
Chapter 2 Teen Titans Begins

I exit the portal only to see clouds suddenly i have a terrifying thought and look down and see i am falling fast towards earth.

crap crap hope this works


In a green flash i warp in front of ravin and see Robin slowly walking towards starfire.

easy easy i am not your enemy

he slowly walk up to her.

and he lockpicks the lock off.

Then she kisses him and says

If you do not wish to be my enemy then leave me alone.

She quickly flys off.

i walk in front of every one and say:Its not over yet we need to find her she had handcuffs on she was clearly imprisoned and her enemy's might be coming here.

Robin:He's right whoever or whatever captured her could be a threat to the city.

Cyborg: maybe lover boy here just wants another kiss from her.

A ugly looking alien suddenly apears in a hologram with a huge ship in the sky.


Cyborg: thats a big ship.

raven: Whatever we are going to do we need to do it soon.

cyborg looks at his wrist and says i got a lock on her biosignature.

I can sense her she is not far raven says.

we stare at her

I can sense things she says

We follow raven and cyborg and see the red haired alien eating candy from a store without removing the wraper.

beastboy: that tastes much better without the wrapper trust me.

she turns and glares at us.

Why have you come here.

I step up, we need some answers why are those aliens after you?

I am prize they seek to take me as there slave.

don't worry we won't let them take you koriand'r

!!! How do you know my name i never told you it!

Everyone looks shocked finally beastboy speaks up dude how do you know this stuff.

My name is Shadow Dark and i know quite a lot about things Garfield.


starfire gets rather upset

How do you know so much.

robin:Dude you know everyone's secrets don't you.

I do i will tell you how I know so much when we beat those guys once that is over I will tell you everything you guys deserve that much.

Robin:fine for now we have city to save let's go team.

Me and raven say at the same time

I can warp us up there. we both look at each other, how about you warp beastboy and cyborg I will warp up starfire and Robin.

Raven sighs, fine

Robin starfire stay close together,


and we apear on the ship in a green flash

raven apears right next to us.

Beastboy : woo that dark energy stuff is (beast boy quickly corrects himself on seeing raven sad) great

I walk beside her as we try to find the control center.

raven whats wrong?

You heard the kid i don't belong anywhere.

Robin was trained by a guy in a bat costume, beastboys green, cyborg is made of metal and I can control time and space you fit in just fine

if anything with a woman as beautiful as you are raven were the ones that Don't fit in.

if you know about me like I think you do then why do you still call me beautiful?

you are incredible woman raven one who has suffered more then anyone should your right i know all about you, prophecy half demon and all but none of that matters never doubt you are good you are a hero raven and when the time comes will beat Trigan together the prophecy is only a potential future it is not set in stone.

Besides I think I have a way to sever your link to trigan so you won't have to worry about him anymore so yeah don't worry I am here for you and so are all your new friends you are not alone anymore.

raven:thank you , when this is over I will help you provide evidence for your knowledge with my powers.

thanks Rachel your the best.

So you do know sigh just call me raven for now I am not ready for people to know my real name yet.

I understand I will be careful to use only your hero name but for future reference I think both of your names are extremely beautiful.

(blushes then sighs and smiles) thanks

we see everyone is getting ahead of us so we quickly catch up.

after beating hoards of enemies we finally reach the big alien boss.

Boss: Men get ready to destroy earth.

We quickly run in the room and I quickly comand the team.

Let's finish these jerks.

I Rush towards the boss and teleport right behind his head and kick him towards starfire and shout, kori smash his head.

she quickly flys over and smashes him hard into the metal ship creating a crater knocking him out while Robin,beastboy,raven and cyborg just finished of the goons with cyborg transforming his arm into a Canon for better damage.

raven comes beside me and says, that was surprisingly easy.

I think its because they weren't expecting anyone to be able to teleport which made for a quick surprise attack but even then that would not not have worked without kori's super strength.

just call me starfire I believe that is what it is in your language.

gotcha anyway let's head on back now that these guys are all tied up.

I quickly land the ship next to titans Island and we all got out as the green lanterns come and take them into custody.

once we walk out I say, we were a pretty good team back there so I wondering if you guys want to be a team on a more permanent basis.

everyone stares at me for a second and Robin says, sure but on the condition you tell us all how you know so much like you promised.

I sigh, fine but I will need ravens help I will think of the memories and raven can show you on a magic screen can that work?


Raven works her magic and a screen apears floating in the air as I think about my memory of batman the animated series episode flying Greysons shocking Robin, then move on to teen titans episode showing the defeat of trigan surprising raven then onto teen titans episode showing blackfire calling her sister by her name and then the fight between starfire and blackfire

and lastly the brotherhood of evil episode where beastboy gets called Garfield , a web page showing cyborgs name as Victor stone and then the teen titans theme song showcasing all the titans from the cartoon.

Coming out of his shock Robin manages to put the pieces together.

Your from another universe one where we are cartoons and our identity is common knowledge.

smiling I remark, got in one detective.

so now you all know my greatest secret but I have one last to show, I quickly show the memory of what happened in the first chapter with raven blushing at what I said at the end.

so thats it fair is fair now you guys know.

teen titans huh I like it so is everyone interested Robin asks

beastboy:I'm in ,cyborg: boo yeah I'm in,starfire: I believe I am the in, Robin, I am definitely in so from today onwards were the teen titans.

Yeah we all shout

So begins my adventure as Shadow Dark the ultimate life form and a hero.