
Reincarnated into SAO [DROPPED]

Guy dies and gets reincarnated into the world of SAO. He’s died once already so he decides to brave the death game and befriend the characters that he used to watch. Scimitar user, prioritizes speed and agility over strength. Travels with Kirito. Also I know there is a series called Progressive that has Asuna with Kirito, but I never thought that was supposed to happen. So no Asuna traveling with us, but we will see her pretty much every chapter because of boss fights. Not sure if I plan on making up my own floor bosses, or just do like every 10th one or something. I guess it would be nice to have 70 some chapters guaranteed, but I don’t know enough about the game itself to really do that I don’t think. I guess we’ll see.

ThatDogHachiko · Komik
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8 Chs

A date? And reminiscing.

February 23rd Floor 55

"Hey Kirito, just a heads up but me and Asuna are going to be spending time together today and tomorrow. Try not to get killed please." I said to Kirito as we were exiting the dungeon for the 55th floor boss. Only about half the dungeon had been mapped out, so me and Asuna wanted to get a date night and full day before we had to fight and spend another while level grinding. She did have responsibilities as Vice Commander of Knights of the Blood Oath after all.

"Yaya, you told me already. What floor are you 2 going too anyways?" Kirito

"Trying to learn my secrets in hopes of copying them in the future?" I smirk at him

"Ha ha, very funny. For real though, just so I know." Kirito

"Very well I'm willing to part with my secrets, though it's not as ingenious as I imagine you expect of me. We are going to floor 47 of course, and while Asuna's cooking skill is higher than my own, I'm no slouch myself. Especially after getting all those good ingredients from the 55th floor." Me

"Isn't that the flower garden floor?" Kirito

"Yup! Now I must be off, I promised to meet her there at 3pm and it's almost 2:45. See ya, and remember don't go dying on me." With that I teleported to Floor 47.

Floor 47: Floria February 23rd 2024 2:55pm

I looked up from my spot on a bench gazing at the flowers across the meadow, when I saw familiar brown hair walking into the courtyard. She seems slightly annoyed, obviously I need to scare her.

Getting up from my seat I weave my way through the couples and notice that she also sat on a bench with a site line to the teleport square. Slowing my pace even more creeped up behind the bench where I tapped her right shoulder as i leaped over on to the bench from her left side. When she turned back from looking where they tap came from I surprised her.

"Boo!" I said loudly, but not quite a yell. I can't say the same for Asuna though.

"Ahhh!" And with that she flipped out of the seat and landed on the ground.

"Who would dare!" She grumbled angrily.

I peeked over the railing at her on the ground.

"Oh whatever shall we do, the mighty Vice Commander of the Blood Oath was caught unaware. Truly a disgraceful sight, I guess they will have to let you go, and you'll be forced to slum it with us guildless people." I said just oozing with sarcasm.

"Oh very funny, now are you going to help me up or just keep joking." Asuna

"Why of course, though you looked rather ravaging laying down there." That elicited a bright red flame to cover her whole face.

"Just help me up." She said quickly

I stand up just to crouch back down and pick her up princess style. This caused the redness to now reach her ears.

"Put me down! What do you think you're doing?" She said in a panic

"Do you want to be off the ground or not." I say teasingly.

"Ohhhh you knew what I meant. This is so embarrassing." She continued to wiggle in my arms.

"My my, most girls dream of the day to be carried off like this. I must ask you to refrain from further wiggling as I take us to the spot I wanted to show you." Me

"Wait what? No put me down right now Hachi, I can walk just fine." Asuna renews her wiggling.

"Now Asuna, even powerful sword mistresses need to be cared for from time to time. So enjoy the moment, we only have tonight and tomorrow before it's back to grinding and the frontlines." Me

"Ugh you're impossible!" She huffs before finally staying still.

"Indeed." Me

20 minutes later I could still see she had a hint of pink dusting her cheeks, but she seemed a lot calmer now. The gentle rise of her chest and the sound of her soft breathing, sent a tingle through my body. And she calls me the impossible one, when she doesn't even realize the effect she has.

