
reincarnated with rainbow mana

DaoistPuw0O0 · Fantasi
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10 Chs


Boom, an explosion sounded and i felt as if my skin was being torn from my face. Pain was the only thing I could feel, then it disappeared. I woke up to a voice with no face telling me I had the choice of reincarnation or etern- I didn't listen to the rest and chose reincarnation as soon as it was spoken.

After spending my life reading novel upon novel about reincarnation I figured it couldn't be that bad.

I felt my entire being filled with energy and then, nothing... until a mildly bright light filled my eyes... I had just been born, again.

The light I had seen was a candle and there was an old woman holding me after I *cough* came out. I then really had a chance to look around, I saw moldy looking wood walls, a small table, a giant hole in the roof accompanied by a multitude of other, smaller holes. I thought that maybe I had made the wrong choice as I could not see a man accompanying the woman who seemed to be my mother and the woman holding me who I guessed was my grandmother. I did, however, see an elderly man, sleeping in a chair be shaken awake to meet his grandchild.

*one month later*

I am happily living as a baby, in a broken house with a loving mother an grandparents. With my extensive knowledge of isekai stories I have decided it is time to try to feel for this worlds energy.

Positioning myself against the side of my little box-cradle I breathe in and try to sense some form of energy. After a bit I start to see little glowing enery balls of a multitude of different colors. I begin to imagine myself as a magnet, drawing the balls toward me. They slowly gravitate towards my abdomen forming a ball inside me. This ball looks a bit like a color wheel to me as it had every color in it. I continue to do this for days, those days turn to weeks, those weeks to months and those months to years.

It has been roughly five years since I was reborn into this world, i no longer have a need for food or water and the amount of energy (I call it mana) that I have accumulated is maybe equivalent to what a man in their twenties should have should have(if they were not a genius), but I had better control than they could ever wish for. One who could sense and gather mana that is.

My fifth birthday came and on it tragedy, my mother, blessed be her memory, died, and weeks later so did both my grandparents, leaving me totally family-less. After sitting in my house meditating (attracting mana) and crying i decided to look on the bright side of things, or the relatively happy part as I could now practice more openly with my mana, but that let to a whole new world of pain.

I decided to go with the theory that I had mana channels and they needed to be opened, so instead of sensing the mana in the air, I forced the mana in my body to move around.

Concentration is key, no pain no gain. this is what I told myself every day when I put my will to the test with channel-training. After months of excruciatingly painful training, I could finally put mana through my body, and as an added bonus-ish I could not sense mana and draw it in through my whole body instead of just my abdomen. I also no longer needed to sit in meditation to gather mana, granted it was twice as fast, it was hard to sit in one spot for hours on end.

I decided to try some magic. I had read that an aura skill in the best so I decided to try it. I slowly diffused mana from my feet into the ground, but nothing happened. I tried again and again until I had run out of patience and had a realization. What if I only try one color al a time, I thought. After some meditation, I tried again and it worked. I diffused the red one and a fire aura came our with a radius of 3 meters from me, same for blue but it was water, light blue, ice, green, plants, brown, earth and mud etc...

Next I decided to try expelling the mana through my hand. This worked better as I already knew I had to go color by color (element by element). First I tried the most basic, fireball, if anything this worked a little too well as it hit the wall and it started to burn the house. I threw a water ball at it to ensure the house didn't burn down. after it went out, I heard a knock at the door and went over to see who is was. It turned out to be my neighbor, who looked at me funny as I was still five and asked why he hadn't seen my family in a while, I told him that they were dead and he turned apologetic immediately, he looked as if he wanted to say something, but my eyes must have scared him as he walked away before he started talking. I went back into my house.

*13 years later*