
Reincarnated With Mount & Blade Universal System

A 23 year old guy is reincarnated with his memories of his life intact. Remembering his death made him sad but stopped once he heard a deep voice Knowing he had a system of the game he cherished with his life made him cheer up on the only thing he cared about. His whole life was a sad story that one wished to change but now that he died and has a way to change his fate from being the same to a new one. The multiverse shall know his name as he rises to the top without stop, with his army conquering everything in his way and shall become the true ruler of the multiverse. In his path there will lay pain, death, and suffering but it shall make him stronger and better than he ever was. This is the story of a man who will change the world in it's entirety and build an Empire that shall stand tall for the years to come. A/N: This system will have both the First Mount & Blade System and Bannerlord II System but the Bannerlord II System will come later on the story. The story itself will be realistic with mentions of rape, cursing, gore so be warned. P.S: Cover art is not mine so if author doesn't want it Ill take it down A/N: To make the mods that will be added realistic, I will be adding more lore for them or make new types of units. [WARNING] A/N: As this is realistic, there will be dark tones such as rape, torture, and mass bloodshed due to the innate nature of some races and basic need

Joaquin_Bonilla_2031 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

New Companions and Fighting an Army (2/2)

Kuroi POV

Aoi: "Gather troops that will join your squadron and you will preside over them and there are no prisoners"

Kuroi: "Hai, Aoi-dono!"

Hearing her words I looked around the 75 Troops who stood behind me with Katsuyori-dono beside me waiting on my orders.

Kuroi: "Listen well! The 5x Tetsujin Yumi Kihei, 8x trained Spearmen, 5x Musako Recruits, and 8x Kizoku Warriors will be under my command and we will fight until every enemy is dead for our Lord!"

Unknown to me as I shouted out with my spirit, a trace of gold energy could be seen encasing me and moving along the soldiers and covered them in the gold energy.

Katsuyori: 'Interesting..."

All: " We fight for our Lord!!!"

Hearing our shout the birds nearby flew away and everyone now had a stronger fighting spirit even with the enemy having twice our number.

With Katsuyori-dono following closely behind, we went as far back as we could to hear the fighting that would signal the start of our flanking behind.

With the help of Katsuyori-dono we managed to teach the 75 soldiers three basic formations to engage with the enemy with foot soldiers in front and archers in the back. Mounted Archers were to move around the battlefield and rage havoc with their high mobility and long distance attacks.

15 minutes later




After 15 minutes of waiting, everyone had prepared themselves about to fight but we suddenly heard the sounds of horses coming our way.

Seeing 20 horses charging over with foot soldiers right behind them I told the Spearmen to prepare their Yari spears along with the mounted archers to prepare once they were near enough.

20 meters.....

15 meters.....

10 meters..

5 meters

I raised my hand and five arrows were shot at the legs of five horses and another volley of arrows hit another five horses and as the horses neighed and fell down.

Those who had fell were in for a world of pain as swords hacked them to death or stabbed right through their chainmail chest armor.

BAM! x2

BAM! x2

BAM! x2

BAM! x2

BAM! x2

The remaining cavalrymen tried charging ahead but met with Yari spears either stabbing through the horses flesh into it's heart or the soldiers chest killing another 5x horsemen.

???: "R-RETR-"

???: "Ambush!"

As the remaining ones turned around quickly and we're about to escape five flame spears flew through the air and tore through the cavalry's torso outright killing them in one hit.

???: "M-Mag-"

Before he could finish a flame spear tore through him and looking at the shocked enemy troops who numbered maybe around 155.


A/N: (Warning, Intense gore scenes ahead. Read at your own discretion)

Everyone had followed right behind me as the Trained Spearmen charged forwards with their Yari spears raised and ready to stab into the confused enemy.

The trained Spearmen thrusted their Yari into the unorganized infantry and stabbed right through their bodies yet it did not stop their charge as they pushed forwards as the blade of the Yari pierced through yet another infantry man that roared out in pain while being stuck onto the Yari spear.

The foot soldiers charged forwards and clashed with the Infantry soldiers as the trained Spearmen had raised up their Yari spears as blood dropped down the Yari spear and onto the plate armor of the spearmen.

The Spearmen raised their Yari spear before bringing them down as the bloody bodies of the people were flung at their comrades who had screamed in terror and horror of their comrades flailing bodies.

