the door. "Can Father come in?" An Zhou asked gently.

"Come in dad" An Zhou entered slowly, as soon as it opened he smiled and beamed at the sight of his beautiful daughter.

"You're so beautiful, I'm speechless," said her father as he hugged her lovingly.

"Thanks dad" An Zhou let go of the hug, then looked sadly at his daughter. He was about to let his daughter go to someone else, he was so sad.

"Sir, the Bai family has come!" An Zhou nodded immediately, raising his arm. An Rui smiled, and he took her hand.

"You're ready!" her father asked, An Rui nodded with a smile. As they left the room, Fang Kong and Yun Si were waiting for them.

"Greetings Miss Yun Si and Mr. Fang Kong, I thank you both for your care." An Rui bowed respectfully, while the two smiled broadly.

They did not expect the woman who looked so shabby when they rescued her. It turned out to be beautiful too, even though it was because of makeup but it was still very beautiful.

"It is our duty to help others" Fang Kong tried to be friendly, as did Yun Si.

Then they both stood beside An Rui, to look after her until the end of the event. An Rui was grateful and calm as they stood by her side.

In the main room, the entire Bai and an families had gathered there. Bai Zan and Bai lan stood at the front, marveling at the grand yet simple decorations.

"They deserve to be called the lords of the city" Bai Zan murmured, he had been in awe since entering the an family's gate. There were lavish decorations, and all the guests had brought large gifts.

"I'm proud of you son, you got a good match" Bai Zan whispered to his son, Bai lan just smiled in response to his father's words.

"Don't be nervous, try to take a deep breath and pull it back. In order to calm down," said his father, Bai lan tried it but it still didn't work.

Bai Zan saw many familiar faces, there were various important people who came here. He even knew some of the faces, it was a proud feeling to see them looking at him with respect.

"Hey look!" Everyone stared in one direction, there was a procession of people coming out from behind the room.

Everyone became silent, and out of the room came An Zhou and An Rui, holding hands. They were all mesmerized by an rui's face, she was really beautiful and charming.


"She's so beautiful!"

"How lucky he is!"

"The rumors aren't wrong, her face is very pretty." All the guests praised An Rui's pretty face, and her clothes were very pretty too.

Bai lan was stunned by her lover's face, he didn't expect an rui to be that beautiful. "This child is unbelievably lucky" his father whispered to him.

"She's really..." Bai lan couldn't even speak, mesmerized by her beautiful face.

The two families began to approach each other, Bai lan and an rui staring at each other. Both of them had genuine smiles on their faces as they gazed at each other.

"You're really beautiful" Bai lan said, an Rui heard her and smiled embarrassedly, her face turning red.

"Let's start the procession" said an zhou, Bai Zan nodded and the two families started the procession.

Meanwhile, Zhang Kai had just come out of the library. He had just finished waking up, then was about to go out, but he almost forgot to put on his mask.

"Damn it, that was close!" His heart almost stopped, so surprised was he. He sighed, if someone saw him, maybe he should kill him or remove his vocal cords.

Zhang Kai stretched his body, he was so relieved when he heard the sound of his bones rattling. "This is refreshing" he looked around, there were many soldiers standing guard on each side.

"I'm not late right!" he panicked slightly, not knowing how much time had passed while he was sleeping.

"Lord Kai!" From a distance, Duan Wu approached him, Zhang Kai immediately turned serious. He would use Kai's masked identity, as a serious and cold person.

He intended to use two identities in this world, maybe it would be useful in the future. That was what he had in mind, Zhang Kai was confident in his plan.

"Greetings Mr. Kai, it's an honor to see you again." Duan Wu gave a respectful greeting, he was quite nervous once Zhang Kai came out.

"Has the procession started yet?" he asked, hoping it wasn't over yet, because it would be awkward meeting An Zhou and the others.

"No sir, the show has probably just started. If you wish, let me lead the way." Zhang Kai agreed, and Duan Wu led Zhang Kai to the main room.

But his hand was not far from his sword, he was wary of Zhang Kai. 'Why is she so anxious?" Zhang Kai realized that Duan Wu was anxious.

He knew it from her gestures, Zhang Kai also released the seal. So he knew Duan Wu's anxiety, not to mention that his hand was always close to her sword.

Zhang Kai was really surprised, his guard was really excessive. An Zhou seemed to be really worried about his son's safety, to the point of setting up guards on each side of the building.

"Greetings Mr. Duan" The two of them arrived at the main gate, there were already hundreds of people gathered.

Zhang Kai was stunned, there was a large and magnificent room. With the large tables available, this was the first time he had come to such a luxurious and large party.

'It seems like a good idea to wear two identities' he smiled contentedly, it was worth it for him to wear this elaborate mask and clothes.

"Looks like the main event is over" murmured Zhang Kai, he looked at Bai lan and An Rui who had exchanged rings. Signaling that they were engaged, Zhang Kai was relieved that they had finally tied the knot.

Duan Wu overheard, "There are still other events sir, after this the guests will give congratulations and gifts" Duan Wu explained.

'Damn it, I didn't prepare anything!' behind his mask, he smiled frantically. He didn't know that he had to prepare a gift, if he had known, he would have prepared a gift.

"I'll be behind, you can go first" Zhang Kai was going to chat with someone first, Duan Wu was confused.

he looked at Zhang Kai who went to someone, he was watching him from afar. "Greetings Mr. Bai" Zhang Kai gave his greetings to Bai fan.

Duan Wu was stunned, 'who is he!, why is Mr. Kai bowing to him!' He was really surprised, out of curiosity he approached.

"Ah it's you, greetings sir" Bai fan returned the salute, he was surprised by Zhang Kai's sudden arrival.

"Greetings master Duan" Bai fan also greeted Duan Wu, he recognized him because he was introduced by Bai Zan and Bai lan.

"You recognize me!?" He was confused, about who was this man, "of course, you are the great cultivator who protects our daughter-in-law" Duan Wu was surprised, it turned out that this man was from the Bai family.

"You have business here too?" Asked Zhang Kai, he was really curious why Duan Wu kept sticking to him.

Duan Wu swallowed, as Zhang Kai looked at her. "No Mr. Kai, I am just curious" Zhang Kai looked at him, then let him go, he knew this person was suspicious of him.

"I'm just Bai lan's uncle, my name is Bai fan. Hello sir" Seeing the awkward situation, Bai fan introduced himself to remove the awkwardness.

"Alright, then I resign. Please continue" Duan Wu immediately retreated, after learning Bai fan's identity.

"I'm even more confused, who exactly is this Mr. Kai? Duan Wu thought very hard, but could not think of a single result.

Zhang Kai soon left, he was too lazy to chat. He decided to wander around the event, then look at the food.

'The food is really tempting, but damn. This mask really makes me furious' He couldn't eat or drink, even though there was a lot of food available.

He then continued to spin around, until he stopped. Since he broke the seal, he could sense something from 20 meters away. Zhang Kai stared at one person, he was wearing a hood, with his face covered.

'There is something strange about this man! Zhang Kai became serious, for some reason he suddenly felt a bad feeling.

The man with the hood was staring towards the stage, there was Bai San who was waiting for his turn to shake hands. Instantly, he felt something wrong, his eyes instantly tightened.

"watch out!!!"