
Chapter 4 The Hive 3

After a advertisement showcasing the 3 Hive operatives abilities the headmistress of the Hive academy starts her sales pitch.

They are the best of the best you will not find better people anywhere else.

slade replies robots and guns can only show so much I require operatives who can work in the real world.

If they are to prove themselves they must first complete a test to destroy the teen titans.


Shadow pov

Me and Raven just finished a thirty min make out session and come out at the same time as Robin and starfire into the main lobby to see cyborg and beastboy argue about the aperently lost tv remote.

Star fire goes to get food to calm everyone down while me , Robin and Raven try to calm them down ourselves then I remember what episode this is and teleport to my room before starfire shoots her starbolts at all the mold in the fridge which causes it to explode and cover everyone and everything but me in blue mold.

I teleport back and suggest we should go out for pizza instead.

At the pizza joint

Cyborb and beastboy instead of arguing about the remote are now arguing about meat vs vegetable topping pizza it seems like those two can't go a week without arguing about something.

I would like a pizza with mustard and mint frosting starfire says

uh star not everything on the menu is a topping Robin tells starfire.

oh she nervously replys

Suddenly we see a bus heading towards a baby carriage i rush a super sonic speed and take the fake baby out before Robin can grab it and shout hey gizmo your trap making skills is olmost as bad as your video game skills and jinx I bet your a hit on Friday the 13 just don't go extinct on me mammoth it will make your mom cry.

Robin and the rest of the team look at me oddly as I throw the fake baby far away as it explodes so I just say this was a trap made by a group of amateur villans called the Hive a school for teaching how to defeat heroes like us and be great villans.

Then the Hive team comes rushing out of hiding with gizmo screeching you aren't supposed to know about all that.

As us titans fight I see jinx shoot a wave of hex energy at me I dodge by teleporting behind her and whisper in her ear you should check for spies how else would I know about you and then shoot a chaos spear at her butt it slams her into to concrete her butt literally steaming from the heat of my chaos energy i decide to have a little fun with her before I help the other titans and heat up my chaos energy as much as I can make it shoot it in a beam on of energy that burns her clothes off leaving her in her underwear.

jinx finally gets off the ground only for me to shout I see London I see France I see jinx's black underpants looking at her self she instantly turns bright red and runs away while shouting i will have my revenge for this Shadow you and you pesky titans.

The nearly beaten gizmo and mammoth see jinx's state and gizmo throws a smoke bomb and escapes with jinx and mammoth.

After the the battle we regrouped at the tower where Robin asked me to explain what I know about them.

The Hive three the top students of Hive academy first is gizmo the tech support genius able to easily compete with cyborg on his skills and knowledge of technology.

Next is Jinx the magic user of the group her powers revolve around bad luck she can make bad things happen that would not have normaly happened by fire her bad luck hexes aka pink energy blasts and she is also the one with the most potential for change.

Robin interrupts what do you mean the one with most potential for change.

In the original time line kid flash convinced her to change and become a hero she believes that because her powers are bad luck that good was never a option for her if someone were to convince her otherwise she might become a hero instead just keep in mind that kid flashes method involved a lot of flirting with her so it might only work with someone who loves her or likes her enough to want to date her so unless we find someone who is like kid flash and wants to date her it will be kinda tricky to get her on the hero side not impossible but more difficult.

I can feel ravens glare at me so to calm her down I explain to her I would not do that I love her and would never try to cheat on her and that I was just saying someone who likes her like that other then me to do so.

Robin interjects can we get back on track we can just keep that in mind for the future and can you also explain who they work for.

sure ok the last one mammoth has super strength and enhanced durability he is not that bright but is completely loyal to his friends.

They normally work for brother blood the headmaster of the academy who powers are complete mind control he can control lots of people at once and make them do what ever he wants he normally only influences his students minds when they do something he doesn't like but does not attempt to completely control them and they are currently under contract to work for a evil former mercenary known as Slade Wilson aka deathstroke the terminater

who for whatever reason wants to destroy us I have no idea why but he is a very dangerous enemy but with all of us working together we can win just don't fight him alone he is on the same level as batman in martial arts and is a master of many forms of weaponry mostly guns and swords he also has a army of robots with some he can have impersonate him so you end up fighting a robot thinking its him then it self destructs so we need to train to be ready to face him.

I hate to say it but he's right without shadow's help we would have lost that fight we need to get stronger and work on our teamwork more starting tomorrow we need to train our teamwork and our skills Robin says.

Me and Raven head to my room to sleep for the night knowing this is only the beginning of our adventure as heroes.

to be continued