Kuroi: "FORWARDS!"

Seeing them have fun, I followed closely behind the kizoku warriors with Katsuyori-dono having changed into his red flames form as his head turned into a skeletons and kept creating flame spears that kept impaling the enemy.

I brought down my blade and cut through another Infantry soldier and looking at Kuro who kept hissing I decided to trusty instincts before I closed my eyes and tried to make a connection with Kuro.

As I closed my eyes a few brave souls decided to attack me while I had my eyes closed but as they brought down their weapons Kuro raised it's head and with it's pincers opened it lunged at their arms that soon were torn apart with Kuros pincers.

???: "AHHHH MY ARM-"

???: "WHA-"

???: "WHAT SORC-"

Before they could continue to scream I had suddenly grabbed Kuros tail and pulled on it as Kuro let itself be unwrapped from my waist and I swung Kuro to their hands.

Feeling a connection with Kuro I nodded to myself before Kuro straightened itself with it's legs cutting through the three soldiers heads decapitating them.

I swung Kuro once again and aimed at the charging soldiers who all had their stomach ripped open with their innards falling out as Kuros legs tore right through.

I kept swinging Kuro around like a whip as it stretched it's body and with it's sharp legs kept ripping through flesh and flesh of the enemy that had their numbers reduced largely due to the fact of Kuro who took down 40 of them.

The only one who kept fighting while I swung Kuro around was Katsuyori-dono who kept throwing flame spears at the enemy archers in the back with a grin on his face.

A few had tried dodging but the flame spears exploded killing them easily along with the enemy mages who kept using earth walls to block the explosions of the spears.

Feeling Kuros happiness as he flew free through the wind made me think how it would feel but this is fine for me.

A squadron of 5 knights stepped forward and rushed towards me and I took a deep breath before I sprinted towards them and with my fine katana on my left, and Kuro on my right I clashed with the knight.

The first knight who had his sword raised I had kicked him making him stagger and enough time for me to thrust and stab my sword into the knights open helmet as it pierced through his head and skull and his body dropped.

???: "MACELL!!!"

Seeing the other knight attack me in rage I backed off before swinging Kuro towards him who raised his sword to block against it's sharp legs but I had aimed my katana and thrown my katana at his opened helmet.

Kuro had hidden my throw with it's long body and moved it's body at the last moment as my katana tore through his eyeball.

???: "DACHEL!!! MOVE!!!"

As he roared in endless pain and rage Kuro curled itself and wrapped around his fallen body and his friends shouted at him but it was for naught for Kuro tightened it's grasp around the knights body crushing him into a bloody pulp as a mass of pure blood splashed to the ground.

Kuro uncurled itself and what lay within is nothing but a ball of metal, flesh, and white bones with a large pool of blood under it.

Seeing such a scene everyone from both sides looked away and threw up and as someone threw down their weapons the rest followed suit and had surrendered.

Looking at the soldiers surrendering I looked back at the knights squadron who were confused before they decided to charge to their own deaths.


As I was about to move Kuro, A flame spear was sent flying towards the air and exploded in mid air as it had hit something.

Katsuyori: "Deal with the knight squad, Ill go deal with the Archer Lord Aoi had mentioned and cut his head off. The rest of you pick up your dropped weapons and fight like a true warrior to the death"

Katsuyori-dono had left in a rush as he kept creating flame spears that hit countless invisible projectiles in the air and clashed with a great enemy that garnered his attention.

I focused on the knights before I charged forwards swinging Kuro around as it cut through a knights armor and through it's hard flesh killing him.

As the distance shortened I swung Kuro once again and three knights simultaneously tried to block Kuros strike but it curled itself around their bodies and raised itself high in the sky and I let go of Kuro and looked at the charging knights.

Remembering all my seniors fighting style in hand to combat I unsheathed my Wakizashi and focused on my enemies.

With one horizontal swing I had jumped over the swing and kneed the swinging knights head and stabbed my Wakizashi into the other knight who brought down his sword to injure me but my Wakizashi was faster and stabbed right through his eye and I had fallen backwards with the knights eye in the Wakizashi to avoid another horizontal swing.

As another swing was brought down I kicked my legs upwards and used the Iron side of my geta to slow down the swords falls as it clanged against my geta I had smoothly brought down my legs to offset the heavy swing of the knight before I kicked upwards sending the knights sword flying up high.


