
Reincarnated Renegade

READ THIS ON ROYAL ROAD This is an outdated first draft and Webnovel makes it difficult to update everything. Here is the updated link: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/37863/reincarnated-renegade = The son of a Duke woke up with amnesia. It's the truth. Was it the whole truth? Not necessarily. The whole truth was that the Duke's son's memories were replaced. By Bellavarn. Bellavarn didn't think he deserved a second life if that was what this was. He died young, sure. But he was the one who ended it in the first place. Did he want this life? It wasn't his, wasn't deserved, and unasked for. Take one of the thousands who beg uncaring gods instead, not him. He wanted oblivion. Examining his new surroundings, the plush pillows, expensive draperies, and the nervous maid, he assumed the worst. Who was he in this world? Time to find out.  So... "Close the doors." "Lord?" "Do it." *This Novel contains dark themes not suitable for all readers. *This is an original novel. Any similarities of existing characters, locations, or otherwise is purely coincidental. (Cover art is my original drawing)

Austin_Scanlon · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
71 Chs

Melody (2)


Bellavarn nibbled on a biscuit. It was actually quite good. It had been set aside next to eggs and bacon, along with a tea. Bellavarn decided it was the easiest explanation.

"Yes. I was examining myself and my quarters. I have derived I am a noble with powerful lineage based on my appearance, the grandness of this room, the coat of arms, and other things. Yet, I didn't know my name until you said it aloud. That is why I asked."

"Oh. That... That is clever."

Bellavarn smiled knowingly.

"I've figured many things but am still out of the loop. If the Lord, my father, or anyone else figured out I had amnesia, it would cause problems would it not? So, we need to discuss who I am so I can play my role until I learn more. I can't disappoint anyone's expectations for me."

Melody clapped her hands together.

"If that is the case, I will gladly help. What is it you need to know? I don't know too many specifics, but I know as much as anyone in the employ of the Duke Sallow."

"Duke. Okay, already a good start. But... I have to ask."

Bellavarn put a hand to his face. Melody tilted her head.

"How old am I?

Melody actually laughed. It was a delightful tune.

"You are 19. You had a birthday last month."

"Oh. That is actually younger than I thought. Well. No help for it. I am 19, I suppose."

Melody covered her mouth with a gloved hand, preventing laughter. It would be rude to insult a Duke's son, memory intact or not.

"Are there any families with equal or higher ranks than us? In fact, what kingdom is this, or is this an empire?"

"Kingdom. There hasn't been an Empire in millennia."

"What is the name of the Kingdom?"

"Lionel. The King is Francis Lionel II. He has two sons and two daughters."

"Good, but let's not get too specific just yet. Any other Duke families?"



Bellavarn asked more questions, getting the lay of things. He could build an accurate representation of his situation. The biggest bullets he needed to dodge was his Father and Mother. He had no siblings, much to his parents' chagrin.

"What is your impression of me, Melody? I mean, before this morning. Who was I? How did I act? What are the rumors surrounding me among the staff and other nobles? Even whispers among the commoners I've come into contact with will help."

Melody put a finger to her chin, thinking. It was kind of cute the way she was so thoughtful. She had hazel eyes that peered off to Bellavarn's left. The way they glazed over indicated she was checking her memories.

"Well. The staff thinks you are kind. You have close relationships with the cooks and have a sweet tooth for desserts."

Bellavarn stopped nibbling on his biscuit, examining the crumbs on his lap. Well... It was pretty spot-on. He wouldn't have to fake that part.

"The gardeners say you spend a lot of time in the garden. As well as the study."

Again, not hard to fake. Bellavarn could decipher that by his journal and sketches.

"You are usually distant from your parents. They have tried setting up partners for you, but you've declined firmly every time as far as I know."

"Good, good. It seems that I am not as terrible a person as I first thought."

Melody gave him an odd glance.

"What did you think of yourself, if not upstanding?"

He scratched the back of his head.

"I examined my wardrobe and saw all the soft and loose garments. Combined with the amount of drapery, the number of pillows, fancy bed, and the like... Plus your reactions when we first met. It all gave me an awful feeling that I was the kind of noble to use my status to get what he wants."

"Oh! No. No, not at all! You're nothing like that young master."

Melody reached over to grab his arm in reassurance but stopped the action before making contact.

"You're a kind person. The staff all love you. Not many nobles boast the same."

Bellavarn gave a warm smile. Melody glowed, her eyes shining.

"It pleases me to hear that."

