
Chapter 9

The next day at Oreki household


Going downstairs in the living room, I see Tom and Jerry sweeping the floor.

After I ate my breakfast I sat on couch to relax.

Tom and Jerry join me in the couch. Tom pulled at newspaper and book title Seduction for Idiots then gave it Bast in his pocket dimension while Jerry took the remote and turn on the TV. It seems they already decided on what to do all morning.

As for me, I plan to laze already until the designated meeting of the Devils

But I notice something, I look at the TV and think to myself and said " I think there' missing component in TV"

Bast ask "What is it?" while still reading that dumb book. Tom stop reading and listen to me.

"We need to go a game store to buy console" I stood I look at them. With no reaction, Tom and Jerry continue what they're doing.

"You mean YOU need it more than we do" Bast said looking back to her book.

"I understand you not needing it but Tom and Jerry needs it cause they will be always in the house with nothing to do except that" I said while pointing at them.

Tom and Jerry raise an 'Are you insulting us' eyebrow.

"No no no. but you guys can play with each other or play against players online with it" I said but they ignore me.

I says with slightly annoying tone "Fine I'm going to buy it and I'm the only one using it" I stated walking to the door "Don't beg me for it"

Before leaving Bast shout and says "Buy at Cat bed for Tom."

I look back "Then come with me Tom" I said

Tom 'Why not you'

"Because I don't need it and you do" I smirked and says "because I won't be able to pick that right bed for you, Let's go fast" I urged Tom to move fast

Tom stood up and walk tiredly. He look at me saying 'I'm tired'

But I remind Tom of my ability "I think you forgot about Tom" Tom tilt his head and change his expression as if he realiz or remember something.

"Yup we can teleport" I nodded 

I stood at the front door then hold the knob and think of the nearest pet supply store.

But before opening

I used the Door pathway authority over Seal/Unseal

I seal the seal the whole house made it so everyone will ignore it. I too seal myself and Tom before entering the Door.


We arrive in an unfamiliar alley.

Tom and I only walk around for few seconds before seeing a pet supply store.

Before Opening the door I unseal our presence. the bell ring

I heard a greeting form the counter.

"Welcome" A slim young woman of average height with pink hair that is tied in a side ponytail with bangs swept to the left side and light caramel-brown eyes. She's wearing a red T-shirt, white pants, and a black apron.

I point at Tom and says "I'm looking to buy cat bed" 

Tom nodded, who in fact standing only with two legs . I look at the clerk and it seems she don't find it odd.

"Cute! what's his name?" asked the clerk with glitters in her eyes. Tom started acting shy in front of her.

I answer while pushing Tom to her "His name is Tom"

Tom reach out his hand to the clerk and they shake hands. I look again to the clerk and she is just smiling saying 'cute', Really? you don't find that odd. Seems for Tom this is normal , so to the people this is normal also, Toon force I guess.

"Please feel free to look around if want to buy something," the clerk said to me while smiling


Tom and I started to look around see a bunch of pet food for different animals and clothes for cat and dog to try on. I walk to two piece swimsuit of a cat and ask tom jokingly "Hey Tom do you want me to buy this so you can wear it later."

 Tom did 'HA HA' with sarcastic looking expression. Tom approach a cat swimming trunks and hand it to me.

Then I picked an even smaller two piece swimsuit and turn to Tom " You thinks he will wear this if we give it to him?" Tom look at what I'm holding and laugh while nodding

"Come on let's find you a bed" I said with a smile on my face.

Tom look and he took 2 bed. The first one is an animal shaped bed with a grey and white color theme while the other is the same animal shaped bed but with blue and white color theme.

"You can only pick one Tom." I said but Tom look at me pointed the blue one and point back to him, He then pointed the grey one and make a gesture it's for Bast.

"Bast meant it when she said does not need it and already satisfied with sleeping with me" I said smile approvingly at Tom for remembering Bast.

Tom made an 'Okay' sign

"Do you need anything more?" I ask Tom "This will your reward for cleaning and making food for us"

Tom hold his chin and started thinking, when he seem to remember something he ran to somewhere and brought a cat scratcher to me.

"That's it what about a Cat tree?" I suggested to Tom


He nodded

"Okay let's get it while on the way to the clerk." I stated to walk, Tom followed.

As we approach the counter. I saw the clerk talking to a a man of average height with black hair and blue eyes. He wearing a blue sweater, gray pants, and sometimes, a white undershirt. At the top of the counter their is cat that has black fur with a white triangle over its eyes and mouth and the cat had collar with red ribbon attached to it.

