
Reincarnated Renegade

READ THIS ON ROYAL ROAD This is an outdated first draft and Webnovel makes it difficult to update everything. Here is the updated link: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/37863/reincarnated-renegade = The son of a Duke woke up with amnesia. It's the truth. Was it the whole truth? Not necessarily. The whole truth was that the Duke's son's memories were replaced. By Bellavarn. Bellavarn didn't think he deserved a second life if that was what this was. He died young, sure. But he was the one who ended it in the first place. Did he want this life? It wasn't his, wasn't deserved, and unasked for. Take one of the thousands who beg uncaring gods instead, not him. He wanted oblivion. Examining his new surroundings, the plush pillows, expensive draperies, and the nervous maid, he assumed the worst. Who was he in this world? Time to find out.  So... "Close the doors." "Lord?" "Do it." *This Novel contains dark themes not suitable for all readers. *This is an original novel. Any similarities of existing characters, locations, or otherwise is purely coincidental. (Cover art is my original drawing)

Austin_Scanlon · Fantasi
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71 Chs

Bellavarn Sallow Vs Klein Raiden

"Heal him."

The elderly healer lady scowled.

"Do it. I know you can. If Astor can somehow show his face after I bashed it in, you can heal Kerv."

The old lady growled.

Bellavarn growled back.

And that was that.


Bellavarn waited outside the infirmary. No one guarded him. If Bellavarn ran or backed out, it would mean the end of his family's reputation.

There were many visitors. Practically everyone he knew wanted to say a few words. It was touching, even if they all said the same thing. His parents didn't say anything as they sat with him and waited. They showed their silent support that way.

Henry was the last one to show up. He'd been preparing.

"Did you get all our items back?"

Nodded in the affirmative, he handed several items over. Bellavarn pocketed his belongings and set Kerv's stuff off to the side. Looking Henry up and down.

"I'm glad they didn't get a chance to rough you up too."

A sad smile.

"It should have been me. Kerv can't handle pain the way I can."

A muffled shout from behind the infirmary doors.

The two shared a look.

"I think he heard you."

"No, those were his dying breaths."

Louder shouts. Angry this time.

They smiled. Laughing.

Letting the tension fade.


Kerv walked out on his own two feet.

Or more like he was thrown out. He threw a few curses back inside, but in the end, he bowed to the door, showing his true gratitude.

Bellavarn and Henry walked up.

"Feeling better?"

Kerv rolled a shoulder.

"I'll say. I don't even remember what she did, but I feel better than before. All save this clinking sound in my knee."

"You've always had that."

"No, I haven't! That was my ankle. This is my knee. See! My knee!"

Kerv hopped on one foot, shoving his knee in Henry's face. Henry smacked it down.

"You guys are my best friends; you know that, right?"

Bellavarn's serious words cut the mood.

"Your best friends are your employees? Now that's bizarre."

"I agree."

"Bell's so hopeless that he can't make friends unless they are trapped in the same room with him."


Bellavarn punched both of them.

And the mood was back to normal. That was what friends were for.

Then Kerv mentioned what was on everyone's minds in an off-handed manner.

"So, how'd you bamboozle the great war hero of Lionel and his royal hiney into allowing this?"

Bellavarn scoffed.

"Raiden has his pride. I just sullied it by daring to compare myself to him. Combined with all the witnesses, the allegation couldn't go unchallenged. He didn't even offer any conditions if we lose."

"And what will happen if we lose?"

Bellavarn shrugged.

"It can't get any worse."

Henry asked the important question.

"Do you believe we can win?"

Bellavarn exhaled.

"Frankly? No. Not a chance in hell."


"I do have a plan, though."

"But you just said-"

"I know what I said. Do you want to hear the plan or not?"

Henry and Kerv looked at each other and shrugged. They had nothing to lose.


The trio traversed the hallways, meeting up with palace guards to lead them to the palace dueling field—the ticking clocks grating on Bellavarn's nerves. Constantly mocking him.

More guards joined them the further they went. Acting as a procession.

Over a dozen guards in glittering armor.

And then they were gone.

Henry and Kerv drew their weapons. Wary.

There were only a handful of people who could order them away so suddenly.

And four of those people showed up.

Two Princes. Two Princesses.

It should be said that Kerv and Henry didn't lower their weapons. Not until Bellavarn waved them down.

The two groups met.

The last time they met all together was the night this started.

Bellavarn looked at the heirs. All dressed up like this was the event of a lifetime. Tristan wearing dark blues and flashy pins. Kly wearing grays that aligned with shiny silvers. Anne wore deep purples, matching the sister she was trying to stand in front of. The hostile glares from the three of them were palpable.

