
Reincarnated with a Country Creation System

Prince Alexander Herald von Triesenberg was the fourth prince of the Empire of Triesenberg who was banished from the Empire of Triesenberg for the crime that he didn’t commit. On their way to the island where he would be banished, a powerful storm swept through and sank the ship. Alexander drowned and at the moment, he thought he died from drowning. However, when he opened his eyes, he found himself lying on the shore of a sandy beach and a floating interface before his eyes.

SorryImJustDiamond · Peperangan
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71 Chs

Exchange of Words Part 2

Reginald felt as if he were being pinned to a wall. Emily was dissecting Triesenberg's motivations with surgical precision, forcing him into a corner. He couldn't deny outright what she was suggesting, not without risking the appearance of lying. "Valoria's intervention raised questions," he replied carefully. "A nation without known alliances or history, suddenly projecting power in a foreign conflict—it raised eyebrows."

Emily's smile was thin, a mere shadow of amusement. "It seems that the Triesenberg Empire doesn't appreciate having its sphere of influence challenged. You saw a nation acting outside of your narrative, and it unsettled you. That's why you approached us, isn't it? To uncover the extent of Valoria's capabilities, to see whether we pose a threat or a potential ally."