
Reincarnated Renegade

READ THIS ON ROYAL ROAD This is an outdated first draft and Webnovel makes it difficult to update everything. Here is the updated link: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/37863/reincarnated-renegade = The son of a Duke woke up with amnesia. It's the truth. Was it the whole truth? Not necessarily. The whole truth was that the Duke's son's memories were replaced. By Bellavarn. Bellavarn didn't think he deserved a second life if that was what this was. He died young, sure. But he was the one who ended it in the first place. Did he want this life? It wasn't his, wasn't deserved, and unasked for. Take one of the thousands who beg uncaring gods instead, not him. He wanted oblivion. Examining his new surroundings, the plush pillows, expensive draperies, and the nervous maid, he assumed the worst. Who was he in this world? Time to find out.  So... "Close the doors." "Lord?" "Do it." *This Novel contains dark themes not suitable for all readers. *This is an original novel. Any similarities of existing characters, locations, or otherwise is purely coincidental. (Cover art is my original drawing)

Austin_Scanlon · Fantasi
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71 Chs

2.6 Five Seconds

Five seconds.

It took five seconds.

The first second consisted of the moment of realization for all three participants.

The next second, the assassin's face locked into grim determination. Both Bellavarn's and Kerv's muscles sprung into action as they opposed each other. Kerv, attempting to stand in the way of the ensuing blast, was thrown aside by Bellavarn.

In the third, when the colors were already sparking like Chinese firecrackers, Bellavarn thrust his hand forward fast enough to reach them, each finger glowing blue. He shouted a desperate word.

Kerv held a blade to her throat; his hand halted in the fourth second. He watched the explosive talismans crackle and break apart into liquid energy. The raw power slithered into Bellavarn's arm, causing it to tremble from the strain. Holding it still proved impossible.

In the fifth second, the assassin opened her eyes, startled that she was still alive, looking down to see the remnants of the absurd destructive power fall away from her vest and get absorbed into Bellavarn.

A drop of blood dripped from her neck, knicked by Kerv's sword when she tried to move.

"What did you do!?"

Time accelerated as Kerv and the assassin spoke the same words. Bellavarn cradled his shaking arm; looking around, he lunged for his baton. Gripping it like a lifeline, Bellavarn transferred the absurd amount of energy and charged his weapon to full. There was still plenty of leftovers for himself afterward.

"I didn't think that'd work. There was almost too much energy."

The assassin attempted to babble, but the sword pressing against her neck proved an excellent detterent.

"Explain fully, Bell. That should have been impossible."

Bellavarn got up from his knees and stretched to his full height. Dusting himself off, he examined the assassin once again. It was aggravating that her identity eluded him.

"The action I perfromed was theory from one Lesker's Magical Primer's on Stored Power. The second book, third edition, to be exact. Don't look at me like that. Anyway, Lesker prefaced a theory from his advanced book that it might be possible to extract imbued mana from a magical device before its activation sequence finished. I also used an ancient word that was supposed to increase the chances of success, though, I don't know if the word was irrelevant, or if it was the key to my success. Lucky for us, it worked."

"You could have been killed. That was stupid."

"It worked. If it didn't, we'd both be dead.i"

"This...This is impossible. You should be dead. I should be dead."

The assassin struggled, worming against Kerv's restriction. The sound of marching boots accompanied the grunts of rebellion.

"People are approaching. What do you want me to do, Bell?"


"What did you do, cousin? Why would you try to kill yourself?"

A worried young man marched hastily alongside the supply cart carrying a cage of live pigs. Standing in the slop was the failed assassin. Filth splattered her with each jerking motion of the vehicle.

"What did you think I was planning when I asked you to let me into the supplies?"

"Anything except harming yourself. Please, tell me why? I don't understand what brought this on."

The cart hit a pothole, causing mud to slap her face. Her eyes were cast downward, shoulders shaking as the grime glooped off. No response was forthcoming, no matter how much her cousin called. Then they were approached by two familiar birds. A Swallow and a Falcon. The swallow preened.

"I'm glad that I could convince the General to keep you alive. I've assured him we can get past this squabble on our own. Lets make up and be friends, shall we?"

Bellavarn's mood was sky-high. He acknowledged the unknown cousin with a hearty pat on the back. The wiry man appeared abashed while the assassin growled.

"Over my dead body."

"You tried that. I don't think any of us are a fan of that option. I'm Bellavarn Sallow, but I'm guessing you already knew my name. If you told me yours, I'm positive I would remember where I know you from."

"Her name is—"

"Don't you dare tell him. I'll never forgive you."


"I said no."

"It's alright. Bear, was it?"

The thin man jerked at his name being used.

"That's what my cousin calls me. You're Bellavarn Sallow. The Disgraced Duke."

Bellavarn's brows furrowed as he shot a curious look at Kerv.

"That's a new one. Inaccurate since I'm not a Duke and only an heir. And I'll have you know I feel no shame for my actions to date, so I can hardly be considered disgraced."

"You're responsible for the assault on the princess."

