
Qian Haiyang’s Outrageous

When Bighead and Beanpole got a call from Lin Moran, they were tailing Zhou Jin, who was about to hit the highway. On hearing the instructions, they zoomed past a toll booth, sticking close to a big truck, and then swerved, blocking Zhou Jin who was fumbling for change at the toll.

When they dragged Zhou Jin back, Wang Zhiyuan and the gang realized they hit the jackpot without even trying. They had also found Sun Wan, who they'd been searching for high and low.

They split the two up for questioning.

Ding Shuqing took on Zhou Jin, while Bighead handled Sun Wan.

Wang Zhiyuan followed Ding Shuqing into the interrogation room.

Ding Shuqing glanced at him and pulled out a chair.

Once Wang Zhiyuan and Tadpole were seated, Ding Shuqing began, "Where were you on March 8th?" The exact time of Xu Haihong's death was still up in the air, but Lin Quansheng had filled in the blanks with her disappearance.