I kicked the knights left leg with both my feet, forcing the knight to fall face first as I quickly wrapped my my arm around his head and started to tighten it as he started gasping for breath.



Seeing a swing coming down at my head I rolled to the left and pushed my knees up that held the knights legs on mine. As the sword came down it hit the knights leg with such force that made the knight within my arm to struggle harshly and try to punch my ribs but I endured and rolled once again doing the same procedure again.




Once I felt the knight weakly punch my ribs I forcefully tightened my arm around his neck once more and unwrapped my arm around his neck and pushed him off me and rolled out of the way.


As I rolled the knights body was split into two as the armor was cut cleanly into two along with his body. I looked at the attacker only to duck as a blue projectile shot out of his sword and tried to hit me but I dodged.

I charged forwards and slid under his swing before slicing his tendon as I passed between his legs. I had rolled to the right dodging another strike from a random knight and tackling him and stabbing my Wakizashi into his eyeball and jumped to another place as that knight had his body cut in half with the blue projectile that the Knight Captain had.

I had let go and tried to be as free as Kuro was and felt his connection deep in the sky were a mass of energy was gathering.

I didn't look up, as I knew Kuro was doing something important so I focused and there was only two knights left. I sensed something appear behind me and taking a look it was the knight with his sword thrusted to me.


Feeling the sword pierce through my flesh I grunted and held in the pain before I had suddenly exploded in a frenzy as my body was coated in a layer of gold I moved my head back and headbutted the knight behind me making his nose bleed as he staggered somewhat.






I turned my Wakizashi into a reverse grip and forcefully stabbed the man in the middle of his right wrist forcing him to let go of the sword and enough time for me to suddenly stab the knight through his armor and his flesh before I turned around and grabbed him from his shoulder before throwing him at the incoming blue projectile that tore his body to asunder.


Seeing the blue projectile, I start to remember the Captain's movement me actions and try to copy his way of using that move which worked somewhat but I could only hold it within and couldn't release it like the knights projectile.

I took a deep breath before I slowly tried to form needles with this strange energy within my mouth whilst dodging every projectile the knight throws at me.




After consecutive explosions I saw the shocked expression on the knight captains face which meant he did not think we would live this long.

Taking this opportunity I breathed out as thin invisible needles shout out my mouth and struck the unsuspecting knight who fell down to the ground before I had waved my Wakizashi and a black crescent-shaped projectile shot out from my Wakizashi and cut through the Knight Captain's armor and his innards could be shown.

Finally looking up I saw Kuro eating the three knights and a few of his scales had a gold shine to them and whatever he managed to do to float surprised me.

Sensing Kuro's worried mood, I asked him what's wrong through our connection only to suddenly share the strange eyesight of the centipede who looked at the far distance where hundreds of red like signals went off in my mind.

Kuroi: "Hah, how the hell should we beat an army of thousands..."

Kuroi had told me through our link it could shatter it's own scales and cause a vortex to suck in the large groups of enemies.

Kuroi: "Even now I question what you truly are made out of, but nevertheless you are my companion so I trust you"

Hearing it hiss I chuckled and looked at other side where Katsuyori-dono had left only to see him walk back with a new bow and body filled with arrows.

Katsuyori: "Enemy Leader has been killed and their weaponry looted"

I nodded and told him about the large army approaching in the horizon yet they are kilometers away so we should plan and see if we wish to engage.

Katsuyori: "We shall wait for both Oni's decision before we decide to do anything. And since it looks like everyone has died in the opposing army Let us support our army"

I nodded and told everyone to pick any valuable weapons and armor from the battlefield if we want to sell it. Two soldiers brought over the horses that weren't hit except for their riders and we both had gotten on before we recalled everyone to march towards our army.

We soon rode out towards where the explosions kept ringing out in my ear and Kuro landed and shrinked itself before wrapping itself around my waist.

Remembering the mages I asked Katsuyori-dono but he said he had decapitated them and felt like his limiter was close to breaking once again shocking me.

Kuroi: "Then you will be the first of Alexis-Sama's soldiers to have leveled up to this level right?"

