

Frost Empire's Royal Court.

"Next Law offender, Enter inside the Court..." The Announcer announced.

Two Guards entered inside the Court with Anon and his head was covered with a Black cloth.

"State the Crime commited by this Incubus, Guards." The Announcer spoke.

"This Incubus, Tried to Threaten us on the front gate of the kingdom, My Queen." One of the guard spoke with a neutral expression as he looked at Floria.

"Why is he still standing ? Get him on his knees..." Floria spoke with an attitude filled voice as she looked at Anon.

'Haa... What a waste ?' Anon thought as he swings his neck from left to right, while sighing.


"Oi, Get down on your Knees." The guard spoke as he placed his sword over Anon's neck.

Anon didn't speak anything and continued to stand like that.

"My Queen, He is not following the orders verbally... Shall we sort to some physical punishments ?" The guard asked.