Popping the rest of the biscuit in his mouth, he got up from his seat and wandered over to his dresser.

"Are you literate by chance?"

"It is a requirement for being in service to the house. Why do you ask?"

Running a hand over the journal, he chuckled.

"Yet another thing I have forgotten how to do. Are you confident enough to teach me?"


The two of them made an excuse that Bellavarn had become sickly, unable to attend family gatherings. He spoke to his father through the door when he came by to check on him, explaining the sickness wasn't terrible and that he would recover soon. He stayed separate because he didn't want his father to catch whatever it was, preventing the Duke from performing his normal duties.

His Father, Duke Braster Sallow, was a kind and understanding father. He told Bellavarn that he would pick up his duties for a week. If Bellavarn didn't get better by then, the Duke would call for a physician. Bellavarn gave his thanks and promised to pick up the slack when he got better.

Both the thanks and promise were genuine on Bellavarn's part.

A second chance... Maybe it will be better than the first.


During the week, Bellavarn learned the written language with Melody's help. She became his sole interaction with the outside world. Luckily there was an attached washroom where he could wash and clean himself... Along with a privy.

The days blended together sweetly as he learned the language and occupied himself in his room. When he was alone he would do light exercise to not get too out of shape. Or he spent his time drawing his own sketches, adding to the journal.

The time spent with Melody became something he looked forward to every day. His father assigned her to him personally. They spent most hours of the day in each other's company. Chatting. Learning. Sampling tea and treats.

Their studying had started with children's books from the library. He laughed at how silly they were. Truly for children. They depicted scenes of knights slaying dragons and saving damsels or playing the hero.

Bellavarn kept trying to sound out the words as he learned them. It made Melody giggle uncontrollably as she listened. It was music to his ears.

He realized he needed to get outside soon. Otherwise, Bellavarn would end up falling for the cute maid.


"That is a rare combination of letters that make a statement into a question. I don't see it often. Most people tend to just use a question mark, but it is possible to use this set of letters accidentally. This can make conversing over through written mail complicated."

Melody was actually a great teacher. She explained things succinctly using real-world analogies or applications. He regretted that the time was over but he needed to get out into the world. Today was the last day of the week and Bellavarn has learned enough to get by.

"I think I have a handle on things now. Thank you, Melody, you've been a lifesaver."

She gave the brightest smile he'd ever seen. It made him fluster to get his emotions under control. Standing up, he paced around the room. He was starting to go stir crazy cooped up so long. He stretched his arms and back out, eliciting a pop. Exhaling, he spoke.

"It's time. I need to start pulling my weight. You've been a great help. It is still the afternoon; I should go see Father now."

"Of course. I had fun. The experience reminded me of teaching my little sister."

He raised one eyebrow as he stretched to one side.

"You didn't mention having any siblings."

Melody showed off another wonderful smile.

"Mhm. Two actually. My older sister takes care of the youngest while I work at the Mansion. After today I will go home for the first time in over a week."

"Oh. I am sorry for keeping you then. I didn't realize... I should give you something for all the effort you've put in. Umm... here. Take this."

Bellavarn grabbed an expensive-looking pen and handed it to Melody. It was actually a magic tool. They used it for their practices.

"You can gift this to your little sister or sell it for something, I'm sure. I'll talk to my father about giving you a hefty bonus as well."

"Oh, wow! You don't need to do all that. This is my job; it is expected of me."

"Just think of it as a reward for outstanding service to the house."

Melody reddened, wringing her hands again. Her face was hidden underneath brown bangs. Bellavarn stepped closer.

"Melody? Are you okay? Is it too much or not enough? What's wrong-mhm."

His words were interrupted with a kiss. It shocked him to his core. The warmth flowed from her lips and he could feel her face heating up. Bellavarn melted as she pressed up against his chest. When she retreated, both of their breathing was heavy. Bellavarn felt the cold absence more than anything.


Melody sprinted out of the room.


Bellavarn extended an arm but it was too late. She watched her go through the open doors, hunched in on herself. A pair of maids walking by glanced at him and then the retreating form of Melody. They shared a look.

Bellavarn sighed. Melody managed to wrangle his heart free and just ran off with it. He didn't plan for this to happen, but then... it never was planned, was it?

"Alright, the show is over. Please inform my father that I have recovered enough to attend dinner tonight."

"Yes, young master."

The maids echoed each other, curtsying and then moving off. Bellavarn closed the doors and fell against them.

"My first kiss...stolen."

The corners of his mouth inched upward until they locked in place.