Katsuyori: "Indeed, hopefully my 4 brothers reach the rank of Kanabo Masters soon. If they are lucky they might receive guidance from the 3x Kanabo Masters in the camp and learn more"

Kuroi: "Well, I hope they do well, especially for one of them saving my life by giving me his Kanabo to deal with a strong enemy"


Katsuyori: "They are always helpful, especially since war is ingrained into our heads we see many recruits or new soldiers die early yet their sacrifice was not in vain"

Time for us to fight alongside the Main Army and aid them in their battle.

20 minutes before Kuroi let himself go

Yoshinobu POV

Looking at our soldiers clashing against the enemy army that's smaller than expected I looked at the knight platoon that is busy fending off against the Kanabo Warriors who kept them busy long enough for our soldiers to defeat 30 foot soldiers.

Looking at the middle of the Knight Platoon, I grinned before I rode out with my Naginata raised and ready to strike.

Seeing the first few enemies I had thrusted my Naginata and stabbed right through their bodies or sent them flying with every swing of my Naginata.

As I neared the Knight platoon with every swing of my Naginata blowing away soldiers in the air, I had brought the attention of the knights and their squad captains.

???: "Left side, it's an attacking enemy leader!!!"

Two knight captains had charged over the infantry and towards me and shot out a blue projectile from their swords.

I started to spin my naginata before I brought back my right arm and with the wind picking up around my naginata I thrusted forward as raging winds flew towards the projectiles and offset both their momentum and direction.



I brought back the Naginata to the right before I took a deep breath and roared as wind started to swirl around the Naginata and simultaneously swinging the Naginata to the left.

A crescent-shaped white projectile shot off from the Naginata's swing as It tore through the rushing knights formation ahead as they were cut in half instantly and even more blood rained.





The two knights managed to avoid it but had their arms chopped off and silently 2 arrows were fired from my right and had hit the enemy captains head at the same time.

Yoshinobu: "Haha, it feels like I have no more restrictions on me. Even I never knew I would be able to do something like that until now"

Aoi: "Well, at least you are enjoying yourself once again. Your strength is as monstrous as always"

Yoshinobu: "Hah, your skills are amazing as ever and somewhat better than last time I remember"

I heard her chuckle and I focused back on the matter at hand with knights and infantry charging us.

Guess it's time to pull out Tenchō and deal with all of these foot soldiers and knights. I pulled out a long Kanabo from the purple vortex or inventory as Aoi calls it and tightened my grip on it.

Yoshinobu: "Time to crush the enemy Tenchō..."

I charged forwards with my naginata on my right, and my Kanabo on my left and with a roar I charged forwards and swung Tenchō that broke the bones of every 3 soldiers that charged.

Those who were on my right were either impaled by my naginata or bodies cleaved in half with every swing of mine.

For the charging knights who had open helmets they were killed by arrows that tore through their skulls or limbs that were swinging at me.

I raised up both my weapons, blocking two strong strikes that pushed my arms in somewhat. I looked at the two and saw them coated with blue energy surprising me.

Elis: "Hveth! Give it you damn All!"

Hveth: "Yes Sir!"

Both suddenly erupted with more of this blue energy and obviously the Knight had stronger energy and tougher.

I told Aoi to deal with the remaining knights and help me if she felt like she could. That earned me a smile from her that was the opposite of what a friendly smile should be.

I roared and let them closer as they both tried slashing my face but pushed them off before I had grinned and let go of Tenchō and with my large fist I struck forwards as they tried to block only to be sent flying like a cannonball.

I grabbed Tenchō and got off Tsuyoi's back and left Aoi on Tsuyoi's back as enemies approached closer she had fired off arrows upon arrows towards the foot soldiers uncovered heads that brought them down quickly.

I focused on the two flying enemy leaders before I charged and sprinted forwards and with my naginata swinging horizontally I hit both of their swords but they seemed to throw six blue projectiles together that hit my armor and arms.

I swung Tenchō towards the less armored knight as he tried to block it only to find his sword dented and flung towards the treeline to which he went through tree after tree stoping only after the 8th tree.

I focused on the Knight Commander before I thrusted my Naginata at his chest only for it to be hit to the side with the knights sword and a sword made out of the blue energy was constructed in his hand as he thrust it at my chest but my Heavy Lamellar armor tanked his hit and Tenchō came in and slammed into him from above making both his legs buckle harshly as he kneeled on one leg and focusing his strength on both his arms to support the weight of Tenchō.

