We stood in front of classics house.
Fresh: „I think you should hide, I don't know how classic will react if he sees you….merges with me"
Flowey: „hm alright"
Flowey quickly hid in my clothes and retracted his vines into my body. Then we entered the house.
Fresh: „classic? Frisk? Anyone here?"
Classic: „sup, sorry that I left you there"
Fresh: „oh no problem broskie, just wanted to tell you that I'll leave now"
Classic: „oh alright, have a good one"
I also said goodbye to frisk and papyrus, and then we teleported away.
Flowey: „where are we fresh?"
Fresh: „oh, we're in the doodle sphere. Every AU is stored here in the form of these papers."
I explained while looking through a few papers.
Flowey: „wow, and why are we here?"
Fresh: „because we just need to find classics timeline, and add you back into it, like a copy of you."
Flowey: „wow, you can do that?"
Fresh : „nope, but I know one who can!"
We searched a bit and then finally found classics AU.
Fresh: „alright great!"
Ink: „hey fresh! What are you doing here?"
I turned around and hid the paper behind my back.
Fresh: „oh hey ink! Just looking around."
Ink: „alrighty, if there is something, tell me!"
Fresh: „sure thing bro"
After ink went away, we also teleported away into a completely white void.
Flowey: „alright, who was that and where are we now?"
Fresh: „that was ink, protectors of AUs and I don't think he would appreciate it if I would take an AU away, and we are inside the Anti void"
Flowey: „anti-void? Why?"
Fresh: „because a good pal lives here"
I took a deep breath
Fresh: „ERROR!"
Flowey just looked at me confused until a blue string shot at us, I dodged it, and we heard screaming.
Error: „what do you want, your parasite!"
Fresh: „error bro! Hey I need your help"
Error: „why would you think I helped you!"
He shot a blaster at us, which I dodged again.
Fresh: „because we're friends!"
Flowey: „what is going on!"
Error: „what the….where did that weed come from? What did you do?"
Fresh: „that's why I need your help! You surely know how to edit AUs?"
Error: „I'm the destroyer of AUs not editor!"
Fresh: „so you're telling me the oh so great destroyer of AUs can't edit a tiny AU?"
Error: „grhh…what do you want!"
Fresh: „Great, I just need you to edit flowey here back into his AU, or to be precise to make a copy of him"
Error: „and why?"
Fresh: „because it would mess with his AU if he would be gone, and since I'm taking him with me…."
Error smiled a bit and relaxed.
Error: „you know ink would be furious?"
Fresh: „what ink doesn't know can't make him furious"
Error: „….alright, but just because ink would hate it"
He grabbed the AU and looked at it
Error: „classics AU? You're sure?"
Fresh: „do I need to repeat myself?"
I asked, sliding my glasses down a bit, and my tentacles and flowers vines came out my eye sockets.
Error: „alright alright! Jeez"
He started to edit the AU and gave it back once he was done.
Fresh: „great, thank's error!"
Error: „yea yea, now go away you creep"
Fresh: „sure"
We teleported back I to the doodle Spence to return the AU but just as we put it back and turned around, dream was there.
Dream: „what are you doing?"
Fresh: „oh hey…dream…bro"
Dream: „what did you do? And who is that flower with you?"
Flowey and I both noticed that he was preparing his magic.
Fresh: „you see…."
Dream: „I knew I shouldn't trust you, ink is just too friendly. I was already confused why I didn't feel any emotions from you…and now the flower, he also doesn't have any…."
Dream pulled out a bow out of nowhere
Dream: „I should deal with you now"
Flowey: „Uhm…can't this guy error help us?"
Fresh: „flowey you idiot bro!"
Dream: „a ha, so you know error, I knew you are with the bad Sanses!"
He pulled out an arrow which was probably made out of positivity and shot it at us. We dodged.
Fresh: „if we fight here, we could damage AUs!"
Dream: „….then come!"
He teleported behind us and pulled us into an AU. I looked around. Stars and a huge sky…..
Dream: „welcome to outertale, here we have enough space"
He said, and shot an arrow at us again.
Fresh: „bro you need to calm down, we don't really want to fight"
Dream: „yea, but if I let you go, you probably will mess with other AUs too"
Although he sounded angry, pure happiness was radiating from him.
Flowey: „guess we need to fight…"
Fresh: „seems so…"
We both got ready, let's see how this goes.