
Chapter 7 Titans Vs Hawks

Me and the team were watching a movie and eating pizza when it switched over to the news showing the justice league captured and a bunch of hawk winged aliens taking over the world.

Everyone's heads suddenly turned to

me and stared at me I just say "what why are you guys staring at me."

Cyborg just comments" your the know it all when it comes to stuff like this so explain please."

I just sigh " fine its the thanigarian invasion that huge ship will blow up the earth with a huge black hole.

If we are to stop them we need to take out that ship lucky for everyone here if I go super shadow mode I can easily blow it up the problem is the justice league is also held prisoner on that ship.

So here's the plan we will split into two teams those who can fly are with me aka starfire and beastboy we will distract there main force from outside, Robin you lead team b and rescue the justice league have raven warp you in and once raven warps you and the league out of the ship contact me and I will blow up the ship.

The drive in the Titans car to metropolis took about a hour once we got there we could see the giant ship in the sky.

We parked the car and got out raven warped team b to inside the ship meanwhile I flew up in super mode with starfire and beast boy as a pterodactyl and started blasting the ship which caused the enemy soldiers to start pouring out in droves.

Meanwhile inside the ship

Robin cyborg and raven slowly sneak through the ship until they found the prison cells.

cyborg can you hack this computer and unlock these cells Robin asks.

I can try man but these things are pretty advanced.

Ok you do that while me and raven try to wake the league up it seems they were knocked unconscious.

Robin goes to Batman's cell and pull out a birdarang and throws it at batmans head while mutering "i always wanted to do that but he always dodged".

After being hit in the head batman slowly started to wake up while raven woke up the others by hitting there heads with fists made of shadows.

Yo Bruce wake up Robin says quietly.

batman finally comes to and in a tired voice call out "Robin where am I ugh my head."

"Your on a thanigarian space ship once we get you out of your cell we will need to escape immediately."

while Robin explained the plan to batman raven explained things to the rest of the league.

"cyborg you got it yet man Robin calls out?"

"yeah just give me a few more seconds and done."

with that the cells came open and raven warped everyone to ground level.


Back with Shadow

Robin contacted me and tells me he rescued them.

Stand back guys I tell starfire and beastboy.

I charge a huge Chaos spear the size of a house and throw it at the ship it cuts it in half then blows up turning the ship to ashes.

"Amazing"starfire says.

"Dude thats incredible" beastboy comments

With there leader blown up along with there ship and their plan failed the surviving thanigarians fled in the remaining ships back to there homeworld all except for hawkgirl who seems very sad knowing she's not welcome on her home world or the justice league because she betrayed both and with her failure to help the league in time she was not given a second chance so after talking to the rest of the team I went to talk to her.

hey Shiera tough day huh??

she just looks at me with tears going down her face so I feel like I should get to the point.

Hey I was wondering if you would like to join our team??

She looks at me surprised "you would be willing to take me in even knowing what I did.

I just smile at her and answer i know you were going to help the league and betrayed your home planet to rescue them but by the time you did it was already too late you sacrificed alot to save your friends even if they don't know it or appreciate it the titans could use a woman as incredible as you on our team the league will come around and see how awesome you are they will see your worthy of there trust in the meantime why not join us we can be your new home.

She just nods hugs me and tells me she will meet us at our tower.

Word of the titans involvement in the invasion spread like wildfire making our group as famous as the justice league.

Aside from that though things slowly go back to normal for the titans with the addition of a new member.

to be continued