
Reincarnated Renegade

READ THIS ON ROYAL ROAD This is an outdated first draft and Webnovel makes it difficult to update everything. Here is the updated link: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/37863/reincarnated-renegade = The son of a Duke woke up with amnesia. It's the truth. Was it the whole truth? Not necessarily. The whole truth was that the Duke's son's memories were replaced. By Bellavarn. Bellavarn didn't think he deserved a second life if that was what this was. He died young, sure. But he was the one who ended it in the first place. Did he want this life? It wasn't his, wasn't deserved, and unasked for. Take one of the thousands who beg uncaring gods instead, not him. He wanted oblivion. Examining his new surroundings, the plush pillows, expensive draperies, and the nervous maid, he assumed the worst. Who was he in this world? Time to find out.  So... "Close the doors." "Lord?" "Do it." *This Novel contains dark themes not suitable for all readers. *This is an original novel. Any similarities of existing characters, locations, or otherwise is purely coincidental. (Cover art is my original drawing)

Austin_Scanlon · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
71 Chs


"Where did you get all that experience?"

"I didn't. She was the one who kissed me."


Bellavarn snapped.

"She kissed me! I meant it to be short, but she kept me there herself. It was almost as if..."

Kerv folded his arms, examining the girl lying unconscious on the bed. Bellavarn scratched the back of his head.

"You didn't see them either, did you?"

"See what, Bell?"

"Chains. I saw chains. Felt them, too."

Kerv shook his head.

"All I saw was you too smooching."


April laid on his bed. Former bed. The one he should be laying in right now that is. Instead, Bellavarn stood next to Kerv, watching over April as the doctor examined her. Bell could have sworn April was smiling, but her face was blank. Asleep and unaware.

The doctor shook his head.

"I don't know what you did, but it wasn't good."

If Ester were here, she'd have a witty comeback. Instead, only hard glares met the doctor. He sighed.

"She's in a coma. Don't know how. Don't know why. There's no magic traces, and it isn't a spell, for what I can tell. No concoctions or remedies caused this. No traces of anything. It is almost as if she shut herself off."

"They won out in the end... didn't they."

"What was that?"

"Can I ask you to check back regularly?"

"Of course I will. That is what I'm paid for. I seem to recall you being my patient, too."

He wagged a finger.

"Do your parents know you are up?"

Bellavarn twitched.

"I feel much better. I can walk. See? Besides, I need to get back to work quickly."

She deserves her gift before she wakes up.

Bellavarn held April's handkerchief in his palms. A smiling wizard. It meant something different to Bellavarn. Different, but carrying the same intensity.

Folding it, he placed it in a jacket pocket.

"Kerv. Come with me."

The doctor huffed and was about rant when Kerv answered boisterously.

"Where to?"

"Where else?"

They left hurriedly, without fanfare.

The doctor was riled up. Left in an empty room with no one to rant to.

Then he deflated. Realizing the horrible truth.

"Who's going to tell the Duke?"


Kerv sat on the couch, playing with his stick. A black stick. The baton.


A list of puns lay ready and waiting for his use. He only needed someone to talk to. It was unfortunate Bell was so engrossed. He'd followed diligently, but Bell was back to booking. In fact, one hit Kerv in the square on the noggin.

Flinching, he looked over his shoulder to witness Bellavarn tearing books off the shelves and leaving them wherever they lay. Creating mismatched piles and sections. A disorderly, organized chaos. There was a rhythm to it that Kerv could admire.

Right now, he was wondering how to prepare. Things seemed to be picking up, and Kerv had no idea what to do next. He could train more. But he was stuck in a library, without a sparring partner, and he'd run out of Misses Vale's soft pretzels. The world was cruel, indeed.

Putting his hands on his knees, he stood.

"If you don't need me, I'll be heading outside to train. You know... That thing I was doing before you called. And then you dragged me here, only to watch you make a mess. For an hour. Which is usually my job."

No response.

His insults missing their target, Kerv drooped. Heading for the door.

"I'll be going then. Don't stay up-"

"Where is your shield?"