Lecil was similarly dressed, but it didn't look like she wanted to hide. She looked almost desperate.

A sigh escaped his throat.

"Do you all have something to say, or do you wish to execute me here instead? For of a crime we all know I didn't commit."

Tristan clicked his tongue. Kly hung out an arm to stop his older brother, speaking ahead.

"We'd rather not be here. It was Lecil who wanted to see you. She has questions for you."

"Answer her quickly."

Bellavarn rolled his eyes. Waiting.

Lecil stepped out from the protection of her siblings to stand in front of Bellavarn.

Her focus was elsewhere, somewhere above his head. Bellavarn's eyebrows knitted, but he didn't say anything, maintaining a neutral disposition. When their eyes met, he looked into those dark and searching purple eyes and glimpsed the hidden questions she couldn't quite voice.

"It was you that night."


"You didn't hurt me; you saved me."


"That maid too. You didn't hurt her."

"No. I didn't."

"And the crowd outside the charity event, when you were attacked, you didn't order them all to be executed?"


"No. I was stabbed by a single person. Why would they all need to be punished?"

"That is the point. I thought you did. You were supposed to."


"Why would I? Just because it would have been more convenient for you?"

Lecil's eyes broke away, glancing above his head again. Her expression worried.

Bellavarn decided this was enough.

"Is that all you have to ask? I am pleased you look healthy, but I have an appointment to keep."

She searched his eyes again. Looking for something she couldn't place. Bellavarn was getting tired of it. He disengaged and started to walk away.

A hand grabbed his jacket.



"You... You're not the villain. Are you?"

"You tell me. Now let go."

Bellavarn shook his arm loose, leaving her rooted.

Kerv and Henry followed, the heirs parting for them. Lecil was left to watch as Bellavarn was swept away in the returning sea of glittering guards.


The duel was set. It would be a group battle.

Klein Raiden changed the rules twice. First, it was a three on three because he pitied Bellavarn and thought that he needed help. The second time, he made it into successive rounds where Bellavarn, Kerv, and Henry, would face one opponent. Then two. Then all three.

No one in the audience would think that Bellavarn had any chance. Henry held no name. Kerv was always second to Ash. Bellavarn was a coward, while Klein was a swordmaster and hero. The outcome was set. It was just a matter of how entertaining the ending was.

Klein was looking to put on a show.

The stage was set. There were pews and elevated stands set up to face the west. Filled with spectators of noble birth, the others of Bellavarn's supporters. Both groups glared at one another, separated by a thin space of absent bodies.

Somewhere, a huffing April was escaping from her chasing parents, desperate to attend.

The arena itself was barren land—dirt like the inner ring of a baseball field. Several magical absorbers were set up along the edges to protect the viewers. By the charged air alone, Bellavarn could tell they were many times stronger than those during the festival.

Walking into the ring with Kerv and Henry, Bellavarn let the crowd cheer or jeer or anything else. His eyes were on his opponents.

Jerome. An archer and genius strategist.

Ash. The strongest shield.

Raiden. The War Hero.

A dynamic trio that appeared as if they came out of a Hollywood movie. The hero's party. A gallant and dashing man brimming with power. A cool and reserved female who's a not-so-secret badass. And the smartly dressed tactician who plans the battles, acting as the glue in the team.

Their hair perfect. Armor maintained. Weapons sharp. Raiden even wore a national treasure at his waist.

"You look like a trainwreck compared to them."

"I am going to assume that is an insult."

Kerv glowered.

The three of them looked positively normal in comparison.

A sheltered noble's son.

A rugged jokester.

And an unknown.

The participants walked forward, were read the rules of the duel. Agreeing. Sportsmanship. Yada Yada Yada.

Before they returned to their starting positions, Bellavarn had to ask.

"Raiden. What do you get out of this?"

His smile was large.

"I don't know what you mean. You're the one that challenged me."

"Why did you join the others in their schemes? Your interests don't align, and I can't see how you benefit from all of this. If you wanted to fight my mother, you could have waited. If you wanted the south conquered, you could have done it. And there is no reason for you to want to depose my family."

Raiden's large smile slowly fell away. Unamused.

"That is the problem with you intellectual types. Always looking for an agenda. What if I just wanted to have fun?"

Bellavarn narrowed his eyes.

"I don't believe you to be that simple."

Raiden shrugged and went off to his side, waving a hand and not bothering to answer.

