
Reincarnated With An OP System

Jack wakes up in a new world with no memory of the past. All he has now is a system he doesn't even understand yet. Follow Jack's story and find out his unique solutions to everything the system throws at him. Subscribe to my YouTube channel: @devjesse

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2 Chs

Chapter 2 - An Assassin... With A Stick?!


As the seconds went by, my heartrate increased. For some reason, it felt like I was the one who was going to die. I was struggling to organize my thoughts. My composure was breaking to shambles.

"Was I really going to kill this man?" "Why should I be the one the kill him?" "Why must I follow the instructions of this mysterious system in the first place?" Such questions continued to ravage my mind. Every question brought up another. I was struggling to breathe. My muscles were stiff.

Oddly though, I felt utterly pathetic. I was the one going to kill I man I barely knew anything about. I was the man who was going to ambush said man in that forest that faithful night. Yet, there I was about the pass out with thoughts. I felt like a failure. I had already failed to kill him.


"There is a sturdy fallen branch nearby. Sharpen it. It will be your weapon." The "System's" voice rang out in my head. I had heard fully well what the "System" had said. I however wasn't moved.

For all I cared, my new life could as well end right here.

"Why? Why do I even have to kill anyone?" I asked no one in particular.

"A village is out there. It's full of people being trampled upon by a vile tyrant. The villagers? They lost hope long ago. Any hope of being liberated, of getting their previous lives back, of being treated like human beings, all lost to the force known as time.

The fathers and sons have to live with the knowledge that they will go to cold fields and dangerous mines every day to toil endlessly just to receive barely enough sustenance to keep them and their families alive.

The mothers. They live with the fear that their husbands may not come home after being killed for some arbitrary reason. They may lose a son just because some cruel supervisor doesn't fancy his existence.

The maidens. They know that one day that worthless animal that refers to himself as human will force himself in between their legs. He'll use them as toys for his sick pleasure and most likely kill them when he gets tired of their bodies."

"You will kill many as time goes on. I'll tell you now, prepare to kill even the old and children and women and innocents. If you however can't even end the miserable existence of a lowlife like that pig. What type of person do you think you are? The answer is, you are just like him."

"Pick up the branch." The "System" said.


With slow but steady steps and determination in my eyes. I walked to the branch. I knew I had no time to waste. Quickly, I found a suitable stone to sharpen the branch and got to work.


I had sharpened the branch and laid a small trap that would most definitely break the leg of any soul unfortunate enough to step foot in it. I took some time to recheck everything in my head. A weapon, check. A trap, check. A plan to lure the target into said trap, check. Finally, a backup if Plan A went sour, check. I was feeling proud of my makeshift spear when in a passing I said "This is probably one of the sharpest weapons in this world."

"The difference is abyssal. That thing should not be mentioned where the strongest weapons of this world are being talked about." The "System" immediately pointed out.

"Let a man appreciate his work."

"Don't limit your mind at such an early stage. It's bad for progress."

"Yeah, whatever."


"The target has entered your field of view." The "System" announced to me.

"He fits the description perfectly. Just looking at him and his fat stature is repulsive." I mentioned.

He came out from a mansion on the outskirts of the village that put all the other village houses to shame which irritated me. He started a casual stroll along the path to the forest. It was quite clear that it was a stroll he had taken many times before. Too bad this was going to be the last time he ever strolled that path.


Ding! The notification sound in my head coincided perfectly with when he stepped foot in the forest. It was showtime.


"Is anyone there? Show yourself." The fat idiot called out.

*Rustle* *Rustle*

"I am the great Hermand, ruler of this village of Oshk. I demand that you declare yourself at once." Hermand called out again. Calling himself great? I didn't know I could feel more disgusted.

*Rustle* *Rustle*

"That can't be a wild animal else it would have run away or attacked." Hermand thought aloud.

"Fine then. If you refuse to show yourself willingly, I shall drag you out and have you planted on a stake." Hermand barked out and started angrily marching towards my well-hidden trap.

Hermand was mumbling angrily to himself when his right leg got hooked in some intricately placed vines and branches in two different places. Before he could comprehend his situation, the vines contracted with great force in opposite directions effortlessly fracturing his bone.

Hermand screamed out in pain and then started calling out to his men hoping they would hear him.

"It's no use. Nobody will hear you." I said coming out from behind a nearby tree.

"Take me back to my mansion at once." Hermand demanded.

"You seem not to understand the situation, you really are a fool." I said in a disappointed tone of voice.

"Worry not, I will be taking you back to the village. Well at least I will be taking your corpse back." I added with a smile revealing my weapon.

"What?! An assassin... with a stick?" He commented, a bit confused.

"As long as it kills you it's fine." I stated.

"Wait! Who sent you? How much did they pay? What do you want?" He spewed out question after question desperately.

"Do you think you are in a position to be asking questions?" I inquired of him.

"I'll give you anything you want. Land, money, women, anything. Just spare me." He desperately tried to bargain.

"Women?" I asked.

"Yes, yes, young beautiful women, virgins, children-" He began to reply.

"Utterly disgusting." I rebuked him. "To use even children to bargain. You deserve no mercy."

"Wai-" Before he could utter another word I plunged the spear straight into his useless brain and ended that unforgivable existence.
