
Reincarnated into the Narutoverse as Menma

huh. Where am I, this isn't home... wait who's that in the reflection. he looks familiar, Naruto!!! I'm Naruto but why do I look more differently than the original mc... heh for a sec I look a lot like Menma. Hah **** I am Menma but why, out of all characters him.

osazefigaro14 · Komik
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10 Chs

Chapter 4: Hey Menma...."Do you like what you see?"

Obviously, Naruto was protected because of plot armor leaving me to fend for myself... which I didn't know how to do, so I adapted.... and adapted and adapted till it became a norm for me to do so. It wasn't till my birth did things change I witnessed Kurama sealing process with my own eyes but during Minato and Kushina display of paternal love while being impaled by the nine tails Kurama sent the last remains of his chakra into me.

That was the beginning, the beginning of an anomaly set loose... that's a story for another time. Pseudo-Jinchuriki or a chakra host that's what most would describe what I've become but I differ to their opinion for I've successfully gained a tailed beast and not just any tailed beast but the Black Nine-Tails. I've managed to do the unbelievable by bringing this beast into reality, unlike my brother I accepted the dark side of the tailed beast and became one with it.

That opened doors to many~ huh, that's. In the distance, Ino Yamanaka, a stunning woman with golden hair. Her laughter fills the air as she gathers an assortment of colorful blossoms in her arms. I couldn't help but feel drawn to her as she moves with graceful elegance. I stand, admiring her from afar feeling a deep appreciation for her sensuality. Suddenly, she turns towards me, catching me off guard with a knowing grin. hey Menma..."Do you like what you see?" she asks, taking a step closer to me.

Yes, and more I answered.

Ino giggles, her eyes scanning my body. "Why don't you come closer and show me just how much you like it?" she suggests, beckoning me with a crooked finger. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I make my way towards her.

Ino continues to approach me, her eyes full of desire. Without warning, she takes my hand and leads me towards a hidden meadow. The grass below our feet is soft and fragrant, and the sun is warm on our skin. She pulls me close... her lips brushed against mines, softly, delicately, like butterfly wings, just long enough that I could inhale her breath, feel the warmth of her skin, and the taste of her lips.... lingered.

"Mwah"~ *sweet* was all I could think of...

As she kisses me deeply, her tongue exploring my mouth with skillful passion. I responded eagerly, our lips sung loves ballad, our bodies pressing together in a frenzy of desire.

After what felt like an eternity... we left each other's embrace our cheeks flush. Like animals in heat, we longed for another battle of tongues... as we both gasp for air, she leaned her body ever so softly grazes mines as she makes way her breathe near my ear and she whispers...

~I want you~

 I grabbed her flipping her over onto the meadow and with my hand I ever so lightly brushed it against her face... then slowly, I inserted my thumb into her mouth while giving soft, slow kisses from her shoulder to the nape of her neck leaving love bites as proof she belongs to me. 

Softly I fondled her breast making my way into her purple blouse. A sudden warmth embraced my face as she guides it to hers giving me a look of basorexia, entailed for me only, another session of kisses began. Where I took it a step further as I lifted her up from the ground causing her to wrap her arms around my neck while locking her legs around my waist leading me to crab hold of her ass walk towards a thick shady tree.

Somewhere nearby.


"snap" ~INO! ~"rustle"

Sudden sound of crunching leaves and branches was heard along with a voice.

"Crunch" ~INO! ~ "woosh"

Not so loud Choji, you're hurting my ears... and how many bags of chips are you hiding that's like your seventh one already. Man, what a drag... (Shikamaru)

~sighs lazily~

why'd we agree to accompany Ino to pick flowers and during the process she ditches us. There's so much I could of accomplish today. (Shikamaru)


*Like sleeping, watching a next episode on watching the clouds or even playing a game of shogi and go. * (Shikamaru) 

How troublesome... (Shikamaru)

Hey, Shi'ru... "crunch" s'p com'an- (Choji)

how many times I got to remind you not to talk with your mouth full. (Shikamaru)


Sorry about that, I was saying stop complaining besides Ino wouldn't do that she's probably busy looking for some herbs for her mom. (Choji)

Your probably right about that. (Shikamaru)

By the way, I hear it's about time he returns. (Choji)

Hmm... Who are you talking about? (Shikamaru)

The No.1Hyperactive, knuckleheaded Ninja. Naruto Uzumaki! (Choji)

It's been a while since I've last heard that slogan, hm... I guess it is about time he returns, I wonder what's he's been up to these past years. (Shikamaru)

~rustle~ and ~snaps~

Hey guys looking for me? (Ino)

Turns around... hey Ino, where've you been? (Choji)

I got lost in thought looking for the herbs my mom wanted, but I didn't see any, so I came back.

Then why is your face so flustered? (Shikamaru)

* It's because you guys interrupted me at most unbelievable time* the terrain round here is a bit too much so I'm a little tired, how about we go back to the village?

(Shikamaru)~ looks around... * the area isn't that taxing besides her outfit... and that mark on her neck* hey-

 hell yeah! Let's go... (Choji)

Hmm... yeah let's go * it's not my business anyway besides time to catch up on some Zzzz. (Shikamaru)

Ok, then let's go. (Ino)

A few minutes before...


~Ino~ where are you?!

~moaning~ mwah~ what are you going to do now?

Ino /gasps/ for air as I release her from my clutches... I forgot about them. 

~INO! ~ 

They're getting closer. (Menma) 

I know... I know, I don't wanna stop but I have to, but I just got you back after you left the village 4 years ago. Sighs~ well I guess I could go since your back for a while and I'll see you more often once I'm not busy so its ok, right?

I looked into her eyes as she began to tear up while awaiting my response, *well isn't that cute* yes, I'm back for a while *after all the mc of this world is coming a day from now I got to prepare* and you'll be seeing much of me from now on.

she kissed me abruptly then ran off with her face flustered. 

back to the present...


on a branch looking at the trio gossip as they head back, I pondered... wondering if I'm ready for this arc as my gaze shifts and settles onto Konoha ~swoosh~ i vanished from my spot and took one step towards my goals...

Let the story begin.