We reached the edge of a meadow that was surrounded by Magnolia trees, that looked just like the ones that grew near my house in my previous life. Their flowers were in a permanent bloom on this floor, the pure white leaves with a yellow core where bees are able to pollinate from. They didn't cover the whole meadow though, there was any opening that gave a clear view of the setting sun.

This was a safe area called "Magnolia Meadow" that was outlined by the Magnolias.

"We're here." I finally spoke after the 20 minute walk. It was still technically winter, so the sun was already starting to dip down in the sky.

"It's beautiful. I've never seen this tree before." Asuna says while looking around at the trees and falling sun.

"They are called Magnolia trees, the ones native to the Southern United States." Me

"Wow, they are as beautiful as the cherry blossoms." Asuna

While she was taking in the trees and the surrounding area, I had been setting up our picnic equipment I had brought. Small medieval lanterns held the four corners, and a slightly bigger one sat in the center. I pulled a tray of various fruits out and set it down, before then pulling out a pot of steamy chicken and dumplings. The chicken was something I got a chicken type monster on an earlier floor at had an "A" rating.

Lastly I pulled out an item that could record and then playback music. This immediately caught Asuna's attention.

"Is that?" She asked

"It is, it's the music that was playing our first date on this same day."


Floor 14 February 23rd 2023 5pm

We had just defeated the 14th floor boss a couple hours ago, and I finally decided I'd officially ask Asuna out. People knew we were close because me, her and Kirito always battled in raids together. Everyone could see the symmetry we shared in friendship and in sword style.

As cliche as it is, or maybe it's not, I fell in love with her sword style first before I realized that I actually just had feelings for the wielder of the sword. Somewhere along the line I stopped watching her footwork and her near impossible to see strikes, to watching her whole body and seeing the whole dance she was creating.

She was dancing, just like me. While everyone hacks and slashes away, me and her were dancing to an unheard rhythm each battle. I started noticing how her body would move rather than how her sword moves, how her hair fluttered behind her as she moved. The pure focus and concentration in her eyes, while a calm and serene smile played across her lips.

It was like fate was calling to me, I originally hadn't planned to pursue Asuna, in hopes of keeping with the timeline. But how could I ignore this graceful beauty dancing around the battle field. As soon as the battle ended I approached her and congratulated her as was customary between the 3 of us.

When Kirito walked off to go up to the next floor, I stayed slightly behind to walk with Asuna, something that had also become sort of a tradition since the First floor.

"Another floor, and I can't believe I got the last attack this time. What do you think Hachi should I wear this earring that I got? It's supposed to boost my agility, but the ones I have now boost my speed." As she said this I could only think about how the earrings looked amazing on her, not the benefits they possessed.

"I think both, compliment you perfectly. You look stunning." She blushed at that and I knew I was being a little over the top, but i truly felt what I said.

I stop and fully turn toward her, this causes her to stop as well and turn to me.

"Hachi?" She asks

"Asuna, I believe I should have done this a while back, but I need to ask you something." I ran my hand through my hair in a show of nervousness I haven't felt since coming to this world. While I was never much of a normal person in my other world, if the free running didn't make it obvious. I had died at the same age I am now, 15. My birthday "coincidentally" was the day before SAO's full release. Meaning I'll turn 16 on November 5th.

"Uh what is it Hachi?" She responds while tucking a lock of hair behind her left ear.

"Will you be my girlfriend, now and when we escape this game and get back to the real world as well." I put on a smile and waited for her response. I think she slightly short circuited as her face blazed red before she clapped her hand on her cheeks and then looked up at me.

"Yes! I mean I-i would be happy to. I just didn't think you liked me like that Hachi." She blurted out then trailed off my looming down and running her hands together.

"What is there not to like. You're beautiful, your smart, you're funny when you want to be. You dance with a sword more beautifully than anyone I've ever seen, and you're strong." Me

"No girl wants to be known for being strong, or that one of her redeeming qualities is killing things." She mumbles.