During a short speech by the King, Bellavarn checked his personal shield device. It came in the form of a broach that would protect him from a certain amount of damage before going kaput, signaling his removal from the duel. He needed to make sure it was legitimate and not a knock-off that would break at the slightest rustle.

Speech over. The King declared the duel official.

Jerome took a stance at the edge of the square, a short bow in hand. Two small quivers were on his person—one across his back and another at his waist. A shortsword was on his other hip. The thin strategist looked out at his opponents.

They stood in a line. Henry crouched in front, wielding a shortsword and a parrying dagger. Kerv took a defensive stance with sword and shield. And Bellavarn hid behind them.

Laughs from the crowd.

"I didn't expect you to hide. But I suppose there isn't a better option for you, is there?"

Bellavarn was calm as he watched over Kerv's shield shoulder. He answered Raiden's taunt.

"I trust my guards. And I know where my faults lay."

Klein seemed impressed, grinning toothily.

"Pretty words. Let's see if they can protect you. Jerome!"

"Understood, Duke."

Jerome pulled back an arrow and fired. The duel commenced.

Henry ducked, the arrow hit Kerv's shield. The second as well. Henry dashed low, remembering the battle plan.

[Can you dodge or parry arrows?]

[Outside ten feet, yes.]

[Good. Then just dash straight forward. Get within ten feet, and I will take care of the rest.]

A fired arrow, Henry leaned right. The arrow clattered off the ground.

Another. Parried by a dagger.

A third and fourth. Henry spun, deflecting both. He continued forward. Low.

Ten feet.

Jerome smiled, thrumming his string.

[How do you win against a genius?]

A light caught his eye. Jerome winced, firing.

The arrow went wide.

Henry closed in and swung. Jerome cursed, pulling his shortsword, barely deflecting in time. He shot a glance at Bellavarn; a laser pointer was aimed in Jerome's direction.

The distraction caused him to lose sight again. He stumbled.

[...You use petty tricks.]

"You're overburdened."

Henry thrust.


A shield blocked the blow. Ash intercepting in the final moment.

Everyone disengaged.

Disappointed grunts and murmurs from the crowd.

"Is that it?"

"That wasn't very exciting."

"Is he really a genius, or just a normal archer?"

"Wasn't that one of the pointers you can get at the penny store?"

The general mood of the nobles plummeted, while Bellavarn's support was filled with restrained hope.

A messy April appeared. Twigs in her hair. Puffing, she poked a nearby noble.

"Did I miss anything?"

The look she got was not a friendly one. Edging around the stuffy nobles, she found a spot among Bellavarn's supporters, just in time to hear Duke Raiden laugh.


Klein laughed good-naturedly.

"That was fast! I thought you would last a bit longer than that, Jerome."

"The outcome was obvious. You knew I couldn't handle three combatants in close quarters."

"Ah! But it didn't even come to that. You got tricked. You're rusty."

"It appears so, Duke."

"No matter. Let us continue. Ash!"

"Understood, Duke."

Jerome walked over and retrieved the bow he dropped, and Ash took a stance in front of Jerome. Now it looked like hewas the one hiding.

The Sallow's side waited in their formation.

The next arrow was the cue to restart. Again Kerv blocked it. Henry dashed right. Weaving around them. Ash went to cut him off, but Kerv and Bellavarn ran in the opposite direction, forcing Ash to choose.

She knew Jerome could likely face Henry if he weren't blinded again. Thus Ash chose to meet Kerv in combat and prevent Bellavarn from continuing his tricks.

Jerome fired several more arrows in a repeat of the last encounter. He thought he had Henry this time when he engaged too close to dodge the next arrow.

Since Henry didn't have Bellavarn to rely on this time, he only had one option.

Pulling out a piece of paper in his jacket, he snapped it in two—an audible clap and flash of light. In most, it only drew attention, but it Jerome, it once again blinded him.

He didn't expect the same trick using a different method.

The last arrow went wide, and Jerome pulled his shortsword again with a curse. Out of tricks, they were evenly matched. Henry was skilled, but Jerome was still a genius when it came to weaponry. He was only outshone by his traveling company.

Kerv met Ash with a bang. He took several blows on his shield and counterattacked with his sword. Deadly focused. They fought together before. Countless spars. Always with the same outcome. Today would be the same.

Bellavarn stepped back and watched the two rivals go at it. They fought loudly and with brutal efficiency. They carried the same weapons. The same tactics. The same will to win. The same drive.

"You haven't changed, Ash."

Kerv received a heavy blow to his shield, then returned it in kind. Ash didn't even grunt.

