
Reincarnated With Five Others(hiatus)

at the end of their lives the sinners the assassination group formed by a group of brothers only wished that they would be together on their trip to underworld. but life gave them another chance, born into a new world, each equipped with a supreme treasure the survival of the whole world is on their shoulders. Will they be able to meet each other and stand against all odds. -----------------

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17 Chs

Phoenix Forest(2)

Quill quickly began running away, he circulated One with Cosmos technique fully, but as the level of his technique was not enough, the creature behind him was keeping up with him.

When he heard the hissing sound nearby, the hair on his neck stood up. He didn't turn around and started running even faster, soon he felt something wet touch his neck, the moment he felt so, he didn't think anything else and slashed turning around.

The snake that was attacked, deflected the blade with his fangs, this was the first time Quill could clearly see the thing that scared him out of his wits, it was a snake pitch black in colour with golden scales occurring in a pattern. The snake was large, it was at least 60 ft in length, it had emerald green eyes with golden elliptical pupils at the centre, the eyes looked as if it could hypnotize anyone who looked straight into it.

Quill soon moved backwards.

The snake hissed, but did not attack it was looking at the snake with a predatory glint in its eyes, it wanted to consume in front of him, he could sense powerful energy in Quill, it knew that if it consumed the human in front of it could evolve, evolve into much stronger being than its current self.

"What are my chances to defeat it." Quill asked Mighty.

"Close to zero." Mighty replied gloomily.

"What are my chances of me running away from it?" Quill asked.

"Zero." Mighty said without any suspense.

Though Quill looked calm because of his many near to death experience and one death experience, he still felt heavy inside. He didn't want to leave his parents, he didn't want to die without seeing her and his brothers, but still he was level-headed enough to know that the only chance he has to get out alive is to fight it head on.

Soon Quill and Mighty started formulating a plan. The snake just kept watching Quill. The snake always took pleasure in seeing its prey in despair that's why it didn't kill its prey fast but rather. Tightened itself around the prey and strangling it slowly.

Quill soon started gathering mana again, as he had been interrupted while he was healing, he was at his worst.

Quill soon charged towards the snake, but Quill suddenly changed directions and ran behind a tree. The snake smirked seeing this. The snake has gained certain degree of intelligence it could tell that the human was trying to hide. The snake soon started destroying the trees around.

"It's smarter than I thought." Quill knew that he could not hide forever, he was just trying to gauge the intelligence of the beast in front of him and gaining some time to gather mana.

Quill soon came out.

The snake seeing this smirk.

The snake saw Quill gathering mana into tis sword, it knew that this was the last strike its prey could manage, it was ready to block the move. Quill began running towards the snake and soon took a leap, but the next moment it was stunned.

Tricking beasts like the snake which had some kind intelligence like the snake were easy to trick, though they used intelligence, this intelligence curbed their natural instincts to sense danger. They try to think rationally, but as their mind isn't as developed as humans they cannot deduce complex information.

It saw that Quill had jumped high in the air, but he had left the sword on the ground.

Quill took this moment of surprise to take out the chakram he had and circulated the Dharma chakram arts,

'do it' Quill said in his mind.

Soon he felt as if he was filled with energy, Mighty had supplied all the energy the gem had absorbed into him. He felt as if the whole cosmos were him, and he was the cosmos.

He felt adrenaline and mana rush through his body, still in mid-air he felt as if his perception had increased hundredfold, he could see every moment of the snake in slow motion, he was aiming for its eyes. He had heard some people say that hitting a snake seven inch below its head will kill it, but Quill knew it was pure bullsh*t. He had once tried doing so but that did not even kill the snake, according to him the best way to kill a snake was to strike its eyes.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Quill gave a battle cry and swung the chakram with all he got. He got pushed backwards due to the recoil of throwing the chakram.


He hit a tree, but he kept a tiny bit of consciousness to check on the snake.

Swoosh swoosh swoosh.

The chakram soon pierced the snake in the eyes and buried it in its brain.

But the snake still tried attacking its prey and managed to bite into Quill's shoulders.

'I guess this is the end huh, sorry mom and dad, sorry brothers, sorry Agatha, and so sorry my love.' These were the last thoughts he had before losing consciousness.

Quill drifted into sleep.

Some time later, Quill could still not open his eyes, but he could still feel, the conditions of the body. The injury on his shoulders were fully healed. It didn't even seem poisoned.

'How did I survive, the wound had no chance of healing without Mighty's help, but Mighty had told him that the moved he has just pulled, Mighty would be out cold for at least a few days.

He tried opening his eyes a few times, but in vain. He decided to use his other senses. But he could just feel that the temperature was a little high. He heard sounds of crackling fire, Quill guessed that maybe some expert saw him rescued him, this wasn't impossible but the chances were still low after all who would save an unknown man when he could have all the treasures from the killed beast for itself.

Suddenly Quill heard a screech, with which he felt the temperature rise.