"You misunderstand my meaning of strong, you are tough, you're a fighter. You had never even played a game like this before SAO, and not only have you overcome your fear to leave town. You have grown to being one of the best there is. And you're wrong about the sword, and I think you know it. When we first met maybe that or what other people do could be considered a sought after quality. But the way you move is not the same as killing things, you dance, and dance with elegance and grace. If anything it accentuates your beauty to me." Me

Her face slowly became redder and redder, and she looked around to make sure nobody could hear me say this. I have to say I'm quite glad as well, I would still say it if they could hear but that doesn't mean it wouldn't be embarrassing.

"W-wow Hachi, I don't know what to say. I'm flattered beyond words, and I must say I look forward to being your girlfriend." She squeaks out at first before gaining confidence as she went.

"Then lets go on our first date right now." I said with a radiant smile.

"Sure. I mean wait what? Right now, right now?" Asuna panics.

"Indeed, as soon as we ascend this staircase our date starts." Me

"B-b-but I'm not ready. I mean I have to get ready. Find what I'm going to wear, you can't just spring this on someone. Dates are su-." She started rambling before I put a finger to her lips.

"Asuna, I think you look ravishing as you are." I say with a wide grin spreading across my face, as hers regains the bright red that reaches all the way to her ears.

"O-o-o-okay I-I m-mean I don't kn-know about ravinshing." She stutters out while staring at her hands.

I grab her hands and bring them up to my lips, and lightly brush my lips over top of them.

"Asuna calm down. Come on let's go." I say as I lower her hands and collect her right hand into my left hand, holding it firm but softly.

"Uh-h okay." She squeaks again.

We make it to the surface and on to the 15th floor where we are greeted by a city that could only be considered a musicians paradise. The streets were lined with musicians playing their hearts out in various instruments.

Me and Asuna were both drawn to a harp that an older woman was playing a fast but calm melody. The beating of a fast heart while the person is calm on the outside. The beating of charging horse hooves as the defending army stand their ground and faces their approaching enemy. Or for us, like a calm and serene dancer floating around a chaotic battlefield. The sound just spoke to us.

"This, it sounds like.." she trails off

"Yes, I agree. It's the unheard rhythm in which we dance to during our fights." I whisper

"Ya." She breathes out

I turn toward and hold up her hand that has been kept in my grip since we left the 14th floor.

"May I have this dance?" I wink at her as I say it.

"But I don't know how to dance." She tries to back out of it.

"Oh but your swordplay says something different. Here I'll lead." I lift her right hand with my left up and kept it aloft, while I used my other hand to place her left on my right shoulder. I then placed my right hand circled around to her mid back, and began to guide the dance.

I don't know if she's just a natural, actually had dance lessons before, or if the games skills had an effect, but she learned quickly and before too long we were in perfect symmetry. Dancing to the sound we had always felt, but never heard.

We stared into each other's eyes as dances here and there, I pulled her through spins as she got comfortable for the faster paced sections. I hugged her close on the slower melodies, feeling her body pressed up against mine, and we both got lost in the moment.Before we knew it, it was night time and the lady was beginning to pack up her harp.

"Sorry, Asuna I meant to take you somewhere to eat, but I completely got carried away." I apologized.

"No no, I did too. Besides it was amazing." She said as she stared up at me. Smiles splayed across both our faces and the moon hung high in the sky.

*Flashback End*

Floor 47 Floria February 23 2023

I raised the volume on the music playing item, and then stood up and approached Asuna. I held out my hand and she held it in return. We got into our dancing position, but this time I made sure the song was only playing the slow section. She leaned her head on my shoulder and I softly rested my chin on her head. And we danced.

"Hachi?" Asuna

"Asuna?" Me

"Thank you for this. For everything. I don't know what I would be doing if I hadn't met you that day on the first floor." Asuna

"Hmmm, you'd be hopelessly lost and hacking slashing just like the rest of them." I chuckle as she hits my chest.

"Shut up I'm being serious." Asuna laughed out

"I am too." I chuckled as I placed a kiss on the top of her head. I chuckled again because I could practically feel the heat emanating off her face.

"You're so mean." She mumbled as she wrapped her arms tighter, threatening to choke me.

