
Reincarnated With An OP System

Jack wakes up in a new world with no memory of the past. All he has now is a system he doesn't even understand yet. Follow Jack's story and find out his unique solutions to everything the system throws at him. Subscribe to my YouTube channel: @devjesse

UltimateMe · Fantasi
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2 Chs

Death and Rebirth

I remember the day I came to this strange new world...

[FLASHBACK: 2 months ago]

I was taking my daily jog, listening to some sweet phonk beats to rhyme my steps.

I reached the last road crossing before my home.

Alas, due to my lack of attention on the road, I failed to notice the oncoming 18-wheeler. The rest... history.


I did reach my home safely. I popped some noodles into a pot and booted up my game console, just as I had been ending every other day.

Unfortunately, my old gas cylinder sprung a leak and consequently exploded. The rest... history.

You fell for it again, didn't you?

I didn't pass away due to the explosion, hell no. The house was engulfed in flames. The structural integrity degraded by the minute. With no other option, I jumped out the second-storey window and died.

Well, not quite.

I stuck the landing and took a glance at my burning home. That was until the light pole just in front of the house fell straight onto me, killing me. Yes, this is the true death.

I expected that it was the end. No more me. As faith would have it though, I woke up to find myself in a strange void. I could tell that I was lying on the ground, surrounded by vast nothingness. I rubbed my head and groaned, my head felt like it was in shambles.

After a while, I stood up and looked around, taking in my surroundings. It was just the void all around me. No plants, animals, terrain, people, nothing. I was completely cut off from the world he knew, and I had no idea how I was going to get back.

Just then, a voice echoed in my mind. "Greetings. Welcome to the world of Althea. I am your System and have been assigned to guide you on your journey."

I was taken aback. I rubbed my eyes, thinking he I hallucinating. I thought the nothingness was already driving me crazy, but the voice persisted. "Who are you?" I asked, talking out loud.

"I am your System," the voice repeated. "I am here to assist you in completing tasks and unlocking your potential."

"So this void is called Althea?" I asked.

"Pardon me," the "System" said. "You will be transported to Athlea when we are done here. You can think of this as a space in your mind."

"I never thought my brain was this empty." I thought aloud.

The "System" didn't say anything in reply.

I was doubtful. "Tasks? Potential? What are you talking about?"

"You have been chosen to have a second life, a reward for your good deeds in your life." The "System" explained. "I will give you tasks. Complete them and you will become stronger, stronger than you can ever phantom."

"Sounds pretty original," I said in a tone brimming with sarcasm. "to be honest, I don't believe in magic or reincarnation or any of this."

The "System" was unfazed. "Believe it or not, it doesn't change the fact that this is your reality now. And if you want to survive in this world, you'll need to adapt and make the most of the opportunities presented to you."

I sighed. I knew I had no choice but to go along with this "System", at least for now. "Fine," I said. "What's my first task?"

The System told me that there was a village nearby that was being terrorized by a corrupt leader. I was to go to the village and assassinate them, and in return, the villagers would reward me with a valuable resource that would help me on my journey.

"Day one and I'm getting my hands bloody." I said unenthusiastically.

"Get to it" The "System" replied. Immediately, a bright light engulfed me.

I woke up to find myself in a strange new world. I was lying on the ground, surrounded by lush green trees, fresh air and the sound of chirping birds. I rubbed my head and groaned. I could feel the goddamn Deja Vu. It seemed that splitting headaches were going to be commonplace with this "System".

I stood up and looked around, taking in my surroundings. I was in a dense forest, and there was no sign of civilization anywhere.

"Pointers, please." I said, expecting some help from the "System" but there was no reply.

With no other option, I picked a random direction and made my way through the forest still not quite believing what was happening. Eventually, what appeared to be a village came into view.

"You have entered the vicinity of the village." The "System" suddenly said.

"Wow, that was so helpful because I definitely don't have eyes." I replied with anger and sarcasm.

The "System" then continued "Your target will approach in 10 minutes." Just then, a timer came into the top left corner of my field of view [09:59].

I knew straight away, it was time to get serious.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Please do send something my way :D.

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