"Neither have you, Kerv."

She aimed her sword and thrust.

"I wouldn't be so sure."

Kerv dropped his shield. Ash's eyes widened, her sword moving toward his unguarded neck. Even with the magical protection, it wasn't enough to stop the damage that would be wrought. She attempted to pull back but couldn't.



Her sword was thrown back as it met a black iron rod. Kerv took a fencer's stance, his sword in front while he held his other arm aloft, wielding a black baton.

Ash was confused.

"You aren't a fencer, Kerv."

Kerv chuckled. His eyes alight.

"No... This is something different."

Kerv lunged. Ash easily blocked. Thus Kerv had her. Reaching his baton over, he yanked her shield. She didn't have time to reorient a block or parry. Kerv's sword veered past her face. The shield around her flickering.

Ash disengaged and made some distance. Checking herself. She beamed, her face unnaturally wide and brimming with new energy.

"Good! Show me what you have."

Kerv exhaled.

"You are always like this."

The two re-engaged. A new combat style evolving. Bellavarn watched silently. A mirror to Klein Raiden.

Jerome was still entangled with Henry and didn't have time to breathe. When the fight dragged on for another ten seconds, Bellavarn realized it was time.


Kerv redoubled his efforts, and Henry disengaged, running straight for Ash.

"You're insane!"

Jerome cursed and ran for his bow. Henry was halfway there when he heard the twang of a bowstring. Bellavarn ran forward, wielding nothing but his body. Ash saw the approaching Bellavarn and dismissed him; she deflected Kerv's sword strike and pivoted her foot.

An arrow flew through the air, aimed at Henry's back. His gaze trained forward, he threw his parrying dagger. Rolling. The arrow flew over him. Pulling out two circular objects, he powered them with mana, causing them to buzz. Completing his roll, he threw the spinning blades.

Duke Astor rocketed from his seat.

"They do that? Mine don't do that! Why do they do that?"

It was too late for regrets.

Four projectiles aiming for Ash's back. A black baton thrummed to life, emitting a keen blue edge.

"I've been saving this..."

His sword collided with hers, and the now sharpened baton aimed for her side. Bellavarn was too close, almost upon her. The dagger. Arrow. Projectiles. Too much danger. She was overstimulated.

I won't make it.


[How do you beat a talented genius?]



[With numbers.]


It was not to be.


Klein Raiden appeared.

"Hah. Monster..."

Bellavarn stopped in his tracks as everyone else did too. The crowd was on the edge of their seats. Astor was having a fit. Kly had an expression of mild surprise, and Tristan looked annoyed. Anne was swooning over Raiden while Lecil was awestruck at the entire maneuver.

Trisha had tears in her eyes and was becoming emotional. Braster was beaming with pride.

April whooped.

The entire display was phenomenal and breathtaking. Everything flowed together. It would have been a perfect plan if Raiden hadn't stepped in.

"I'll admit. I didn't believe you would be able to corner Ash. It seems I will have to take you seriously now. But I wonder what you will do now that all your tricks have been used up."

Bellavarn repositioned himself.

"Who said I am out of tricks?"

"Even if you have dozens. You still won't beat me. I've fought in real battle countless times. This is your first, isn't it?"

"You know the answer to that."

Klein sheathed his sword.

"I suppose I do. Come, Ash, Jerome. Back to your starting positions. Let's end this."

Everyone returned to their positions. The crowd sat back down and now watched with bated breath. What would happen? Would the Sallows get thrashed now that Klein was joining the battle? Or would Bellavarn surprise again?

[Honestly, I don't think we stand a chance against him.]

[I agree with Henry. I can't imagine myself lasting long against him.]

[Thats alright. Just a few seconds will do.]

[What am I supposed to do, Bell?]

[Keep Ash off me. That's all. We only have about ten seconds total before he wipes the floor with us. So I will ask this one question...]



[How do you beat a monster?]

They all retook positions. Henry in front, after retrieving his dagger and spinners. Kerv took up his shield again. They both were breathing heavily as Bellavarn waited in the back. Again, he was without a weapon.

"Take a moment to breathe. This is it."

"We should be saying that to you, Bell."

"Cram it, both of you. I am hyping myself up."

They turned silent as they watched their foes.

Klein was the picture of a hero. Flowing red hair and burning eyes. A rock-solid posture and wielding an amazing weapon. Ash was likewise impressive. Her face illustrious, being known as the Knight Commander who served beside Kein in war. Her sword and shield glimmered in the sunlight. Jerome was composed and unshaken. He held his bow again. Unafraid of being interrupted again.