Kerv spoke against Bear's accusation.

"Bellavarn saved Princess Lecil's life. I was there. I watched him bring the Princess back from death. The act wasn't much different from how he saved your cousin's life."

Flanked on bothe sides, the diminutive Bear shrank.

"Leave him alone."

Bellavarn looked up again, into her eyes, and it was the seething hatred that he finally recognized. A brief but memorable encounter. He whispered her name.


Her eyes narrowed further, sneering.

"I never told you my name."

"Your name is Kelly. I know your father, Turner. You were the one thing he talked about before I purchased his workshop. We met only for a brief few seconds outside, after the fact."

Kerv furrowed his brows in recognition. He remembered now. The girl in the cage was in uniform, dirty, and scowl-ier, but she was the same one from outside the ceramic workshop. After an entire day of losses and insults, that simple glare of misunderstood hatred sent Bellavarn into a spiraling depression.

At the time, Oslo and the Duchess were forced to break off a discussion with Baroness Wyre because of Bellavarn's mental health. The Lady was less than understanding, furious that her time had been wasted, and she threatened to switch allegiances. It gave Kerv and the others a headache, but it was the right thing to do at the time.

Looking at Bellavarn now, he seemed pensive more than anything. Winning the duel with Raiden seemed to boost his confidence, causing insults slide off him.

"I noticed you took a page from my book. Lining your jacket with an unhealthy amount of the army's explosive talismans instead of flash bangs was a clever way to kill me. Not bad for a first attempt. Not bad for a first attempted foiled, hmm, Kerv?"

Kerv smirked, returning to his usual self.

"As an assassination attempt goes, the outcome can't get much better."

"There also appears to be a fault in the monocle. I'll need to alter it to detect magical energy from talismans."

"I'm relieved that it's safe to mention out loud now. I suck at keeping secrets."

Before catching up with this wagon, they met with Jerome and traded him the monocle. He was greatly intrigued by the concept and even tested it with several scouts. In an active experiment with more variables, more issues cropped up. Still, it worked more than eight times out of ten and had the potential for future application, so he accepted it as payment for the lost supply of explosives.

Jerome and Ash didn't seem to care about the would-be assassin in the first place. It was the missing supplies that put a damper on spirits. Raiden took one look at the woman and turned his head. Everyone thought Bellavarn crazy for setting a rabid dog loose.

"I have some good news, Kelly. You've been granted freedom. Bucket."

Bellavarn smiled. A pause. A frown and second question.




Bellavarn dripped, soggy after a runner dumped fresh water on him. Kerv smacked the back of the kid's head.

"We paid you to splash her."

"Well, I got paid more to splash him."

Bellavarn sagged, and Kelly glowered less.


Kelly's glower intensified, dripping after being splashed. Twice.

"It's for the smell. You understand."

She swung for Bellavarn, but missed as Kerv intervented. Bear cowered behind them.

"Can't we get along? We're all on the same side."

Kelly thew words at Bear while throwing fists at Kerv.

"You're a soldier, Bear; get used to fighting."

Sidestepping Bellavarn's hound proved a futile task.. Her attempts would be laughable if she weren't so serious about it.

"I was assigned to be an assistant supply officer. We don't do any fighting."

"About that."

Bellavarn held up a finger. His words halted when Kelly tried to throw a rock at him. He recoiled, but there was no worry since Kerv used his shield to block it.

Hah! He is getting better.

"Part of the deal for Kelly's release was that the three of us would be reassigned to the supplies division under Jerome. And we are to train under Bear."


Bear was frightened by the finger he pointed at himself.

"Supposedly it's a step down from digging latrines, but I don't see how that is possible. By the gods, Kerv, just let her through. It's obvious that she can't harm anyone like this."

Kerv peered over his shoulder, moving his shield without looking.

"Showoff. I'm serious. Let's give her a shot at what she wants."

"As you say, young master."

Bellavarn rolled his eyes but kept his attention on the irrational Kelly.

"I advise you not to waste this chance if you truly want me dead."

Kelly was too heated. She came at Bellavarn swinging. Bellavarn sighed, grabbed her arm, and flipped her head over heels. She landed with a whoomph, one of her arms twisted in a way so that she'd stay down.

"You're no more a soldier than I am."

She tapped his arm in defeat. Or rather, she clawed at it.

"You're alive because you attacked me and not Kerv. You are free because of my generosity. Your arm isn't broken because I'm not as big a moron as you believe I am.

Bellavarn continued speaking regardless if she was listening or not.

"The ones who hate me the most aren't the ones who scare me. Continue to attack me all you like; I hope it makes you feel better. However, I'm warning you now."

The mood chilled.

"My friends are off-limits. Touch my family, and I will murder you."

Kelly stopped struggling. When she looked into his eyes, she saw the truth. He wouldn't hesitate. As her arm was released, she watched that feeling get reburied. Deep enough for Bellavarn to smile and hold out a helping hand.

"It's nice to have a new friend."

I am up to 2.12


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