"I know." I whisper

Some hours later we finally ate the meal I prepared, as we watched the sun slowly disappear over the horizon. I was sat next to Asuna propping my body up with my arms behind me, and Asuna was leaned against my right shoulder. I looked down at her, taking in her face as the suns rays made it glow.

I sat up a little straighter and turned my body to her a little more. She shifted as well before looking up at me in confusion.

"Asuna." Me

"Hachi?" Asuna

"I'm going to kiss you." I have her little time to prepare as I began to lean in and my left hand cupped her right cheek.

"U-uh-.." she was cut off from responding as my lips met hers and she froze at first, opening and closing her lips as if still trying to say something. But whatever she was going to say was lost as she melted into the kiss, and began to kiss back.

It was a truly disastrous affair seeing as how neither of us had kissed someone in such an intimate fashion before. We would title our head the same way or do something opposite of the other, but eventually we found our rhythm. That same rhythm we already know, that's ingrained in us.

After what felt like 10s of minutes, but really was only maybe 30 seconds we pulled back. Like I said it was terribly executed, both of us not really knowing what we were doing. But it still felt great.

Asuna pulled her hand up and touched her lips, and the sight of it made me want to kiss her again, but I held back. She still had a dusting of pink across her cheeks and I imagine I probably had something similar on mine.

"That was amazing, my first kiss." She whispered it almost to herself, so I wasn't sure if it was something I was supposed to actually respond to. She finally gazed back up at, or more specifically my lips and blush grew a little. She bashfully looked to the side and mumbled something. She repeated just a little louder but it came out in little squeaks, I had an inkling of what she wanted to say. However 2 sides of me wanted to hear her say it, my teasing side and my romantic side.

"Again." She finally managed to whisper out.

"What was that?" I asked though I'm sure she knew I heard her, if her slight pour was any indicator.

"I want to do it again." Asuna

"Do what again? You need to be more specific." I grinned knowingly. This time she turned her face and looked into my eyes as she said it this time, almost commanding this time.

"Kiss me again." She started strong but tapered off at the end.

"As you wish, Asuna." Me

With that phrase we continued you on long after the sun dropped. Purely for the sake of practice I assure you. When we finally began to grow tired I pulled out the blankets and pillows for us to be able to sleep underneath the stars. We had no worries of people coming across us as the front line was floor 55 and this was far out of the way with no known quests nearby. I doubt it, but I think we are the only ones to have been here. Our own little spot. We drifted off to sleep, with the stars and our song playing.


Chapter end

Phew! Gotta admit I'm a bit nervous about posting this one as this is my first attempt at writing any form of romance. I somehow ended up going super overboard with it, and I had originally planned for it to maybe take only HALF of a 2000 word chapter. And I somehow managed to turn it into 3000 chapter by itself.

I hope the romance was believable enough. They would see each other almost everyday and fought side by side at every boss fight. While they've been dating they can't always see each other, as Asuna has guild responsibilities and such.

I also realize a lot of this is probably going to be cringey, and I'll be honest I wouldn't know where to begin making it better because I don't know much about it myself. Plus as much as people usually write MC's similar to themselves, Hachiko is pretty much my complete opposite lol. So I can't necessarily put myself in his shoes, and I didn't want to make him seem too cold but also not seem beta. I've seen plenty of people rage about that before lol.

Either way I hope it wasn't too cringey beyond reading, and if it was, nothing really important happened so people can skip it in the future if they want.

Either way I actually chose this floor 1. because it is a beautiful floor for couple, but also because Kirito and Silica will be arriving tomorrow. And how could MC miss an opportunity to tease Kirito about traveling with a girl. Also I made up floor 15, it's not real.

Also levels are a weird thing in this game but if I had to guess Hachi is around 80 and Kirito is one behind whatever Hachi's is. While Asuna and the next couple are about 6-7 levels behind Kirito. Kirito is actually only level 78 in the show at this time, but this is Hachi's influence showing through. Only 2 levels doesn't sound like much, but they are at floor 55 and he is already 78, 20 floors later he's somehow 96. So like I said leveling is weird in this show, but if you want to give yourself a number just think 2-3 levels higher than canon and then 3-4 for Hachi.

Alright that's all I got .

On to the next chapter-Mr. Eight