
Chapter 77

The trip is short and uneventful, mostly spent attacking random Demon patrols to test out the strength of the bears. They can use not only [Rend] and the passive [Thorns of Retribution], but they can also use the instant cast area heal [Spirit Circle]. The only thing it seems they can't do is use the longer cast of Healing Factor, which makes up the vast majority of Kone's healing potential.

Spirit Circle is a decent sized area, but the healing output is fairly sad, no better than Char's healing totem was at that level. But with three of them active it adds up to enough to deal with everything they come across, with Kone mostly watching the fight and cheering on her protectors.

Kone does gain a level she was close to achieving by the time they make it to the Karmazin City exit, so the time spent wasn't purely for entertainment.