
Chapter 396 Rude Awakening

Setting up camp in the open might have been a mistake, Cain realized a few hours later, when they were attacked for the third time. The first two were just Epic Quality rodents, some sort of badger that didn't exist on the central continent. But this time there is a Mythic Quality griffin circling the camp, looking for an opening.

It is very obvious that the creatures here are mostly nocturnal, and that the madness is worse in the dark. They heard a few creatures during the daylight hours, but they weren't nearly this aggressive. Cain is tempted to just hit the annoying creature with a fireball, but lighting up the sky with a Mythic spell seems like a particularly bad idea. The tentacles are surrounded in shadows, and much better suited to the night, but the accursed griffin won't get close enough for the tentacles to hit it.

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