As I get near them the clerk 

I heard them talk

"Thank you for the souvenir ,Mikazuki-san" The clerk smile to the guy named Subaru.

While scratching his cheek Subaru says "No no no, think of this as thank you gift for taking care of Haru while as away Nana-san"

So Nana-san her name? or surname?

They look at each other before turning away. 

Oh Is that love that I see? Anyway 

I cough lightly to break their awkward silence

"We want to buy this please" I said smiling to Nana

"Please it on the counter" Nana said with smile, I did what she said and placed it in the counter.

I look at Mikazuki nodded and he did the same. While Tom stared flirting with Haru but she look at Tom weirdly and then look at me. 'Why is this guy walking in two legs'

"Finally, someone noticed" I muttered softly.

Mikazuki turn to me and ask in confuse tone "DId you say something" 

I look at him and say "No" I change the topic and look at 2 book in his hand "I notice the books in your hand, what's the name? and by the I'm Kamisato Oreki"

"I'm Mikazuki Subaru" He said as we shook hands

The clerk introduced herself too " Okami Nana desu" I shook her hands too.

" And to answer to your question the title is" Mikazuki showed me the cover the books ,

I read them out loud "Shining in the Dark of Nigh and Shining in the Moonlit Night" and I saw the name of the author. I look at him say "You wrote this?" i question

"Hehe yeah " He said while massaging the his naped.

"Good for you then, Mikazuki-san" I nodded praising him to embarrassed him more.

"Thank you, but my book is not that great" He said while still embarrassed

"Really? is yours considered failure" I asked genuinely curious. 

but before Mikazuki answer Nana interjected

"What do you mean it's not great, Don't believe him. It's a really great book ,he is just being humble about" Nana reprimand Mikazuk, and he get more embarrassed about it.

"Oh the good then, I might read it in the future then" I stated to both of them but not quite if I will though.

"You know what let me give you my copy, wait moment" Nana said but can't find it " I think I left my copy at my home, but you should read it" Nana sigh

"Kamisato-san , how about you take this" Mikazuki said trying to hand me the book he holding.

I look at Mikazuki then turn to look at Nana and she nodded to me

"Really? ,Are you sure?" I said but I am not going deny free stuff.

"Please" Mikazuki said handing the book.

"Thank you" I said gratefully but "Can you sign it too" I request

Mikazuki reply "Of course" 

I give it to him again to sign, and he give it back to me

"Maybe I should try to be a writer?" I said while looking at the book

"You should try it, you never know it can become popular too just like Mikazuki-san over here." Nana said while Mikazuki nodded

"Nah, it's too late for that and and if I'm going write something I'll do doujishi route instead" I said made me remember something.

"You know what this conversation make me remember that I want to try being a Singer or One man band and I will name myself Music Man" I said with smirk and look at Tom still trying to talk to Haru.

"Why?" Nana asked confused manner

"Well , if I have a band members they will probably took it seriously, and I only want to play guitar or make music casually and upload it on Youtube " I said but I'm not going to make but steal them.

."Shame, I was at band too during my middle school but quit, as matter of fact if you can form a band ,I can call my friend who run a small music in Tokyo to let you perform." Nana promised.

I'm not going to decline that, free is free "Then I take you up for the offer"

I took my phone out "Then can I have your LINE in case I change my mind of not forming a band."

"Oh sure here" she gave me her LINE

I turn to Mikazuki and ask him

"You too, just in case I want to be a writer " I won't

He gave me his LINE too,


I look at stuff we bought. and Nana saw this "I will have someone deliver this to your house if you give your address" she in reassuring tone.

"Here it is" I gave her my complete address the look at Tom" Come on Tom stop flirting with Haru.

I look at Mikazuki and Nana "We'll be going then"

Mikazuki nodded to me.

Nana and says "Thank you for your patronage"

I waved at them and Open the door, hearing the bell again.

"Are you going home now?" I asked Tom.

Tom nodded 

"Okay" we walk into empty alley and I teleported him.

I created a door and think of a games store

I open the door and see if they is anymore surprise.


Alternate part:

"I will let someone deliver this to your house if you give your address" Nana said in reassuring tone

I look at Tom giving flower to Haru

"Wait a minute, Tom take all this in your pocket" I said to Tom, I will try to rewind time if what I think will not work.

Tom picked up the stuff and put in all in his pocket and look at both of human, as if nothing ordinary happen they just smile. I look at the Haru the Cat and said "You'll get used to it"

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