
Chapter 168 Relaxing on the Beach

These puppets have a distinct advantage over the [Voodoo Dolls] spell not only in that they are permanent, but they can also be added to inventory. Cain isn't sure if he'll need to reprogram them when taken back out, but the option is there to store them for easy transport.

The basic instructions he gave this one seem sufficient for the day, the Puppet is carrying a full picnic and following them around silently, staying out of everyone's way. They can see the beach now, and a large crowd gathered, so the girls are likely at the center of that. Cain changes to beach wear, shorts and sandals, enjoying the afternoon heat on his skin, while Symbia enjoys the view. 

"Incognito was never really an option for your guild was it? It's like you naturally attract attention everywhere you go." Symbia laughs, pointing to where Laura has flown up in the air to wave at them.