Elis: "Who the hell are you people! Why do you attack the army of Barsil!"

Yoshinobu: "For the safety of our Lord, we need to lower your numbers"

Elis: "Wh- "

Before he could finish I decided to end this as I finally managed to use the strange energy within my body as I infused it with my Naginata before I started to spin it quickly as the black and red energy seeped inside of the Naginata and the wind around it now had became red and black.

Yoshinobu: "Although you weren't as satisfactory to fight as the Huscarls, Khan guard, Druzhinnik Champions, Vlandian Banner Knight, and Elite Cataphract, you made me know of the city's strength"

I thrusted my Naginata into the Knight Commanders chest as it tore through'his armor and through his chest. I felt a rush of energy from within his body as it rushed into mine and seeped into my skin valeting me yet I knew I could do nothing to stop this ethereal thing.

Yoshinobu: "Ill ask Aoi about this thing but to lo-"


Before I knew it I had a yellow glowing sword penetrate my body but instead of pulling the sword out it pushed it making me grunt before I twisted my body and elbowed the attacker. on their face.

Seeing the small knight I was surprised before I grumbled and swung Tenchō downwards at their heads to which they took it straight on as they raged with anger but I thrusted my Naginata forward as it clashed with the golden energy around the knight and it seemed like they got stronger since they endured the stab.

Looking into their eyes that had a strange symbol in them I grinned before before I released the Aura within my body and it surrounded itself around the knight that had a surprised look before they roared and an even stronger golden energy exploded from the knight.

I roared and spun my Naginata before infusing it with both my aura and the strange energy of this world's. I kept spinning it as I started to move my left arm wildly as every hit from Tenchō knocked them down on the ground or battered their armor that now had dents sticking inside their armor as they coughed up blood.

They had slashed with their half-broken sword that somehow kept making dents on my armor or just outright tear through and strike my flesh yet I found it somewhat fun and laughed even with injuries and I thrusted my spinning Naginata at the young knight who used a lot of the golden energy on his sword to block the strike.

I roared like a madman before I brought down Tenchō that slammed itself into the knights ribs and his faced scrunched up in pain as the dent had pushed into his flesh.


I lifted my right leg before I kicked the young knight on his hurt hands before I took a deep breath and infused the black & red energy into Tenchō that shined black in a metallic luster.


I had started swinging Tenchō at the knight who kept trying to reinforce his body with the golden energy, yet every strike kept denting his armor and Tenchō felt five times heavier than before surprising me.





After an onslaught of strikes the Golden energy had subsided and I finally managed to stab my Naginata through his chest as it came out his armor as he gasped in shock and horror.

Yoshinobu: "Oi! where the hell did you receive your power fr-"

Before I could have finished speaking a golden orb came out the young knight body and tried to escape but I activated my killing aura that locked the orb in place. I jumped and touched the gold orb as it started to disappear but had sent it within my inventory.

I threw the body of the young knight into the air and launched a crescent-shaped projectile at his neck, decapitating him fully as blood sprayed everywhere.

Not long after I saw the sky turn darker than before and looking at the bright lights gathering in the middle I grinned and was about to go all out before I heard Kuroi's voice and as I turned and was about to shout at him to go back I heard the sound of roaring thunder behind me.



Kuroi POV

As we neared the battlefield we saw that our side was winning and looking at the main force that dealt with most of the damage was both Oni's yet they were fighting on their own, so who is leading them?

Katsuyori: "Hmm, at least the old man knows how to command our troops efficiently without delay"

Kuroi: "Old man? You mean Nobunaga-dono?"

Katsuyori: "Yes, guess he wasn't lying when he said he used to see bigger battles. But let us give aid towards our allies!"

The soldiers behind us roared out in pride before they charged over the hill bravely and joined into the frey. In the far distance I spotted both the white horse Aoi-dono uses, along with the large Wolf King Oda has under him, laying down under the shade of a tree with Oda Standing in between and overlooking the battlefield.

We rode towards Oda and once we were near we had gotten off the horses before leading them near a tree and wrapping their leashes around the tree.

Oda: "So you must have met the other half of their army and came back with victory in hand. And here I thought'it was the end of an arrogant brat who fights without his brain"

Katsuyori: "At least I lead my men personally while you lead our men like a beggar"

Seeing them both fight I sighed in annoyance internally and focused on Yoshinobu-dono who kept fighting with the platoon of knights by himself and with every swing tens of knights died or experienced excruciating pain from their injuries.

