
Reincarnated into the Naruto Universe as Akame Uchiha

A soul that loved anime dies. She had a tragic life. She was abused by her parents for as long as she can remember and at the age of 18, she enlisted in the military to escape the torture. And she was forced to kill herself as she had valuable intel that the French Soldiers wanted. She spent billions of years in the void as a punishment for taking her own life. Her willpower was the only thing that let her keep her memories and prevent herself from going insane. And along came a goddess of Chaos that gave her a second chance. If the artist wants me to take down the cover please email me at lumine.stan@yahoo.com and I will take it down. As usual, All song's characters, naruto, and stories are not mine except the OCs

Crimson1997 · Komik
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47 Chs

Autopsy, Intel, Farce, Judgement and Tobirama laughs

"How did he die!? Tell me! He was a Kage-level Ninja how can this happen so easily!" The second Kazekage grabs the medical ninja by their jonin vestment.

"Kazekage-Sama please calm down! I will tell you if you would just calm down!" The Medical Ninja sighs after the Kazekage calms down.

"Our autopsy shows that they were all killed by having their carotid artery cut open but what is stranger is that they all died nearly instantaneously... The cause was some poison we have never seen before. But in reality, there is no poison in the body's system it's as if it worked like a curse! There are strange black symbols attached to the heart...

The symbols left faded scars on the neck and they seemed to travel straight to the heart. Well, it would seem the person just dies like their heart just died instantly which just isn't something that can be studied by medical means alone." The Medical Jonin ninja breathes in as speaking so much without breathing was hard.

"Kazekage-Sama! I just got a report from our spies in Konoha! An Anbu that goes by the name of Murasame killed Ezuoh and his entire family! Her sword was a very long Katana and we believe that sword is what caused those strange symbols! The spy was killed by Murasame but not before he sent the information!" The Anbu Commander arrives and tells the Kazekage of their new-found information. The Anbu Commander gives the report to the Kazekage.

the intel read as.

Code Name: Murasame translated as Village Rain

Real Name: Akame Uchiha

Known in Konoha for her Kage-level swordsmanship and genjutsu

Clan: Uchiha

Age: 8

Personality: Unknown

Relevant information: She is an Uchiha that was ostracized for being related to an unknown criminal and had to fend for herself since four years old. Worked as a maid for Hiruzen Sarutobi during her recovery from malnutrition. Joined the Anbu Black Ops at 8 years old and is the youngest ninja to ever join the Anbu.


'This is bad... Such a young girl and already so powerful... She has flipped the entire shogi board... I thought I knew all the Kage-level shinobi in Konoha but this little girl is an unknown variable that has appeared... Ugh, I need to restrategize as she is already considered a deterrent force for other villages.' The Kazekage looked up at the ceiling and starts to curse whatever god that put this little monster on this world.

"I understand... This changes everything and not in a good way..." The Kazekage walks out of the hospital with a heavy heart.


"So you noticed the spy and killed him but he managed to send the intel before that?" Tobirama facepalms.

"It is my mistake and I take full responsibility! I will endeavor to make sure this never happens again! I am willing to accept any punishment you see fit even if you must torture me." Akame grits her teeth behind her mask. This was the first time she failed and she didn't like it not one bit. She also knows that during the current timeline these people probably use barbaric methods as punishment.

"Wolf1 I'm not a barbarian nor will I conduct inhumane punishment on someone from my village. However, I will punish you by taking half of your salary for this mission." Tobirama decides to be merciful to Akame since he knows what she has gone through and thinks he knows her rather well.

"Tobirama aren't you being too soft on this person who failed so spectacularly!?" A councilman from the civilian council says this since normally if an Anbu messes up this badly they wouldn't get off this lightly.

"I understand your frustration Council man I really do... Cat hand over Murasame's file to the councilmen so they can understand why I was soft this time around?" Cat already prepared beforehand by Hokage's orders quickly puts a folder in front of each councilman and each clan head so that they know of Murasame.

After they read the file they sent gazes of pity toward Murasame.

"How dare you slander us Uchiha! Are you telling the whole village that we don't take care of our own!? Why do you slight us like so!?" The Uchiha Patriarch yells in anger will his three tomoe showing.

Akame vanishes and places a Kunai on his throat.

"You are speaking to lord Hokage. If you can't use proper etiquette then I suggest you go back to the academy to relearn it. If you disrespect him again I will kill you." Akame puts the Patriarch into her Genjutsu Murder of Crows and then flashes back to the position she was kneeling in before.

After the Patriarch recovers he yells at Akame. "You traitor how dare you put me inside such a sinister Genjutsu! I will have you executed in front of the clan!" Akame narrows her eyes at the old man since he was the one that ordered her parents to be executed.

"So I am to suffer the same treatment as my parents? Yes, I am aware... I remember quite vividly seeing their heads on the chopping block. But the past is the past. You have no power over me 'Uchiha' Patriarch. I am a part of the Anbu only the Hokage can judge me now not you." Akame's eyes flash red behind her wolf mask.

Tobirama smirks for a split second as he indeed wanted to slight the Uchiha here and empty their dirty laundry in front of everyone. He is even more pleased that Akame has shown such loyalty to him. He can tell she was genuinely angry as her body language told him so. She may be expressionless and is currently masked but the slight tremble of anger wasn't missed by him.

"All hands to go with my form of punishment!?" Tobirama raises his hand and everyone follows suit but the Uchiha Patriarch abstains with gritted teeth. No matter how much the Patriarch wanted to vote no he knows that he would just be making a fool out of himself and his clan.

"Good then Murasame your salary for the mission is cut in half do you accept this judgment?" Tobirama speaks.

"I accept this punishment. I will make sure this doesn't happen again." Murasame walks out of the room but not before the Patriarch says something.

"This isn't over Akame!" The Patriarch glares at Akame.

"There is nothing you can do that I haven't already suffered. I am too powerful for your incestuous clan to handle... Goodbye Patriarch." Akame gently closes the door and sighs in relief as if a huge weight was lifted from her shoulders and she feels freer than ever before.

Tobirama's loud laughter echoes through the halls as if he heard the best joke ever. Akame smiles a little that her insult made him happy as this might make things easier on her from now on.