
Chapter 104

Once everyone is past the shock of the near assassination, the excitement of the day begins to settle in. Even the strongest of them got multiple levels today. The per kill experience was equivalent to a regular boss fight, and they came in groups. While the dungeon was incredibly dangerous and difficult, the reward was worth the effort.

With an easier day tomorrow Cain should reach level 80, and a day after that at the latest almost all of the others should have too.

The push today was good for everyone, but they are utterly exhausted. Everyone grabs a room at one of the two Guild houses, as they're the closest sleeping spot to the dungeon and falls asleep right after dinner.

Morning brings muted excitement, the prospect of level 80 and the benefits that come with it have everyone excited, but it's still quite early. All the city leaders are expecting an attack any day now, and nobody wants to be caught out trying to level up when they're needed to defend their hometown.