On foot halted mid-step.

"My what?"

Bellavarn paged through a tome before tossing it aside.

"Your shield. You fight with a shield, but I've never seen it."

"How do you-"

"I've read the dossier Father keeps. Not all of it. But enough to know your fighting style."

"Isn't that stuff supposed to be private? I thought we were friends-"

His words were cut off a second time as he had to duck a flying book.

"Hey! What is up with you?"

Bellavarn picked up another, reeling back.

"What is up with you? Why did you dodge?"


"Maybe because I don't enjoy being domed by a tree carcass."

Bellavarn threw two more. Kerv dodged the first and awkwardly swatted the second. Bellavarn taunted.

"If you had your shield, you could have blocked it!"

"I don't use it anymore!"

"Why not? You are most proficient with sword n' shield. Why only use a sword when you are better with both. I saw that you were second in your class."

Kerv swatted another heavy tome. It whacked the door right... directly next to a young maid's face. She yelped and quickly fled the debacle.

Blood started to rush to his head. Why was Bellavarn acting like such a rascal? So messy? So... So... belligerent! So what if his little girlfriend fell asleep? She would wake up. There was no reason to take it out on Kerv like this. Bellavarn knew what he was talking about and was deliberately trying to hurt Kerv by bringing up the past.

"You know why. I told you why! There's no way you've forgotten, so stop prodding me and deal with your own emotions."

Bellavarn huffed, about to throw another book before he realized it was the one he was looking for. Setting it down gently on the desk, Bellavarn continued his words.

"Just because you were one-upped does not give you the excuse to quit what you are good at."

Kerv fumed.

"I wasn't just one-upped."

"I remember. She is back in the capital, isn't she?"

He bit back an insulting remark. Furious and annoyed.

"Is this your coping mechanism? You can't focus on your own problems, so you latch onto mine instead?"

Bellavarn actually stopped his persuing and tilted his head. Thinking deeply.

"You know. Maybe you are right."

Kerv blinked. Not expecting to be right. Or for Bellavarn to admit it so easily.

"I am?"

"You are."


What did he say to that? Kerv rubbed a sweaty palm against his pants. Bellavarn sighed, flipping through his book and landing on a page. Gliding a finger along, he searched the text. Frowning, he didn't like what he saw.

"Honestly speaking... I somehow managed to get the girl and lose her at the same time. Hopefully, she wakes up, but I get the feeling she won't anytime soon. And that is a problem for me. Because by the time she wakes up, the world will be entirely different."

If she woke up, he would rush to her. But he couldn't stay immobile and paralyzed, constantly waiting and worrying. Instead, Bellavarn would greet her with a smile after completing her gift.

Stepping around his desk, he continued.

"Trouble keeps coming our way. I can easily imagine you getting the chance to encounter Ash once again."

Kerv flinched at the name. Bellavarn questioned.

"Why do you think I was throwing those books at you?"

Thinking hard. Kerv answered.

"To get me to admit my faults and finally pick up my shield again?"

Bellavarn's face screwed up.

"No! I did it to test my aim! I'm pretty decent if I say so myself."

Kerv felt like strangling Bell. But that would be manslaughter.

Warm light beamed through thin windows. The sun high in the sky and warming any remaining snow. Bellavarn felt oddly refreshed. Determined. Picking up his prototype, he spun it on a finger before it fumbled. Speaking as if that hadn'tjust happened...

"I won't be defenseless any longer. I'm going to complete this device come the festival, and you are going to learn to wield that baton of yours if you insist on not using a shield."

"What exactly is that supposed to mean?"

Bellavarn grinned maliciously.

"It means... I am going to throw rocks at you until your black and blue."

A madman. His best friend and, ironically, his boss, was going to drive Kerv insane.

Bellavarn clapped twice, puffing out his chest.

"Off we go. There is a convenient mound of rocks and pebbles outside the workshop. Talk about killing two birds with one stone!"

If only there were a bell Kerv could ring to plead mercy...

The perspective is a bit back and forth, but I'll call it fair on account of being the author.

Austin_Scanloncreators' thoughts