
chapter 3 Sisters

Its been about a month since we formed the titans at first me and Robin argued on who would be team leader in the end I challenged him to a video game to decide who wins of course I kinda cheated I challenged him to injustice 2, a game he never played but I was still a good sport and we did a few practice rounds before the big match of course when everyone saw the game they wondered how I got it I explained that apparently the portal that sucked me in sucked all of my games, my music and teen titans show dvds and some how put them perfectly in my room on my shelf i blame the rob for this but it worked out so after explaining the injustice timeline to the team we played the game Robin of course chose to play as his future girlfriend starfire while just to mess with him I chose batman.

The match was neck and neck and even with my experience playing the game robins talent at games made him evenly matched against me it finally ended when he managed to catch me in a special move ending in robins victory so he was made leader and me backup leader if something happens to Robin.

Afterwords I asked if they want to see there future from the dvds but everyone but raven refused and she told me in private that she only wanted to see her victory against trigan so we watched it together all the way from the resurrected slade to beating trigan she was very relieved by the end of it knowing she can win I told her afterwords the offer to sever her link to trigan is still open when she wants my help she accepted to do so after the upcoming carnival wanting time to be ready to face her fears.

Anyway today's where Canon picks up as today is the day of the carnival and I am determined to get a better gift for raven then beastboys giant chicken.

Come on kid you got one more try and then you need to make way for other customers you have been at this for a hour says the man in charge of the carnival game.

Well seeing as this is my last try when in doubt cheat, i quietly whisper chaos control . I stop time temporarily and quickly jump into the booth and place my balls in the point jars and teloport out of the booth then move my hand in a throwing position and resume time.

I quickly fake cheer too get the guys attention I did it yes!!

Surprised the guy looks in the jars and sees the balls there,

wow kid your fast I didn't even see the balls move what 2 prizes do you want kid.

I point to the twin ravens and say the black raven and the white one.

OK kid here ya go and make sure to say hi to the lady friend of yours from good old carnie George.

I make my way to raven realy hoping she likes it.

I see raven getting the big chicken doll and make my way over.

A giant chicken I must be the luckiest girl in the world she says with extreme sarcasm.

Now you are here you go raven the black raven is for you and the white ones for me so we always have something to remember each other by.

she blushes and quickly throws away the chicken and takes the black raven doll.

Thanks she says quietly.

beastboy of course looks disappointed she didn't like the doll and I am left very happy she liked my gift.

Then suddenly Robin runs up saying Titans trouble.

where's starfire cyborg asks thats the trouble Robin replied.

suddenly Starfire comes racing between us with a tentacle robot chasing after her.

I immediately chaos control mine and ravens stuffed animals to our rooms and join the fight I Rush towards the robot at super sonic speed and teleport right on top of the robot and shoot a chaos spear into the control panel on it which quickly shut it down.

that was quick a surprised raven comments

you know me i am fast as lightning beautiful.

Raven looks around then asks what did you do with the stuffed animals

I quickly reply I teleported them to our rooms oh and do you want to sever your link to trigan when we get back.

raven looks nervous and says sure but are you sure your powers can sever the link?

yup I just need to use your magic mirror to enter your head and sever it from red raven aka your demon half.

are you sure you can handle it that part of me is pretty dangerous.

it will be fine besides I bet that part of you wants freedom too maybe even more badly then you do since she's the one who gets body jacked and controlled against her will when trigan tries to influence you this way you are both free and she never has to worry about being body jacked again so I expect she wants this too.

hmm fair point we will do it when we get back then.

after our discussion I say yo robin team meeting i know why these things are after starfire.

You do oh right future knowledge ok so why are they after her then?

Everyone quietly listened with rapt attention especially Starfire.

Its Starfire's sister she stole a diamond from the chitari moons quadrant of space and the police of Chitari that are after blackfire have mistaken starfire for blackfire and soon she will be here to try to get starfire to take her place in jail as well as try to trick us in a attempt to replace starfire on the team.

My sister really i can't believe she would do something like this.

Sorry star but you will see soon she should be at the tower right about now.

So all we got to do is make sure the chitari police arrest the right girl and capture her when we get back.

With the plan all set up we head back to the tower and starfire steels herself to have to capture her own sister.

We quickly made it back and just like I predicted blackfire tried to give the diamond to starfire who upon seeing it realized i was right and attacked her, taken by surprise by starfire's attack black fire was hit by a powerful Haymaker and with her sister shouting of how could she try to send her own sister to jail blackfire realized her scheme was revealed.

With a battle cry of titans go every one beat the crap out of blackfire in a one sided beat down and she was quickly knocked out.

Every soon realized that they had nothing they could tie her up that she couldn't easily break out of with her super strength so we just stood guard until the chitari police got here thankfully they got here before she woke up and arrested her with her waking up in a prison cell.

With that out of the way I went to raven's room and knocked on her door

you ready raven its time I say, she let's me in

and i get in a meditative position she grabs the mirror and warns me

remember to be careful to find red raven knock on the tree containing the vicious raven creatures three times.

got it and I look inside the mirror and a black hand pulls me in.

I look around for the tree and find it on the edge of the cliff ignoring the growling and vicious teeth of the raven creatures I knock on the tree three times and some how the tree expands and opens up a huge cave like hole into the tree

walking in i see red raven at end of the cave crouched down with her back facing me slowly she turns around and asks

Are you sure you are willing to free a demon like me?

Yes I am besides you being the woman that I love your race is a demon in name only the true demons exist in my universe under a monster called Satan i know cause i was in a war against them in my universe your race is just that another race a different species but that doesn't make you bad just different and your differences are incredibly beautiful my lovely raven.

red raven blushes i see then I will allow your assistance what must I do?

I just need to put my hand on your shoulder i will send some of my chaos energy inside you to find the link once I do I will go super shadow by boosting my power with seven powerful objects called chaos emeralds each containing infinite energy that will give me enough power to sever the link all I need you to do is hold still.

Fine just hurry I can sense trigan wanting to take over he does not want you to succeed i will block him out for as long as I can to buy you time.

don't worry I will be quick.

I put my hand on her shoulder and search for the link as fast as I can I find it and its pulsing so I quickly go super shadow causing me to glow in golden light and my black hair turns silver with a red stripe down the center.

I push my now infinite power into the link and as I send my power into the link to attempt to cut it in half with my sharpest energy wave I can feel trigan fighting back but I overpower him and cut the link in half and with trigans energy no longer flowing through it the entire link turns to ashes and is destroyed forever freeing raven and making her no longer a portal to trigans dimension she is finally free.

red raven realizing she is free hugs me and says while crying thank you thank you for saving me from him and then she kisses me on the lips

I put my arms around her and kiss her back and for 30 min we passionately make out then the outer raven walks in wondering whats taking so long and sees us and blushes then gets jealous and grabs my ear pulling me away from sexy red raven and I quickly wave goodbye to red raven and mouth that I will miss you she just smiles and blows me a kiss.

raven sees this and gets more jealous she quietly says I see you succeed and kisses me on the lips to I hold her and kiss back as she takes us out of her mind as she is kissing me once we are in her her room I catch my breath and tell her I love her she tells me she loves me too and we have a hour long cuddle and make out session on her bed and this starts the beginning of my love life with the girl of my dreams and my hero life together with the sexy beautiful woman that is raven.

To Be Continued...