After a couple of minutes he fought against two knights who kept trying to hit him but the Oni powered through them and sent one flying in the distanced with his Kanabo. He then killed the knight who seemed to command the knight platoon.

He then fought with the knight who lit up on a golden brilliance and stabbed his sword through Yoshinobu-dono's chest shocking me. It seems it was for naught as Yoshinobu-dono had swung both his weapons with incredible speeds.

After both of them had exchanged wound after wound, Yoshinobu-dono came out victorious as his Naginata tore pierced through the knights armor and impaled him.

As he impaled him, a gold orb came out the knights body and tried to flee but everything within a five mile radius seemed to stop and turn a dark shade of red as it stopped the golden orb.

Yoshinobu-dono had jumped towards the golden orb that was dissipating slowly but a swirling purple vortex consumed the golden orb and as if angered the clouds in the sky darkened and clouds gathered together.

As if I had no control over my body I ran towards Yoshinobu-dono and shouted at him to run away but he didn't hear me and tried shouting at me but I took out Kuroi out from my waist and told him to save Yoshinobu-dono to which agreed through our connection and as If waiting for me.

I spun my body around whilst grabbing onto Kuros tail before throwing him high in the air as it had suddenly stretched it's entire body and it's red markings on it's backs lit up and an oppressive atmosphere surrounded it as it flew directly towards the gathering lightning.

All of a sudden, Kuro opened it's mouth wide and a swirling ball similar to the inventory appeared but the one Kuro had was pitch black as it pulled the air within itself.

As the lightning rained down towards Yoshinobu-dono, Kuro collided with the lightning with his mouth wide open and a large flash of white blind d everyone's eyes before a massive explosion even louder than Alexis-Sama's explosion could be heard everywhere.

As the thunder hit Kuro, I felt our connection lessen shocking me and worry deeply about Kuro's current condition. As I looked up at the sky I saw a ball of smoke falling down to the ground prompting me to run after the ball of smoke and jump and catch the now smaller Centipede making me feel saddened.

Yoshinobu: "Wh- What type of heavenly beast have you obtained Kuro!? A creature capable of withstanding enhanced Thunder is insane and tantamount to it's strength"

As I still felt my connection with Kuro I breathed a sigh of relief of not losing Kuro to my request and endangering itself.

Kuro: "I have no idea sir, but I have a deep connection to Kuro and thankfully it is still alive"

Aoi: "You are a lucky person Kuroi, take care of your companion since it seems it is in a coma of some kind"

Aoi: "Before you ask, it is a helpful evolution that will help him and yourself in the long run"

As I was about to talk to Aoi-dono about the coma, she beat me to it and said it would be an evolution! I don't know how long I must wait, but I hope you come out better than ever to help Alexis-sama's journey.

Aoi: "Yoshinobu, it seems you have killed a Chosen Hero yet you still stand after reviewing the world's attacks"

Yoshinobu: "No wonder he couldn't die with every heavy strike I dealt him"

Aoi-dono nodded and officially declared our mission being a success and to go back to camp to Alexis-sama's side.


As everyone celebrated after their win, we had the remaining soldiers loot their corpses for any equipment worth selling. We got the Knights Flag of Barsil, which troubles me deeply for why we must have captured this flag.

I looked over the mission Quest and saw it's completion with the timer being under 2 hours and a grade of S+ and with it bringing a hidden reward as well for our completion.


Type: Raid/Ambush/Kill/

Time Limit: 8 Hours

Remaining Time: 5 Hours

Difficulty: A+

Rating: S+


1.Kill/Ambush The Scouting party going towards the Crater

2. Don't let anyone escape from Ambush

3. Kill the Brasena City Army with no survivors

4. Kill/Interrogate 5 Mages from the Brasena Army.

Mission List:

-Kill Mages (5/5)

- Kill Infantry Platoons (2/2)

-kill Archer Platoon (1/1)

-Kill Zetra Knights (3/3)

-Kill Knight Platoon (1/1)

-Kill Knight Commander Elis (1/1)

-Kill Infantry Commander Hveth(1/1)

-Kill Archer Commander Víctor (1/1)

-Find and Capture Barsil Flag (1/1)

