
Reincarnating Randomly

You know those stories where the protagonist dies and meets ROB who grants wishes? Well that happened to me, kind of. "...You have a chance to choose any three wishes, are you sure this is what you want?" R.O.B asked me with a perplexed expression. "Yes, Please randomize my wishes and send me on, I would like for it to be a surprise." ~Current Worlds~ Against the Gods - Main world Bleach Naruto Highschool DxD

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14 Chs

A Girl in Black

It has been a day since the walls that surrounded the Seireitei came down.

The Shinigami were all on patrol to see if anyone managed to make their way inside.


A glowing ball smashed into the barrier above the Seireitei causing it to shatter, after exiting the breach the ball of light split into 5 smaller ones and were sent to different parts of the Seireitei.

All Shinigami went into high alert to find and deal with the invaders, as everyone was rushing back and forth they failed to notice a young crimson haired girl calming walking to one of the landing sites with a small skip in her step.

'Hmm, Let's follow Yoruichi for a while before I go get started on the 2nd task~' Jasmine mused, taking a step forward the world around her shifted and she found herself standing next to a black cat that is over looking a crash site surrounded by Shinigami.

"Heh~ Explosive entry indeed Yoru-chan!" Jasmine exclaimed with a grin, trying to jump scare her friend.

The black cat's head snapped in her direction having not sensed her arrival, relaxing only after seeing Jasmines smug grin.

"Little Princess, I think you just took one of my lives." Yoruichi said in mock anger. "What are you doing here anyway, didn't you have something else planned already?"

"Hehe~ I can do it later~" Jasmine said as she picked up her friend and started to go towards Ichigo's location.

"For now, ill tag along with you and watch strawberry-chan be a shounen protagonist~"

"Sigh, do what you want." Yoruichi replied in defeat as she settled comfortably in Jasmines arms.

"Heh~ Of course~" Jasmine said smugly.

With a sweep of her Divine Sense she made sure that the rest of the gang was not in any life threatening danger before making her way leisurely towards Ichigo's location.

"Ne Yoru-chan, looks like Strawberry-chan is going to meet his first opponent, let's go watch~"

Arriving at their destination, the pair find Ichigo engaged in battle with a bald man dual wielding his Zankaptou and scabbard.

"Oh? Baldy seems to be holding back quite a lot, he's at least the strength of a lieutenant." Jasmine observed.

"Oh... Yea he's in squad 11, they are all fighting obsessed maniacs." Yoruichi replied dismissively.

The pair watched as the fight began to pick up in intensity when the bald one released his Shikai.

"Oh a Lancer? It's always Lancers and Sabers that are the first battles, this confrontation suddenly makes sense!" Jasmine said aloud in realisation, as if she comprehended the truth of the world.

"What are you saying now Little Princess?" Yoruichi asked in confusion.

"Mah, don't worry about it~ Maybe if Fate wills it you will find out in the future~" Jasmine replied with a small giggle.

"Sigh… Fine." Yoruichi said, she just accepted that the little demon is talking nonsense to try sound smart.

"Hehehe~ Are you thinking bad things about me Yoru-chan?" Jasmine in a tone that belied her intentions.

"Just your imagination Little Princess~ Oh look the fight is ending." Yoruichi replied quickly, sweat dripping down her back.

Giggling at Yoruichi trying to divert her attention, she watches as Ichigo slashed through baldy's spear and cut deep into his shoulder.

"Hmm, Badly held his strength back to match what Strawberry-chan was exerting at the start of their fight, he could of won this fight if he wasn't fighting purely for enjoyment.

However, Strawberry-chan had been growing stronger the longer the fight continued which is a little interesting~ I wonder who he will fight next~" Jasmine mused as she stood up with a small stretch, ignoring the small cats annoyed expression at suddenly losing her comfy seat.

"Sigh, that was kind of boring though, they were moving so slowly…" Jasmine said a little dejectedly.

"… Really Little Princess." Yoruichi deadpanned at the super powerful goddess complaining.

"What?" Jasmine asked innocently.

"Forget it…" Yoruichi said as she jumped onto Jasmines shoulder, before giving her cheek a small smack with her paw in frustration.

"Oh? Looks like the Ginger Healer and the Glasses Archer defeated their first opponent too~" Jasmine said aloud after sensing the small confrontation on the other side of the Seireitei.

"Oya?" The cat poked her cheek. "Keeping an eye on the kids are we? Such a kind Little Princess you are~"

"Heh~ Of course this Princess will look after kids that in over their head~" Jasmine teased a little before saying seriously.

"I know Kisuke has his plans and that these kids can help out in the long run, but they are still in no way ready for this."

"Sigh, I agree, but I also have faith in Kisuke. So I did the best I could and trained them up a little." Yoruichi said after hearing Jasmine's subtle jab.

Silence filled the air as Jasmine continued to walk through the streets of the Seireitei.

"Ne, Yoru-chan." Jasmine said aloud after an hour of comfortable silence.

"Want to start cultivating after this mission is over? With the reward points I will get this time, I was planning on getting certain medical knowledge to help Qingyue's sect back home.

With this knowledge and the fact that the group chat gave us special bodies that can use all types of energy, I should be able to open your profound entrances so that you can cultivate."

"…" Hearing her friend ask her this, Yoruichi was a little flustered before a genuine smile appeared on her little cat face.

"I would like that." She replied gently.

"From what I've experienced when I got a blank Zanpaktou, it was just a normal sword until I came to this world." Jasmine explained.

"Though we have the ability to use these different energies, I believe we need to visit and interact with it first before any sort of conversion can happen."

"So I will need to visit your world huh…" Yoruichi said in contemplation. "Then I will hold off until I get enough points to make a round trip or we get a mission in your world."