Ash spoke, her normal reserved voice replaced with eagerness.

"Duke, I would request you let me face Kerv."

Klein raised a single eyebrow but gave his word.

"If you wish. You two seem to have history."

"Just a bit, Duke."

"I don't assume you wish to take the dagger wielder, Jerome?"

"No, sir. I will leave the fun to you."

"Good. I need at least some entertainment. It wouldn't be fun attacking an unarmed man. Give the signal once you are ready, Jerome."

Klein unsheathed his sword. The atmosphere became dense and suffocating. The trio narrowed their vision, blocking out the spectators. They were on the battlefield now. Nothing could stop them. They were the image of the perfect party. A Hero's Party.

The audience held their breath as Jerome knocked an arrow and fired. It clinked against Kerv's shield.

Klein exploded forward. Henry was thrown through the air as he took the blow. Bellavarn moved to cushion him, managing to stop Henry's momentum and stay upright.

That monster!


Henry deflected an arrow.

"Offense is our only option."


They dashed together to meet Klein. He wasn't smiling...

Ash raced to meet Kerv, who met her in kind. They exchanged blows once again. Faster and faster. Ash's grinning face was a rictus. Obsessed with the battle.

"Come on! I know you can do better, Kerv. Pull out that weapon of yours. Let's fight to the fullest."

Kerv winced as he deflected another sword blow. His shield arm was getting swore from the heavy strikes. He barely had time to chuckle through clenched teeth.

"Sorry, love. But this isn't our show."


Ash's head swiveled. Henry engaged Klein for a few seconds, trading monumental blows. Bellavarn was ignored as he circled. Taking out a black metal rod from his back, he let the blade glow with all his power. It thrummed and purred, emitting a shining electric light. His face ashen as it glowed.

"You keep dismissing me..."

Henry had to deflect both an arrow and Klein, it taxed him too much and his protection winked out. Eliminated. Klein's face was calm as he pivoted unnaturally fast.

"I didn't forget you."

The profound swing of the legendary sword parted the air and impacted.


The moment of backlash lasted a moment before Bellavarn was launched into the air. The crowd watched him fly. Trisha cried out. His clothes ripped and whirled into the sky, cut to ribbons.

"The rest is up to you, Bell."

Ash turned to Kerv, who lit up like a Christmas tree. A dozen magical papers lined the inside of his jacket.

"What are you doing!"

Kerv grinned.




Ash screamed as she became blind and deaf. Kerv was thrown back by the magical backlash. The magic interfered with the charm. He was eliminated.

Bellavarn's only thought as he rocketed through the air was how sore his arm would be in the morning. That strike reallyhurt. Still airborne, he could see Jerome below him, aiming up at him. Bellavarn wanted to snort but couldn't bring any air into his lungs. He twirled his body and threw four spinners. Jerome cursed and dodged. The fourth spinner pricked him, and his shield flashed, still on.

Oh well...

Bellavarn crashed into Jerome. The shield flickered out, and Jerome was eliminated. Bellavarn stumbled up. Kerv and Henry were out. Ash was blinded. Klein was already on him.

"Enough of your tricks."

"Hahaha-HA! You still haven't noticed!"

Klein swung, a mountain crashing down. The baton sprung to life. Bellavarn's existence went into blocking.


The pressure was crushing. Bellavarn's knees crumbled while he held on. The magic of his being flickering and wavering. He could feel his arm cracking and could taste copper in his mouth. Blood trickled down the corner of his lip from exertion, but his shield remained on. His arms both shook as they supported the magical blade. Klein's were still steady as a rock. He wasn't even breathing hard.

"Hah. Haha. ha... Hey, Klein... I have a question for you."

"What is it?"

His voice was unimpeded while Bellavarn struggled for breath.

"Haaa... I'm sorry. I can't hear you. I guess I'll ask anyway."

Klein's eyes narrowed. Bellavarn's clothes... They were intact.

"What are you..."

Klein saw the wadded up cloth in Bellavarn's ears, his eyes widening.

Bellavarn bellowed.

"How do you beat a monster?"

Klein disengaged, looking up.

You were fooled once, so shame on me.

The pressure lightened, and Bellavarn relaxed.

You were fooled twice, so shame on you.

The countless talismans cast flickering shadows on them both. Easily ten times as many as Kerv had used.

The crowd gasped.

Now you were fooled thrice...

Bellavarn snapped his fingers.








[How do you beat a monster?]

[With overwhelming force!]

Austin_Scanloncreators' thoughts