
Reincarnated to another world with AI in my head

Akira was an ordinary boy from Japan until a tragic accident caused his untimely death. Awakening in the presence of a god, Akira is given a second chance at life in a fantasy world, equipped with an AI in his head and unique abilities. With his modern knowledge and newfound powers, Akira sets out to rise in this new world, facing monsters, uncovering secrets, and challenging fate itself. His journey is one of transformation, as he evolves from a regular boy into a formidable hero, destined to leave an indelible mark on the world.

Specter_Ink · Fantasi
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25 Chs

The Raid

Morning arrived with the first rays of sunlight streaming into Akira's room. He greeted the day with his usual vigorous workout, each move a testament to his unyielding dedication. After finishing his routine, he enjoyed a hearty breakfast, mentally preparing for the tasks ahead.

The first task on Akira's agenda was to expand the boundaries of his property. Using his earth magic, he lowered the old walls into the ground, carefully detaching the spikes before erecting new, more formidable walls around his newly acquired land. Once the new boundaries were secured, complete with lethal spikes, Akira felt a sense of accomplishment. The additional space would be vital for his future plans.

Next, Akira took out a large seed, nearly the size of a mango pit. This was no ordinary seed; it was a prize from slaying the Treant. He found a suitable spot within the expanded territory and planted the seed, watering it and infusing it with mana to aid in its germination. As he was finishing, Jarvis approached, urgency evident in his demeanor.

"Master, I went to the city and heard something you need to know," Jarvis said.

Akira turned his attention fully to Jarvis. "What is it?"

"Lord Leonard is preparing to free the land of Lord Henry from the monsters. The guild has proposed that adventurers assist in the effort, with rewards for those who help reclaim the city."

Akira's eyes narrowed thoughtfully. "Do you know when this is supposed to happen?"

"Not precisely, Master, but it's expected to take place within the next two or three days."

"Thank you, Jarvis. I'll need to visit the guild to get more details," Akira decided.

Leaving Jarvis to his duties, Akira made his way to the guild. Upon his arrival, the guild master, Baldwin Armstrong, noticed him and promptly requested his presence.

"Fate, we need your help with the upcoming raid on the monster lair," Baldwin said, his tone serious.

"I'm interested. What are the details?" Akira asked.

Baldwin explained, "The day after tomorrow, Lord Leonard's army will march towards the town. The foot soldiers will be the main force, with knights providing cavalry support from the flanks. Adventurers who join will be among the main force. Our reconnaissance indicates the monsters are primarily those that have attacked our city before but in fewer numbers. This should make it easier to defeat them this time."

Akira pondered for a moment. He didn't need the money like before, nor was his residence under immediate threat. Yet, he felt a pull to participate, to gain experience. "I'll join the raid," he said.

With his decision made, Akira registered for the raid and then headed to the alchemist's shop to gather ingredients for making gunpowder. The rest of the day was spent crafting gunpowder and bullets, a meticulous and time-consuming process. By nightfall, he was satisfied with his preparations.

The day of the raid dawned with a cacophony of marching soldiers passing in front of Akira's house. He stepped outside, wearing his distinctive mask. From behind the gate, he observed Lord Leonard and his entourage.

"Who is that masked man?" Lord Leonard asked his knight.

"He is an adventurer called Fate, a summoner or monster tamer. He commands four goblins," the knight replied.

Lord Leonard's gaze lingered on Akira's fortified property, clearly impressed by the strong gate and spiked walls. As the lord continued his journey, Jarvis approached Akira.

"Will you be having breakfast before you leave, Master?" Jarvis inquired.

"I'll work out, have breakfast, then head out. With my speed, I'll reach the site in under an hour," Akira replied.

After another rigorous workout, Akira made sure to water and infuse the Treant seedling with mana before asking Jarvis about the healing potions.

"I'm afraid we used the last of them on you, Master," Jarvis apologized.

Akira sighed. "We need to start growing herbs soon. For now, I'll manage."

Equipped and ready, Akira left for the raid. His incredible speed allowed him to arrive at the location well before noon. The soldiers were already assembling, and Lord Leonard was delivering a motivational speech. Adventurers milled about, preparing for the imminent battle.

As Akira scanned the town, a sense of unease settled over him. He detected a strange aura, reminiscent of the lich but far more potent. Deciding to trust his instincts, he chose not to join the main force, feeling an inexplicable urge to tackle the threat independently.

The battle began with Lord Leonard's command to charge. Soldiers and adventurers advanced in formation, clashing with a horde of goblins, orcs, hobgoblins, and wolves. The initial skirmish seemed almost too easy, with the monsters falling under the relentless assault of spears, swords, axes, and hammers. 

Seeing the initial success of the attack, Lord Leonard couldn't contain his smugness. "Don't worry, little cousin," he said to Lord Henry, "this will be over soon, and you'll have your land back."

Lord Henry, however, was less convinced. He glanced away, his jaw tightening in frustration. He thought to himself that he shouldn't have paid Leonard. The situation seemed manageable enough that he could have just hired the guild instead.

Lord Leonard, eager to showcase his might, prematurely ordered his cavalry to charge, despite it being unnecessary.

As the cavalry engaged, a dark cloud materialized, obscuring the sun and casting the battlefield into eerie darkness. Skeletal figures emerged from the ground, and the remaining monsters exuded a malevolent energy, becoming more ferocious.

Chaos erupted. The soldiers struggled to maintain their formation while the cavalry found themselves hindered by skeletons grabbing at their horses' legs. Adventurers, more adaptable to sudden attacks, quickly regrouped into smaller, effective fighting units. Amidst the turmoil, Akira moved with lethal precision, dispatching skeletons and monsters with his sword.

Sensing the lich's presence behind the dark energy, Akira knew he needed to act swiftly. He weaved through the battlefield, his mind focused on locating and eliminating the lich. The battle raged around him, a brutal symphony of clashing weapons and dying screams. But Akira's thoughts were singular: find the lich, end this madness. The question was, where was it hiding?

As the battle continued, Akira remained on the fringes, his instincts guiding him through the chaos. He noticed a subtle shift in the atmosphere, a concentration of dark energy towards a central point in the town. Trusting his intuition, he moved silently, bypassing the main conflict, his focus unwavering.