Rewards: 15x Tetsujin Musako Recruits, 25x traveling supplies, 20x Trained Tetsujin Archers, 10x Tetsujin Kizoku Warriors, 16,340x Gold, 10x Yumi Kihei, 2x Companion Summoning Card, 12x AP, 6x SP, 25x Honor Points

Special Reward: 10x Tetsujin Kei Kihei, 20x Tetsujin Ju Kihei, 10x Tetsujin Kanabo Masters, 20x Tetsujin Omoi Yumi Kihei, 50,000x Gold, 10x AP, 15x SP, 50x HP, 25x Large Traveling Supplies, 1x Nagamaki Master Unit Blueprint, 1x Yari Master Unit Blueprint




I was surprised at the rewards from the Special Reward, especially with the last two rewards that I took out immediately and used them on the spot.

[Congratulations on gaining new Troop Tree Units, here are some rewards for new Troop types]

[5x Tetsujin Nagamaki Masters, and 10x Tetsujin Yari Masters]

[Warning! A Raging God wishes to appear and tear through the void to kill Yoshinobu! World Law's are reacting and chaining the Raging God!]

[Congratulations! Yoshinobu now has a chance to advance into a High-grade Hero using the Hero Essence!]

What? A god trying to kill Yoshinobu! What the hell did Yoshinobu do, that garnered the rage of a god? What is this Hero Essence Alice is talking about?

As I was about to ask Yoshinobu what was it that he did to anger the God, I stopped and looked around the battlefield.

I nodded slightly and looking at our depleted army, I used all of the rewards except the Companion summon cards to summon back our army.

I looked towards the right of the forest line and saw countless troops that are the backbone to the army.

In total there should be 75x soldiers who have just joined and everyone seems surprised but it didn't wait for long as Oda and myself started to reorganize the soldiers and counted our losses for this battle.

20 minutes later

After extensive reorganization of the army, we left back to camp where we spotted the 3x Kanabo Masters waiting.

As I looked around, I decided to use the two companion summons to see who I managed to summon this time.

In a flash of light, two people came out and instead of it being a soldier like before, it is a man with armor that of our predecessors had used and wielding a Yari Spear on his right hand and a Nodachi on his back alongside a War Yumi Bow.


The second man has a weapon that looked similar to the Musket that Oda uses. He had red iron plates tied to his chain armor underneath and carried a Katana on his waist.


???: "Are you the one who we answer to...?"

Hearing the man speak I nodded and told him we have called upon him to help us in our time of need when our Lord is injured.

???: "This is bad, has the Lord been treated yet?"

Aoi: "He has been treated and will recover fully in a month. We have just come out of a battle with victory in our hands"

Seeing him breathe a sigh of relief I waited for him before asking him what his name was and the one behind him was.

???: "My name is Gosaku, a samurai who fought alongside his Lord in the time of war until I had become old and decided to settle in a village. I helped the villagers in times of need and wished for them to live a brighter life"

(I'm just adding some Lore, so don't criticize me)

I am surprised and had asked him how long he had helped his Lord until he retired and settled down in a village.

Gosaku: "I was 23 when I joined my Lord and served under his family for the next 45 years of my life going battle to battle"

Yoshinobu: "Yoshinobu greets Senior! May I ask if you are willing to teach me spear techniques!"

I was surprised seeing Yoshinobu kneel on one foot and respectfully call Goketsu senior is shocking yet understandable seeing as Goketsu is a War veteran with a dangerous feeling on his body.

Gosaku: "Ah, I never expected for someone to teach them my spear techniques. Even with my body being reborn into my old self, I will still need to adjust to it"

Yoshinobu: "I understand"

Gosaku: "Don't worry, I will have adjusted my body after a small fight or train for a bit. So I do hope you are able to learn from me until then"

Yoshinobu: "Yes Master!"

Aoi: "Thank you for agreeing to this Oaf's request Gosaku-dono"

Gosaku: "No problems, It is nice to see the new warriors of our country be strong and youthful as you people"

I chuckled and decided to get everyone to go towards our base camp to get Lord Alexis and the soldiers left to guard him with Hanzo before heading Northeast and try to head to the other Kingdom beside the Barsil Kingdom.

Aoi: "Let us go back and meet with Lord Alexis and you three can see how our young Lord looks like"

All: "Hai!"








To be continued