
Reincarnated Renegade

READ THIS ON ROYAL ROAD This is an outdated first draft and Webnovel makes it difficult to update everything. Here is the updated link: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/37863/reincarnated-renegade = The son of a Duke woke up with amnesia. It's the truth. Was it the whole truth? Not necessarily. The whole truth was that the Duke's son's memories were replaced. By Bellavarn. Bellavarn didn't think he deserved a second life if that was what this was. He died young, sure. But he was the one who ended it in the first place. Did he want this life? It wasn't his, wasn't deserved, and unasked for. Take one of the thousands who beg uncaring gods instead, not him. He wanted oblivion. Examining his new surroundings, the plush pillows, expensive draperies, and the nervous maid, he assumed the worst. Who was he in this world? Time to find out.  So... "Close the doors." "Lord?" "Do it." *This Novel contains dark themes not suitable for all readers. *This is an original novel. Any similarities of existing characters, locations, or otherwise is purely coincidental. (Cover art is my original drawing)

Austin_Scanlon · Fantasi
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71 Chs

Mishap and Gossip

Misses Vale was outraged.

"How could you bungle cooking rice? It is rice! Just boil the water and let it sit. What was so hard about it!"

"I got nervous! I've never cooked it before, so I was watching it, you know, because I was afraid it would overcook or catch fire or explode or, I don't know... Summon a demon? No one taught me how to cook rice."

A vein throbbed. Misses Vale rubbed her temples.

"Then why would you try without assistance? Rice is expensive!"

"Please stop yelling. I was scared you'd all laugh at me. And I wanted to act independent, like an adult."

The experienced head cook didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It was a disaster. Wilson used almost the entire stock, not accounting for how rice expanded. Everyone in the castle would get rice for dinner tonight and the next three nights. It would be a crying shame for it all to go to waste.

"Wilson is sorry. Rice isn't easy, like soup."

Vienna stirred a pot nearby, then poured some creamy potato soup into a mug. Picking it up with both hands, she walked over to the cowering Wilson.


Wilson accepted it gratefully, about to take a sip.

"Oh, thanks, I-"

Vienna whacked him on the head.

"Not for you. Take it to Lannie. She'll feed it to April."

Wilson was about to groan and sputter, but glancing back at the fuming woman searching for a rolling pin, he blessed his savior and scuttled away.

"Where is it? I just set it down for a second, and it is gone."


Vienna produced the baking utensil/improvised weapon from an unknown location. Misses Vale grabbed it swiftly, looking around for her target. Not finding the blubbering boy, she bonked the nearest person instead.


Vienna covered the target zone.

"That is for saving him."

"Yes, Chef..."

Vienna got back to work stirring her pot while Misses Vale attended to the rice fiasco. The other cooking staff, having avoided getting involved before, started clamoring with gossip like normal. Several whispered thanks to Vienna and congratulated her. Patting her on the back.

"Nice job."

"Vienna's a gem."

"Rarer than rice."

"Is rice really that rare?"

"Aye. Especially after a long winter. You know how it grows, don't you?"

"Vaguely. I heard it grows in paddies. Whatever that is."

"It grows in water. Technically, flooded soil. There are only certain sections of the kingdom that have the right conditions. Most of it is imported from Eul."

"I had no idea."

"It is one of their main exports. If you want to know more, I suggest checking the library. Master Bellavarn is bound to have a book related to Eul or rice."

A few cooks nodded.

"Have any of you seen Master Bellavarn lately? I heard he took to throwing rocks at Kerv."

"He must still be upset that April hasn't woken."

"They did get along well, didn't they?"

A maid passing by joined in exuberantly.

"I'll say. You didn't see them kiss!"

Mutters and shocked whispers.

"Why haven't I heard about this?"

"What happened? Tell us. Quickly!"

"Spill the beans."


The gossip stopped from Misses Vale's angry shout. The guilty party spoke.

"Just a figure of speech, Head Chef. Harmless."

Misses Vale grumbled, going back to cleaning the mess.

The chatter picked back up. The maid still excited as ever.

"It started off with the alarm. Bellavarn triggered it, and seeing as I was nearby, I joined the others to run and see what happened."

"But, you're just a maid; what would you have done if it was an intruder?"

"Shut it, let 'er tell the story. Not like you wouldn't 'ave gone running."

The cook shrugged.

"Eh. True."

The maid continued.

"As we all ran up, the first thing we saw was Kerv in the distance, holding onto a squirming April. Then, Master Bellavarn came out and grabbed her, shouting for her to wake up."

"That doesn't make any sense- Yow! That hurt!"

"April was acting out. Punching. Kicking. Calling Master Bellavarn evil names. Then, all of a sudden, he kisses her! Straight on the lips."

Whoahs and awws were exchanged. The young maid set down her burden of towels to gesticulate.

"BUT it didn't stop! It kept going! And going. And going."

Her lips smirked by themselves.

"What! For how long?"

"Long enough to make me lose my breath. They kissed so long; that is why April passed out!"

The redness in her face wasn't from the close fires; she was remembering the events vividly. Up until Kerv made them turn away and Cynthia hit her.

The young maid wasn't even eighteen yet. She was younger than Vienna, around Wilson's age. Likely the youngest and least experienced. One could tell from her excitement and the fact she was relegated to towel duty.

More whispered gossip exclamations and short words were exchanged before Vienna spoke.

"Why is April still asleep?"

It was good that her friend had a moment with Bellavarn. But she should be awake and continuing to have moments. Soup was best eaten while fully cognizant, after all.

The young maid, Ness, scratched her head.

"You know... I don't know. I thought she was waiting for Master Bellavarn to kiss her again. You know, to wake her up?"

Most of the cooks rolled their eyes or chuckled. A particularly grouchy one answered.

"That only happens in books. You've been spending too much time in the library and not enough time doing laundry. Don't you have a job to do?"

Ness winced and drooped. Picking up her load, she shuffled out.

"What's with you? You didn't have to be so mean."

Several others voiced their agreement, but the gruff cook only grunted.

"Gossipleadsd to misunderstandings. Or have you all already forgotten?"

Lowered heads. No one could answer.

Much more reserved chatter sprung up. Like what the best local restaurants were, arguing what goes best with salad, and how to pop a cork using only an elbow. Normal things.

As they continued to prepare dinner, several switched what they had planned with something that would go together with rice. Seeing as they now had bucket loads. A few even made trips to the store to grab extra ingredients or spices. Tonight would be the last day before the festival. Many of them planned on going out and spending quality time with family.

There were confirmed rumors that they would all be heading home soon. Back to the North.

Before that happened, Vienna was hoping to spend tomorrow with Bellavarn's group, testing festival broths and gumbo. It's supposed to be a party.

That is... if Bellavarn still feels up to it.


Bellavarn sneezed.

Shrugging, he continued pelting rocks at Kerv.


He was trying to sound a christmas carol off Kerv's shield.

I spent yesterday making a *******. Trying to figure out how it all worked. I came up with some benefits that some of you may like. All patrons can send me messages, ask about art commissions, and join the community.

You can find deleted scenes from Reincarnated Renegade. There may be some from my other stories as well. I have a few saved up that may interest you, and I will unveil them periodically.

There is also the option to see all my old and embarrassing artwork. I am an artist first. If you like the cover I made for this novel, I could make something for you as well. Patrons who stay even get a complimentary print of my original artwork!

I have really weighted it toward patrons. I'm not bragging...

Alright. I am sort of bragging. But seriously. At least check it out.

I double-dog dare you! 


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