"Mm, it's probably best that way." Jasmine agreed. "We can discuss this more with the others another day for now lets go somewhere to relax, it looks like Strawberry will be out of commission for the night after fighting with that guy with the sword whip thing?"

"I understand using soft swords and whips as weapons… But why is this guy's sword segmented and thrown around like it's a whip… So dumb, Sigh."

"…" Yoruichi was stunned at the small rant before letting out a small snicker.

"Let's go Little Princess, I'll take you to a nice little hot spring to relax~"

"Ara, Yoru-chan I didn't know you wanted to see me like that~ Should I be worried?" Jasmine pretended to fidget nervously.

"…" Yoruichi responded with a paw slap to her face.

"Ouch! That was my eye!" Jasmine yelped and looked at Yoruichi as if she betrayed her.

"Enough of that brat, let's just go." Yoruichi shot back exasperated and jumped off her shoulder to lead the way.

Jasmine dropped her teasing and followed the cat with a grin.

"No fun~ Fine, show me this little hot spring."

After an hour long trip towards the mountains around the Seireitei, the duo finally arrived at their destination.

"Welcome to Kisuke and I's special training grounds~ This way to the hot spring~" Yoruichi proudly declared as they made their way into an out of the way hidden cave.

Entering the hot spring was a little awkward for Jasmine in the beginning.

Yoruichi being an attractive woman who was naked made it difficult to not to look, after a few minutes of teasing done by Yourichi, they settled into a comfortable silence.

While the pair was relaxing in the hot spring Yoruichi explained to Jasmine how to communicate with her Zanpaktou.

Hearing that it only required to be meditating while sending her energy into her Zanpaktou, Jasmine decided to try and meet her sword's spirit.

Leaving the hot spring and drying off with small burst of profound energy, Jasmine changed into a nice gothic style dress she had found while exploring Karakura town.

Making her way to a nearby boulder and sitting down in a meditative position with her Zanpaktou laid across her lap.

Closing her eyes and steadying her breathing, Jasmine began to slowly push her energy into her blade.

Since arriving in the soul society her connection with her sword has only continue to get stronger, in the last few hours she has begun to feel a subtle pull deep within her soul and she has a pretty good idea and what it is.

+ + + + + + + + + +

Opening her eyes Jasmine takes in the world around her, a near infinite realm with a massive gothic styled throne at the centre.

The floor was a black inky substance that rippled endlessly whenever she made even the smallest of movements.

"So you've come…" An arrogant voice broke her from her inspection.

Sitting upon the throne that was the centre of this realm was a mirror image of herself, though there were a few differences.

She was dressed in a midnight black princess gown that had multiple tears that showed off a lot of her pale skin with onyx black hair and glowing red eyes, she almost looked like a normal girl if it wasn't for what could else could be seen.

Small black runes and symbols could be seen on all the exposed parts of her body, it can be safe to assume they covered every inch.

"Are you done examining this Princess?" Her cold voice echoed throughout the empty throne room.

"Heh~ Sorry, I was just a little surprised~" Jasmine said bashfully.

"Hmph, This Princess will ignore it for now." The black haired girl said arrogantly.

Jasmine took note of how her Zanpaktou spirit was acting and felt that it was very similar to how she was before awakening her past memories. "Hmm, I see~"

"Hmph, Of course I would be like this, This Princess is part of you!" The spirit said soundly slightly aggreived.

"Haven't you noticed anything different about yourself after arriving in this world?"

"Hmm?" Jasmine was startled, not realising that something had changed.

"Oh? You haven't even noticed it?" The arrogant spirit taunted at her.

'Different..?' Jasmine was panicking a little bit, feeling that she is missing something so obvious.

"Hmph! Of course it's obvious, idiot!" Her zanpaktou said, beginning to get annoyed.

"Oh." As if struck by lightning, Jasmine came to a realisation.

"Hmph! Yes, Oh." Her spirit snorted.

"I see… Since my arrival here, I'm not shifting in personalities…" Jasmine mused aloud. "I've been nothing but laid back and teasing, and only serious when it was demanded.

Where as before, back in the Primal Chaos I would flip between my Xing Tong persona and Alex persona… Sigh, I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not…"

"Are you Xing Tong then?" Jasmine asked her Zanpaktou spirit.

"Hmph, Still such an idiot. No, you are still the Xing Tong who awoke with those memories." The spirt explained. "But having two opposing personalities clashing for dominance was taking a toll on you.

So when your connection started to form with your Zanpaktou, you subconsciously pushed one of the conflicting personalities into your still forming sword spirit."

Jasmine was stunned.

"While you managed to shift it so that it would form the basis of my personality, it does not mean that it is completely gone from you, just that it no longer influences your actions."

"I see…" Jasmine was still unsure on how she felt about this new information, she felt more troubled at the fact that she didn't notice the change at all.

"Hmph! Stop acting all depressed in front of This Princess!" The spirit berated Jasmine.

"Heh~ you're right, why am I worrying so much, let's just continue moving forward~" Jasmine smiled as she decided that there was no use in thinking too hard, and that it hasn't negatively impacted to so fad.

"Hey Princess-chan, would you please tell me your name?" Jasmine asked the haughty spirit.

"You! What Princess-chan?! This Princess is Noroi no Ojou!" Noroi no Ojou said with her chin pointed arrogantly to the sky.

(A/N: Noroi no Ojou roughly translates to Curse Princess.)

"Heh~ Nice to meet you Noroi-chan! Let's get along okay~?" Jasmine greeted her Zanpaktou spirit with a genuine smile before walking up to the throne and giving her a hug.

"Hmph! Of course." Noroi huffed turning to face away from Jasmine with a small blush dusting her cheeks.

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